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Everything posted by ToBe
Swedish: http://download.windowsupdate.com/msdownlo...e34db3995ae.exe
Added Dutch to the list: http://download.windowsupdate.com/msdownlo...14341d34058.exe
Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=1368 If posting links to the ServicePacks are a violation of the rules again, please moderate my post above at will...
http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdo...2daf593302c.exe *EDIT* Here's more: Chinese (Hong Kong) Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Czech Dutch English French German Hebrew Italian Japanese Korean Polish Russian Spanish Swedish Turkish
you didn´t rename it to winnt.sif.txt by any chance? Just a thought... been there myself
If you use the /makelocalsource switch, add :all at the end: winnt32.exe /makelocalsource:all otherwise the cmpnents folder fails to be copied. These pages might lead you on the right track: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechn...y/tpcdploy.mspx http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechn...y/sitpcdep.mspx I have not tried this myself though, so I have no further tips, sorry. //EDIT: It looks like you have to use the /makelocalsource:all switch
If you rename the files setupx.exe and setupx.cfg, you will have an error with unnero.exe not found. I thibk they must be called setupx. The installation uses setupx.exe and renames/copy it to unnero.exe. I tried renaming the files, and got the error. Using the original filename, setupx.exe worked though.
HOTFIXES: Windows XP SP2 & Windows 2000 SP4
ToBe replied to Incroyable HULK's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
...KB893086 is the one replacing KB890047 -
Use this to install optional windows components: File.Run(_SystemFolder .. "\\sysocmgr.exe", "/x /y /i:sysoc.inf", "", SW_SHOWNORMAL, false); And this for system compatibility: File.Run(\\yourpathtowinxp\\i386\\winnt32.exe", "/checkupgradeonly"", "", SW_SHOWNORMAL, false); Setup.exe's url to compatibility website: http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=whistler&sbp=pro&pver=5.1&ar=compat I have done exactly the same thing, but in another language
How to install WMP10 and .net 1.1 in SVCPACK.inf?
ToBe replied to gzm55's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
This line works for installing WMP10 from svcpack.inf: "MP10Setup.exe /c:""setup_wm.exe /Q /R:N /DisallowSystemRestore"" /q:A" Use the whole line, including all quotes. you can also install netfx from svcpack.inf, but you need to unpack it following these instructions: http://greenmachine.msfnhosting.com/IEXPRESS/iexpress.htm It will give you a silent .net package that installs from svcpack.inf without any switches. At least thats what i did, and it works great. There's probably a million other ways to go about it too.. -
http://flyakite.msfnhosting.com/server2003.htm No boots-disks, but a better way to get the bootfiles. IMPORTANT: Replace setupldr.bin in the boot folder(s) with the one from your rtm aio-dvd, otherwise you will get a 'ntldr is corrupt' error message.
Are you trying to install WinXP on a virtual machine expected to run Win2000? That can produce that error. What I had to do was to delete that VM and create a new one, changing the guest operating system to WinXP (Win2000 is the default).
Change default WinXP sp2 theme possible?
ToBe replied to Cozmo1's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
TweakUI in the control panel: ;Show TweakUI at Control Panel [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{D14ED2E1-C75B-443c-BD7C-FC03B2F08C17}] @="TweakUI" "InfoTip"="Start TweakUI for advanced settings in Windows" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{D14ED2E1-C75B-443c-BD7C-FC03B2F08C17}\DefaultIcon] @="%SystemRoot%\\\\System32\\\\tweakui.exe,0" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{D14ED2E1-C75B-443c-BD7C-FC03B2F08C17}\Shell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{D14ED2E1-C75B-443c-BD7C-FC03B2F08C17}\Shell\Open] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{D14ED2E1-C75B-443c-BD7C-FC03B2F08C17}\Shell\Open\command] @="tweakui.exe" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{D14ED2E1-C75B-443c-BD7C-FC03B2F08C17}\ShellFolder] "Attributes"=dword:00000030 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ControlPanel\NameSpace\{D14ED2E1-C75B-443c-BD7C-FC03B2F08C17}] @="TweakUI in the ControlPanel" -
Method U use for Application Install?
