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About xrobwx71

  • Birthday 08/08/1971

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  • OS
    Windows 11

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  1. Don't ever let anyone tell you are weak. Don't ever let anyone tell you to stop the meds. (regarding stopping meds-except your physician) We grow stronger as we fight. The fight itself is hard but nothing worth doing is ever easy.
  2. I'm in my 13th year of sobriety and this occurs to me all the time. I can guarantee myself though, through vivid memory that being drunk (for me) is much much worse. The demons inside that we hide come out when I drink.
  3. I manage 16 PC's at work (Point of Sale system) - desktops and a few laptops. The majority have Win 11 the others Win 10. I have had zero issues for over a year. I use Win 11 at home as well. Zero negative issues. I'm not a MS apologist or anti this or that. These are facts from direct observation and experience. (For me... I'm not speaking for anyone else, nor do I want to change anyone's mind) I also run Parrot linux on a laptop. I've messed with many distros over the years. Do you realize what it would take to bankrupt a $3.4 Trillion company? If they did go bankrupt, it would affect the economy of the US and the world in a huge negative way.
  4. This weekend I watched: 12 Angry Men Rear Window (with the beauty Grace Kelly)
  5. Oh man, You can easily kill $60 for 2 people. If it's a less crowded time slot and I get the end seat I can tolerate it. If it's crowded/near full, nope.
  6. Yep, I haven't been to a Movie in years.
  7. In some circles, it's an American tradition as well.
  8. Hello from Florida, USA Welcome to MSFN!
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