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Everything posted by IcemanND

  1. I'd change one thing, put a loop around the inputbox so that they have to enter a name before it will continue as changed here. Dim pc, pcU, value1, value2, title, ws Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") value1 = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\" value2 = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\ParameterS\" title = "Windows XP Professional - Unattended Setup" '--------------------------------Change ComputerName in Registry------------------------------------- do pc = InputBox("Enter New Computername.", title) pcU= UCase(pc) loop while pc="" If pc <> "" Then ws.RegWrite value1 & "ComputerName", pcU ws.RegWrite value2 & "NV Hostname", pcU End If
  2. IcemanND


    If you find a way let me know. I spent 3 weeks emailing back and forth with M$ without any solution. I gave up and install it first from Runonce then install my sound card drivers.
  3. IcemanND

    Patch Tuesday

    just got them through windowsupdates
  4. wscipt.Quit (interrorcode) intErrorCode Optional. Integer value returned as the process's exit code. If you do not include the intErrorCode parameter, no value is returned.
  5. if you have it installed on a system you can use KEYFINDER from www.magicaljellybean.com. You key is not stored on the cd, just on the cd envelope in came in.
  6. Dim fso Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") fso.MoveFile "testfile.txt", "myfile.txt"
  7. Click VM -> Settings... -> ADD -> Select HARD DRIVE -> click NEXT select your prefered options click finish. Be sure to have the VM you are using selected.
  8. No third party tools required: strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set objAccount = objWMIService.Get _ ("Win32_UserAccount.Name='kenmyer',Domain='atl-ws-01'") Wscript.Echo objAccount.SID Win32_UserAccount.Name = USER YOU WANT SID FOR Domain = EITHER LOCAL MACHINE NAME OR DOMAIN USER ACCOUNT IS IN
  9. Be sure that you have a hard drive created in your VM. Depending upon your settings and how you created your VM it may not have created a hard drive for it.
  10. Change: to OemPnPDriversPath="Drivers\Nic;drivers\Chipset;drivers\Sound;drivers\Printer;Drivers"
  11. check with the drive manufacturers you may be able to buy them through them.
  12. edited script Spaces removed. Some people are so picky. No I haven't had time to do anymore testing. In the middle of a kitchen remodel job. So my weekends are a little full.
  13. what's a MAC? 2 ch Stereo or Surround Sound
  14. I edited the previous post with the updated script. I must have copied one of my test scripts instead of the final.
  15. hwids.cmd <path to mass storage device tree> pretty much the same way you execute your script from go.cmd, figured it could just be added there. so if D is the directory with the driverpacks and you left M as the mass storage driver pack folder then HWDIS.cmd D/M shouldn't matter where you execute it from. I put it in sysprep where I have the D folder then the paths don't have to be edited later.
  16. first take your cd key out of the file. second verify in the virtual machine settings that a file is defined for a hard drive. depending upon how you create the machine and you VMWare settins one is not always created. Welcome th MSFN
  17. Never mind. Amazing what working on something else does for the problem at hand. Here it is: rem %1 is path to MassDriverPacks Folder IF "%1"=="" GOTO EOF IF NOT EXIST %1 GOTO EOF SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET STDOUT=%cd%\HWIDS.TXT TYPE>%STDOUT% 2>NUL ::traverse drivers path CALL :TRAVERSAL %1 GOTO EOF :TRAVERSAL PUSHD %1 for /f %%f in ('Dir /b *.inf') do ( for /f "eol=- tokens=2 delims=," %%i in ('find /i "pci\ven" %%f') do ( for /f "tokens=*" %%j in ("%%i") do ( for /f "tokens=1* delims=_" %%k in ("%%j") do ( if /i "%%k" EQU "PCI\VEN" ( for /f "usebackq tokens=1* delims=; " %%a in ('%%j') do ( echo %%a=%cd%\%%f>>%STDOUT% ) ) ) ) ) ) FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR /AD /OGN /B') DO ( CALL :TRAVERSAL %CD%\%%I ) POPD GOTO EOF :EOF
  18. The lines below are the remaining lines which may pose a problem. if the whitspae and the infoe from the semicolon to the equal sisgn would be ignored I have a finished cmd script. Otherwise if somone can figure out how to remove the white space and extraneous info we'd be done. PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7409 ; AMD = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\AM" PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7411 ; AMD = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\AM" PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7441 ; AMD = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\AM" PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7469 ; AMD = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\AM" PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8212&SUBSYS_00011283; 8212/CX = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\IT" PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8212&SUBSYS_00000000; 8212/DX = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\IT" PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8211&SUBSYS_82111283; 8211/DX = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\IT" PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8212&SUBSYS_2A1D103C; ASUS OEM = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\IT" PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8211&SUBSYS_2A1D103C; ASUS OEM = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\IT" PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8212&SUBSYS_813A1043; ASUS 8212 = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\IT" PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8212&SUBSYS_81381043; ASUS 8211 = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\IT" PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8211&SUBSYS_81381043; ASUS 8211 = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\IT" PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8212&SUBSYS_2C0717F2; Albatron 8212 = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\IT" PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8212&SUBSYS_1458B000; Gigabyte 8212 = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\IT" PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8212&SUBSYS_1940B000; Gigabyte 8212 = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\IT" PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8212&SUBSYS_0A46174B; 8212/DX = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\IT" PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8211&SUBSYS_0A46174B; 8211/DX = "E:\driverpacks\D\M\IT" intel and amd just had to be a pain.
  19. interesting that shouldn't have changed anything. Good job.
  20. Intel SATA Results: SATA RAID: Started to boot the reboots witout any giving any erros. Boot to safe mode and it does the same thing. SATA non-raid: Booted up fine, got to desktop but did not install any new hardware devices. Also could not get networking to function properly after loading network drivers. Everything else seemed to work fine. As a note about single, multi processor systems, I think it will depend upon the system. I created the image on a single processor system and it deployed fine to a HT system, excpet that it detected no new devices. Could the drivers be deleted too soon for them to be installed?
  21. So far so good made it from a Intel IDE controller to a no name SCSI controller without any issues! I will try it tonight on Intel SATA both raid and non raid and post tomorrow.
  22. as I type I am creating a ghost image to test deploy it to a couple of my test machines.
  23. either the go.cmd needs to be changed or OemPnPDrivers.cmd you end up with double double quotes in OemPnPDrivers: FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1,2*" %%I IN ("%1") DO becomes FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1,2*" %%I IN (""C:\Sysprep\INF\sysprep.inf"") DO and the file is not found, if I removed the "'s from the line in go.cmd it worked fine.
  24. with SP2 'netsh firewall reset' will turn the firewall back on using the settings from %windir%\inf\netfw.inf. This is of course assuming you don't have a problem with the firewall service on the system. I had and IBM Thinkpad which I had to install all of the updated drivers and software from IBM before installing SP2 in order to turn on the firewall.
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