ToBe replied to iwod's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Dito.... Although I use the inf to install the apps through RunOnceEX. -
Windows Media Center Unattended Installation Guide
ToBe replied to Buildgeek's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Are you sure you're using a media center cd-key for the install? Also, copying the cd2 cmpnents folder to the root of your install image installs the media center add-on right away, without asking for cd2. I've also put a cd2 marker file, WIN51IP2 in the root of the cd, alongside with WIN51IP, but I'm not sure if that is necessary. CDROOT | |WIN51IP2 <= cd2 marker file | |-CMPNENTS <= cmpnents folder | |-MEDIACTR | |-NETFX | |-TABLETPC <= this can be deleted | |-i386 <= i386 folder | -
Swedish keyboard-layout: I think this is what's different The extra letters å, ä and ö and special characters are placed different.
You can do that in notepad as well. Just enable the statusbar.
If your using an english winxp and want want swedish keyboard layout, you should have this: [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 Language=041d SystemLocale=041d UserLocale=041d InputLocale=041d:0000041d UserLocale_DefaultUser=041d InputLocale_DefaultUser=041d:0000041d But if you're using a swedish version, [TapiLocation] and [RegionalSettings] are not needed, it will be swedish by default.
Time to finish this Windows 2000 SP4 Unattended!
ToBe replied to Incroyable HULK's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Check this thread for a possible solution on this problem: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=25495 //EDIT! Oh... You've posted in that thread.. Maybe this only works from svcpack.inf? Try executing ie6go.exe from the batchfile after the install of IE. //EDIT -
Installing Win2K SP4 on a very old laptop
ToBe replied to raskren's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
It's a better solution to do as prathapml suggests: Create one big partition for the installed OS and data Create one small partition for the OS source files Install Convert to ntfs That way you can format/reinstall the big partition, and still have the OS's source files on the small partition for quick recovery. I remember doing so on a friends dads 386 without a cd-rom ages ago, and I think he still uses those install files.... -
If you have windows 2000 in another language than english, and want English_United_States, you should add this: [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 Language=0409 SystemLocale=0409 UserLocale=0409 InputLocale=0409:00000409 UserLocale_DefaultUser=0409 InputLocale_DefaultUser=0409:00000409 If you have an american version of win2k, and want English_United_States regional settings, you can leave the whole [RegionalSettings] section out. It will be set by default. Setup restarts two times by default, once after textsetup, the blue 'dos' screens, and once after the gui setup. RunOnce is executed after first logon. Does it reboot after logon by the first user? Also I think you should edit out the productkey you've posted, even though it's a common one on google.
I'll give a few a try: /silent As it says. A silent install, probably nothing visible during install -p\"-s /v\"/qn\"\" A combination of switches to make an install 'inside of the install' silent, not really sure what they all mean. -s probably silent, /qn same as below. The \" are used to get the quotation marks right in a batch file. Outside of a batch file it would look like -p"-s /v"/qn"" /qn Quiet (same as silent), no user interface. Nothing visible during install. /s Short for silent /silent /noreboot /NO_UI Silent, without rebooting when install is done, No user interface (nothing visible) /qb- Quiet, basic user interface. The /qb switch specifies that no progress or error messages are displayed except the progress bar with a cancel button. the - at the end sets the cancel button disabled. /verysilent /sp- Not really sure what /sp- stands for. /verysilent stands for, well, VERY silent... probably nothing visible during install. /noqp /autoinstall No Quick Pic icon in the taskbar tray, automatic install with default values. That's WinZip's version of silent. Many programs use their own switches to make the install silent, or to set different values. What works with one program may not work with another. Try to type app.exe /? at a command prompt to get more information about which switches the app supports. It will also give you a brief explanation of the switches. Also the support pages of the developers homepage may be helpfull. I would also recommend http://www.google.com.
Installing Win2K SP4 on a very old laptop
ToBe replied to raskren's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
You don't need to format to get ntfs. After install, just type: convert.exe c: /fs:ntfs at a command prompt, that will convert the c: disk to ntfs without destroying the data on it..... More info, works for win2000 as well: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechn...convertfat.mspx -
What if you supply the whole path to the .mst? start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\Office2003\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Office2003\unattended.mst /qb- That's how my line looks like, and it works...