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Everything posted by druiddk

  1. Getting 404 as well...
  2. Very nice! Thx BTS
  3. The precise model is IBM x40 2371-6EG Using the DP WLAN driver the card is detected but unable to find any WLANs and unable to connect to any WLAN. Here is HWID information: PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_04081468&REV_01\4&39A85202&0&10F0: 11b/g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Adapter Here is the working driver that comes with the laptop from IBM: http://www.megaupload.com/dk/?d=39LWJBS7 Let me know if you need more information. EDIT: This is using DP WLAN 5.11 - I will test with the new 6.01 today...
  4. I see you dont have this driver already. This is a USB 2.0 device. The Netgear driver.exe file is bloated with some of their crap. I used Double Driver utility to just strip out the driver itself. Works like a charm. This is version released 2005-09-26. Megaupload EDIT: HWID info: USB\VID_1385&PID_5F01\1.0 : NETGEAR RangeMax Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter WPN111
  5. OK... looking forward to get this solved
  6. Aye I always use regtweaks before adding users.
  7. Maybe this is just me... but I noticed a few domains on the list that seem harsh to block. Examples: adpepper.dk jamba.no Dead domain example: dk-forhandler.dk (does not exist) Other than that this looks like a generally good idea! Thanks for sharing Boardbabe.
  8. Well the problem arises when using method 2! I just stated that I had to use method 1 to get this working. I see the thread is set to SOLVED. Could you give more info please?
  9. Maybe you made a ISO file inside the nLited folder and then made a new iso (that includes the ISO inside the nLite folder). I did this once by accident hehe
  10. Thank you! Currently I have to use method 1 (which forces me over to a DVD). With method 2 I could keep it on a CD
  11. This sounds cool! However i get a Windows Script Host error. Script: C:\Temp\27397615.vbs Linie: 11 Char: 1 Error: The service og group did not start Code: 8007042C
  12. Very very nice tool! Cant wait for it to support localised versions.
  13. Please Bâshrat! Can you look into this?
  14. I am using the latest BTS driverpacks and I am still getting a BSOD during install of XP Pro (integrated SP2) about portcls.sys 0x0000007E 0xC0000005. Just tried disabling the onboard soundcard as suggested by RogueSpear... EDIT: Disabling the onboard soundcard solves my BSOD problem.
  15. I have the exact same problem on our IBM T41 laptops. Not much help but your not alone EDIT: Actually I think I solved it by setting the res to 800x600x16 but since this is not the res I want for the users after install i left it at 1024x768x32 and just accepted the flickering during install
  16. *BUMP* BTS please look into this Nuhi wants to know if your editing DevicePath ?
  17. Hi! First I integrate around 5-6 drivers for varius modems etc. Then when nLite is all finished i use BTS driverpack method 2. I used to use method 1 and it seems after i switched to method 2 BTS removes my integrated drivers. Is this a bug or a feature?
  18. Well the reason they are getting the error are when they are at home or at a customers place and using the laptop obviously they cant connect to the domain controller so it gives the error. I can safely say they are VERY happy that the error is gone
  19. Anyone up to speed on pro/cons of using HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetCache\AssignedOfflineFolders trough registry instead of using group policies?
  20. Hi cluberti! Thank you for replying with this URL. I have reviewed it and it seems that this feature is already enabled per default with a setting of 10. Hence I do not think it will remove the popup to change this to a higher value (only decrease security). However! I have just discovered these values in the registry I will test them out and let you know [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] "ReportControllerMissing"="FALSE" "ReportDC"=dword:00000000
  21. Hi! We have a few laptop users that logon to the domain here and at home (without connection to the DC). When they are here at the office no problems of course, however when they are at home XP will popup an annoying error that there is no connection to the DC give the option of clicking OK and then everything is fine anyway. I have gotten complaints about this so trying to figure out how to disable it! Thank you in advance!
  22. Hi Cluberti, You recomended these tools to me before and I have used them alot However specificly these two options I am unable to find in the CMW tool. Maybe Im just blind if you can see it in there?
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