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Everything posted by ToBe

  1. I can't see any error about the product key section... Looks the same as mine. In the documentation for winnt.sif in ref.chm, located in the folder support\tools\deploy.cab on the cd they have quotations around the productkey: ProductKey="xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx" But I don't have that, and it works for me..... You say you have a corp version, and 30 keys to use, but you only need one corp key for all installs... Thats what the corp key is all about. Are you sure you're using the right media/keys? Just a thought...
  2. It's a very uselful link, so I think posting it as a separate topic is a good idea.
  3. I had the same error when installning Office. If I install it at T-13 (cmdlines.txt) it doesn't work, but via RunOnceEx it does..... I think Office needs a logged on user to install correctly?
  4. I thought there was no volume version of Windows XP Home? Is there really, or is it a "home made" version? EDIT/ According to microsoft there is none: http://www.microsoft.com/licensing/resourc...ol/default.mspx /EDIT
  5. lol Due when? Well, say late 2006 maybe.. or? /ironic mode off
  6. I've been waiting for the swedish version for a month now....
  7. lol.... Here ya go: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/alternate.html It depends on what language you are using I suppose. There both is/is no full installer....
  8. Windows 2000 select media does not need any product key. You can check if it is a select media by opening the file setupp.ini file in the i386 folder. If the line pid=XXXXXXXX ends with a number higher than 200, it's select media.
  9. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...nsparent+bitmap
  10. I just want to thank you, Aaron, for making such a great job with this list! Very nice...
  11. I've made a 700MB cd with Windows 95, 98, ME and 2000, so it can be done.... Just delete all the unnecessary folders. Win95, Win98 and WinME install folders and the i386 folder from win2k is all that is needed, then make the iso with cdimage.exe. It was a while ago, so I don't remember exactly how I did it, I just know it's possible... Follow the guide to make a multiboot-dvd, and use the operating systems you want, and then make a cd instead of a dvd.
  12. Taken from the documentation of [GUIUnattended]: So it's not a bug, it's a 'feature'.... Sorry, but I have no tip on a workaround for this.
  13. @dcromwell: If you register here: http://www.macromedia.com/support/shockwave/info/licensing/ you will get a mail with the link to both flash and shockwave msi's...
  14. Found this using google, gonna try it to see if it works: And here is the webpage quoted, with a freeware tool EDIT// works like a charm
  15. Hmmm. For me it works only when adding it manually to svcpack.inf, after directx9, but not with xpcreate? For you it's the other way around... Weird....
  16. @Bilou_Gateux: SED file attached. Didn't save the original, but this one should work the same. @edmoncu: Did you use xpcreate? This workaround does not work with xpcreate atm, I get the same error when using it. Add it manually to svcpack.inf, and burn your iso. @WwTIPPYwW: Both lines/files must be in the svcpack.inf, see my first post in this thread..... This way you can install KB832483 from svcpack.inf instead of runonceex, for more info, do a search of the forum. This has to do with the Security Rollup 1. See here. DX_Upd.SED
  17. http://bink.nu/DesktopModules/ArticleDetai...?ArticleID=2107
  18. Fixed an error in the swedish version, the MDAC update path was wrong. WinXP Pro list attached, but the same error exists in the Home version XPCTHLST.TXT
  19. taken from page two of this thread......
  20. Translated it said something about "not correctly signed by microsoft, it will not be installed." at the T9-T8 mark in the install. Guess it has to do with the dll's beeing registered, and has wrong filesize or something. But WU shows no updates, the hotfix shows up in add/remove, and the fileversion is correct, so it must have been installed anyway.
  21. Tried it with xpcreate, and WU shows no critical updates. The dx9upd.exe was placed in the SVC-PRE folder. I did get an error message at the end of the install, though, so more testing needs to be done. When I tried with my manual unattended install, I did not get any errors.
  22. I'm glad to hear that it's working not only here at my place for once It should be possible to repack the dx9ntopk.exe with the updated dll's. That should give the same result in the end, I think.
  23. Renamed to dx9upd.exe to be placed in the right order in svcpack.inf by xpcreate, it must run after dx9ntopk.exe. Testing is in progress right now.....
  24. Oh, ok. I checked my localized (swedish) version, and at first reboot, a key in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\Run called DXDllRegExE with the value %windir%\RegisteredPackages\{44BBA855-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C}\dxdllreg.exe shows up. That's why I thought the dx9 dll's are registered at first logon.
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