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Everything posted by IcemanND

  1. I wonder if he read the entire thread. And if he noticed the copies of his response in it. Probably only read the first post.
  2. put a script in the adminstrators startup folder, it runs after the desktop is loaded. then you just delete it at the end of the script.
  3. Hey even Microsoft support checks out the forum:
  4. I'd love to help you out if I could un4given1 but I still haven't convinced my employer to buy me Server 2003. Sorry pal.
  5. To make my life easier I created the following script to integrate all of the hotfixes I use, it is attached to the first post for download. It automatically makes the changes to HFINT.DAT. for your use change line 2 from set sourcedir=h:\bootcd\working to point to your cd working directory. Leave Service pack 2 with its full name or change line 5 to point to what you named it. (Don't have it name KB835935.exe or it will try to integrate twice.) rename the other hotfixes to KBxxxxxx.exe. have the hotfixes in the same directory as this script and away you go. Takes less than 2 minutes on my system. SP2 and 17 hotfixes. @echo off set sourcedir=h:\bootcd\working set svcpackdir=%sourcedir%\i386\svcpack echo Integrating Sevice Pack 2 if not exist %sourcedir%\win51ip.sp2 start /wait WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe /integrate:%sourcedir% /q echo integrating KB885835.exe start /wait KB885835 /integrate:%sourcedir% /q for /f %%L in (%svcpackdir%\HFINT.DAT) DO ( if %%L==mrxsmb.sys ( echo %%L.temp>>%svcpackdir%\HFINT.TMP ) ELSE ( echo %%L>>%svcpackdir%\HFINT.TMP ) ) move /y %svcpackdir%\HFINT.TMP %svcpackdir%\HFINT.DAT for %%U in (KB??????.exe) DO ( if not exist %svcpackdir%\%%U ( echo integrating %%U start /wait %%U /integrate:%sourcedir% /q ) ) for /f %%L in (%svcpackdir%\HFINT.DAT) DO ( if %%L==mrxsmb.sys.temp ( echo mrxsmb.sys>>%svcpackdir%\HFINT.TMP ) ELSE ( echo %%L>>%svcpackdir%\HFINT.TMP ) ) move /y %svcpackdir%\HFINT.TMP %svcpackdir%\HFINT.DAT Echo FINISHED pause
  6. and remove your license number from your post.
  7. Actually you would be better off changing the security settings after the install. But if you have encryption turned on you should turn that off first. Permissions can be changed using the procedure I posted here: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=10561&hl=
  8. @angadsingh007 - easy on the noobs, noob. @ EdwaqdQ - welcome to MSFN and yes its just a bunch of regtweaks to do what you are after. No one said Microsoft had to make life easy.
  9. I would go with Alanoll's idea. I delete the windows Setup.exe from all of my cd's because I never use it and have had no issues. If you are watching while it is copying files, has the progress bar gone away at the point thatthis error comes up? If so then it has gotten to the pont where it is copying you $oem$ file structure.
  10. sounds like some kind of spyware/malware/virus, do the usual scans spyware, adaware, virusscan, etc. also try booting safe mode command prompt only and delete it from there.
  11. Niiice! Always knew you were a sick one XtremeMac
  12. If I run your command i get the following error: Which is from /b "\\pcprint\lw7th", printer display names cannot contain \'s. Also you need to create the Standard TCP/IP port before installing.
  13. create emergency boot disk. and boot from it.
  14. I personally use the /integrate switch for all of the critical hotfixes and runonce for everything else. though watch out with kn885835 and kn885250, search for the thread with these as the title for a work around. No way is necessarily better or worse than another it is mostly personal preference.
  15. modem, gameport? what devices are built onto your motherboard, are they all there?
  16. Try this: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...indpost&p=72863
  17. @anonim1979 - I'll let you open the case with Microsft on 886716 & 885894, since neither of these two updates have applied to any system I have built since SP2 release. Good Luck. I have changed the first post to note that only the line in HFINT.DAT needs to be modified. by adding anything to the end of mrxsmb.sys after integrating kb885835.
  18. reduce the system to minimum config. Motherboard, memory (if there is more than on piece try with only one (or two if they have to be paired) and try with different sticks), processor, video card (if there is not one on the motherboard), disconnect everything else but keyboard monitor and power from the back and inside and see what happens. If it turns on and completes post, turn off and reconnect/install one device at a time until it won't. When if fails remove the last component and try again if it posts leave out the component and install another one. if it still won't post give us the specs and then we can make futher suggestions.
  19. I don't think I could ever run out of incidents, too many lincese number for me to choose from. And besides all of my other issues are flaws on their part too, since I'm using Windows XP. So none of my calls should count against me. Actually I take that back I do have a driver problem with an ATI product but I won't call Microsoft about that.
  20. I guess this is the end of the saga until Microsoft releases updates in March. I hoping they are inteigent enough to release an update to fix this then, probably cause more problems but wht's new. Here's their ?final? response: For those who didn't follow the entire thread here the "workaround" mentioned is in the first post of this thread.
  21. by itself it runs fine on my test machine. REM out CMDOW, @ECHO OFF, and change EXIT to PAUSE then try it and when it runs it will stop at the end and you can look at it for errors.
  22. @echo off MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:R SET TZ=GHO+08:00 prompt $p$g MOUSE.COM for %%i in (r:\*.gho) do set image=%%i echo Loading... \ghost\ghost.exe -clone,mode=load,src=%NewSP2.gho%,dst=1 pause REMOVE CD FROM DRIVE AND PRESS RESET BUTTON should be @echo off MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:R SET TZ=GHO+08:00 prompt $p$g MOUSE.COM for %%i in (r:\*.gho) do set image=%%i echo Loading... \ghost\ghost.exe -clone,mode=load,src=%image%,dst=1 pause REMOVE CD FROM DRIVE AND PRESS RESET BUTTON the error is that it can't find your image file and %NewSP2.gho% is never set to anything, the variable you needed was %image% set two lines earlier. @astalavista - running ghost from dvd is the same as from cd just more space.
  23. I've modified the originl posted solution at the top of the thread to include Warrax's ordering. Also fewer steps are needed. And in the continuing saga I rcvd this from M$ today (NOTE: IT DOES NTO WORK, just posting to keep everyone informed. I have sent them the current working method along with the proof that their way does not work and mine does.) You still do not end up with kb885250 installed, I'd post the screen shots, but whats the point.
  24. I had no problem integrating this patch and browsing my shares. everything works as before.
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