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About Berno_sour

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    XP Pro x86

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  1. Latest version (24.5.0 - may 2024) it's still updated with a WinXP installer, that works for "other" 32 bit systems. My outdated reference was for the builds that downloads SMPlayer when tries to "update" yt-dlp and youtube-dl. So, it's still a strong option. No ads, tonvid still its an option to search on YT (without the hassle of the monster webpage that it is YT), download vids, and in my experience, it's the less complicated way to run YT on WinXP. i'll give it a go with MPC and Pot Player. Thanks for all your work trying to stay updated this old (but functional) HW and SW.
  2. Sup. I find interesting that all the things u propose or have made, were already done. https://www.smplayer.info/ SMPlayer can do all the stuff (well, with the mix of alternatives sources of youtube-dl and yt-dlp mentioned here, since WinXP drop support and the creator of SMPlayer hasn't update the sources). It's a mix of mplayer, ffmpeg, and other open source stuff. It's not like VLC, but close, and with a plugin already made for youtube, SMtube https://www.smtube.org/ FIrst u need to install SMplayer. Second, the SMTube plugin. SMPlayer tries to download yt-dlp or youtube-dl but yt-dlp does not work since the exe is from the official sources. youtube-dl is an outdated version and doesnt work either. We need to download updated versions of yt-dlp and/or youtube-dl mentioned by @VistaLover in this same thread (both if u want). Then, we need to copy one or both exes to... C:\Documents and Settings\usernamegoeshere\.smplayer ...after a first run of the program. After that, in config, u need to define resolution and what downloader you'll use. DONT UPDATE WITH THE PROGRAM (you already did that :p) SMTube works like a browser, that links to a couple of sources for YT search (tonvid.com and other one...really sus.). You just search the video, click, and then SMPlayer opens right away. After a while the video starts (needs to download a bit of the file, i guess). If VLC is executed instead of SMPlayer, u need to change player priority in the config of SMTube. That's it! If u need screenshots of everything let me know. Tested and working in WinXP (with a 1.6 Ghz Atom, 2 GB of ram, and a normal HDD). i'm not affiliated with the creator, just an average user. Cheers!
  3. Hi guys. Long time lurker, but now i'm in the need of contribute some stuff regarding WinXP, so i've sign up. Greetings from Chile! See u around
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