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Everything posted by Alanoll

  1. Windows 2000 doesn't support either $Prog and $Docs are they tied to OOBE for copying over.
  2. XPlode supports all current variables initiated by the environment of the system. So EVERYTHING listed when you type SET in a command prompt should be availabe to XPlode and usable within teh path to the EXE file. Can't be used in WinRAR. You must have the full path. %UserProfile% should have worked as the default destination though. My question to this thread is, why not just use the All Users folder for this purpose? I took it to mean, he wanted the file found across all users right? Using Default User, the file SHOULD get copied into the new users folder when created, where as All Users should just have one copy and displayed across all accounts.
  3. I'll try and talk Wraith into letting you three have the downloads, but untill then....only answer I can provide is when XPlode 5 is finished. As for an exact date, I would expect no earlier then June/July if then. And if it's before...
  4. so I forgot a few characters when trying to finish the guide, my bad. 1. .bootscreen is the zip file. 2. WFP is enabled and replacing the file when you delete it. 3. Yes. 4. The script is pretty simplistic. You gleaned what you needed. I intended the script to e used across multiple systems, not just a single one.
  5. Here's the problem with that statement.... I expect you to START and understand the process of batch file/runonceEX before moving on to XPlode/WPI/WIHU or similar ADVANCED methods. Since we EXPECT you to know how to start something doing setup, there is NO NEED for a repeat of it in the ADVANCED methods. Wait, that's that you're asking? What about the switches for XPlode? Well...that's what the documentation is included for. It details the switches, but we have no need to specifically say "Enter this into CMDLINES.TXT to have XPlode start during setup" as we EXPECT you to already know this once progressing to XPlode or similar. Even WPI doesn't tell you to put it in CMDLINES.TXT. Perhaps I've gone on a complete tangent to what you were trying to say, I don't know. But this is my general way of teaching and doing things. I start peopel with the basics, prior to advanced stuff. As a analogy, let's take math. It'd be like a Calculus teacher explaining how to add two numbers. They don't, they expect you to have already learned that. XML is one of the easiest languages to pick up, especially XPlode XML as it's mre of a simplified form. XML isn't really a language anyway. Just a way to store data and access it easily. We tell you to start looking at the examples, and such. By the way, you never actually responded to my other XPlode page that didn't make it into the guide? Is that helpful?
  6. You do have OEMPreInstall=YES in your WINNT.SIF file?
  7. if memory serves... start "MDAC 2.8" /wait "\\vstest1\test\mdac\mdac_typ.exe" /C:"dahotfix.exe /q /n" /q:a
  8. slight problem.... a. the Unattended guide doesn't really have a section that goes through detailing all the parts of setup you can launch something form... b. the page for XPlode just tells them to read your PDF Now if you're little project for was done.... and you weren't off doing school stuff right now...
  9. that's why people reformat Ryan.....installing hotfixes on an already setup system....what are you thinking??
  10. now tell me... do you use nLite? did you remove anything remotely related to IE, did you disable Javascript? The author does not have to create a program to work properly on an OS that you have modified. He can, but by convention he should only program for the typical installation which is one NOT TOUCHED by nLite.
  11. Because the included documentation with XPlode is alot better.
  12. I'd leave those ". Other then that, looks fine.
  13. what is the problem? is your only question regarding getting the little box from Windows Update saying you need "The latest version" to continue thing? If so, then there should be a thread somewhere with information to update those files on the CD as well.
  14. http://unattended.msfn.org/advanced/methods/intro.htm Ya got a few options there.
  15. What you could do.... is make a nonstandard El Torrito boot CD. Basically, 1. Find a computer with an A: drive, and create the disc using the BIOS Update software (asks for a disc right?) 2. Create a floppy image (WinIMage would work) and save it as an uncompressed IMG file. 3. Using CDIMAGE to create a CD (just use a text file for the CD contents) but specify the floppy image as your boot sector. 4. Burn the CD, and try and see if that works. NOTE: If this doesn't work, (IE system disc error upon booting) it means the floppy image wasn't bootable. So instead, depending on size, make a bootable floppy and copy the files into the floppy, then create the image and continue with the process, or 1. Use a standard Windows 98 boot disc with CD support and just copy the contents of your flash floppy to a folder, and use the 98 boot disc as the boot sector and the flash floppy as the CD contents. Most likely, there is a bat file somewhere to jump start the process. Just execte that file when the CD boots.
  16. you might be able to slipstream a x86 SP1 with SP2, however trying to slipstream the x86 SP2 with the x64 OS will result in an error. You also won't be able to install the x64 OS on a 32bit processor system. Last i saw, the boot process checked for that.
  17. For long files, attach. If it's jsut a few lines, the use CODE Tags.
  18. Typically, the $OEM$ folder needs to be ALONGSIDE the I386 folder. So, the first example you have is the correct way. Otherwise setup can't find it. OEMFilePath might help, though dunno.
  19. wrong program. This one isn't written by Bart
  20. the findcd file? yes it is. reread it. I have no error with findcd.exe, so it's your end.
  21. being a newbie gives you NO right to expect us to help YOU do something without you proving that you've searched first. Because well see....I can just look at the sticky section of this forum, and what do ya know, there is a FAQ topic that links to a guide.... I suggest reading what's already been done prior to asking something.
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