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About ricktendo

  • Birthday 01/11/1979

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    Windows 7 x64

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  1. Is it possible to mod WPIW to look better on high DPI resolutions?
  2. Yes, it is now (but not when I posted)
  3. What happened to the website, both ntlite and nlite websites are offline
  4. Thanks condor, waiting for release as well
  5. Now that 7zip is final, any chance we will see a update to these? Thanks!
  6. Desktop (like the command line) is not going anywhere!!!
  7. You may have to specify a icon_file and/or icon_index
  8. Now that we know the next version of Windows will be v10, you should reconsider my name for the new nLite to be nLiteSEX S (Seven) E (Eight) X (Ten)
  9. Even as it cuts 14% of its workforce, Microsoft threatens to leave for Canada if its 1,000 H-1B visas requests aren't granted. Source reddit http://www.computerworld.com/article/2687534/microsoft-frustrated-as-ever-with-h-1b-policy-considers-options.html
  10. Inject your serial with dism into each edition dism /Image:<path_to_mounted_image> /Set-ProductKey:12345-12345-12345-12345-12345Then use sources\ei.cfg to skip serial entering dialog [Channel]Retail[VL]0
  11. I think those who have 8 it will be free, the rest it will cost only $20
  12. It would help if you were not so vague... What program exactly, what file extension? How am I supposed to know what you meant by UI options?
  13. Try: Control Panel -> Default Programs If the program is not listed in "Set your default programs" try looking for the extension in "Associate a file type or protocall with a program"
  14. Lets also move away from the "Lite" necessity in the filename, maybe will lead to a better name... Get the ball rolling with nTool
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