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Everything posted by ThA_FiLeR

  1. err.. starting @ $500,000 how are they planning to sell these things?!
  2. though im a day late (hehe) Happy birthday man.. Hope all went well...
  3. I would advise you to go with the linksys router if the $10 won't hurt ya.. I haven't tried a siemens router before.. but I can tell u for sure that the linksys router will be very easy to set up.. here's my network.. various people have said it's looking very nice, heh I guess so http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?act=ST...st=0#entry28136
  4. Solution: Get one of the following: DC++ GrabIt (any news article graber'll do) E-Mule Blubster(MP3 goddatabase ) Have Fun...
  5. I have my isp's email service and neva had any problems with it.. hotmail's a b***h.. what they do is.. a couple of weeks u be using it spam free then it'll start and more and more will come...
  6. They will also send you the wrong ones I wanted some k6-2 stickers and they sent me 2 Duron ones. Lmao.. I called them up a few times about why it took so long.. then for about 6 months, they sent me sheets of em (right ones) like each 4weeks.. lol...
  7. I think it your guys' isp.. I'm on Bellsouth ADSL.. and never had any slow downs or probs @ MSFN.. And I'm even running my ftp server and its still fast
  8. I've built only 1 intel pc so far.. I must say (it was a 2.0ghz) my 1.33ghz was faster in booting (allot) and then within windows I didnt notice any huge speed differences... very odd.. 1 intel.. lol, think I have sold about 15custom pc's so far... But I don't do anything lately.. just some small things here and there when ppl ask for it.. Gonna be busy next week on this network im upgrading/re-building... $600 dolla job (w/o equipment) my dad helpin out with cables and configureing some s***.. I'm getting $300 off that share.. (2days work) and this is what they getting: -All new CAT5 cables (instead coax.. lol) -They now paying like $800 (month) total and we gonna get em down to around $500 total.. -Router instead of pos (very) old linux dump that's slowing em down.. -all hubs replaced by 100BaseT CAT5 hubs.... -all printers directly hooked up to network.. -own webserver instead of $60 for "maintenance+hosting" lmao... And some other small things.. that's a good deal imo...
  9. Intel won't send you any.. but AMD will send u whole sheets of them for free (no s/h costs)....
  10. lol, once I did my job there ill install it.. T1 they got is really f0cked^ i ran a speed test and i got 512/257 ... hah what a joke.. my connection does allot better then that.. Anyway, told em bout ti, and they're are switching to a different ISP, they were thinking about either Biz class ADSL @ 7001/756 or Cable of some sort... I'll try to get em to go with ADSL.. once I get it working ima install some software like pcanywhere or whatever so I can run UT2003 Dedicated on there...
  11. Hmmm.. looks like "Man The page 0wnz" lol
  12. Hmm, will I need a special router.. I just called they're isp and they gave me the ip, gateway. and sub.. So I connected it and it didnt work.. I assume that I have to set it as static ip since it is.. And PPPoe is for ADSL..So, think I have to get a different router?
  13. yes. just arrived, I'm looking at it, and it is setup like this: The T1 modem is a: T1 DSU/CSU Digital Link Prelude Encore After that, theres a computer with an old linux distro on it "Red Hat Linux 6.1 Publisher's Edition (cartman)" there's 2 network cards in there, where in the 1st one theres the cable coming from the modem, then the cable from that goes to the 1st hub and then from there it connects to all the other hub points... I'm thinking that I need some special router, and with me I have my D-Link wireless modem to figure the internet connection out.. -Internet Connection is from KMC telecomunications I think this is the webpage: http://www.kmctelecom.com/services/cleart.cfm Thanks for your help...
  14. Anyone, I seen a couple "T1 routers" would I have to buy one of those instead??
  15. Hmm.. I'm doing this job this week and tommorow im gonna try to figure out the T1 connection so I'm sure I can continue the job next week at this company.. they have a bunch of old s*** (80% coax cables, coax hubs, pos pc running a very very old linux dump as firewall etc. etc.) Well, to get to the point, I was wondering if a Linksys 8port router would do for a T1 router, to my knowledge the T1 modems are about the same as ADSL (way to set them up?!) I think I won't have any problems.. Just making sure, would one of these kind of routers do for that connection? And how would I set this part up: Then when I get the inet to work I'll know the rest for the new hubs ima place in and all the cables etc. etc. .. Thanks for all your help
  16. ThA_FiLeR


    lmao, everyone calling me "flier" hah! anyway, I know, not all cpu's run stable.. just talkin bout my great lil amd processor..
  17. ThA_FiLeR


    err, my 1.33 runs stable @ 1.498 for this past week.....-
  18. lol, them are some nice chicks..
  19. I was also wondering about that last week I think you're refering to the same.. its the system that show, correct? like when u right click on "my computer" > "properties" I couldn't find it in reg when I check it :/
  20. ThA_FiLeR


    he's gotta give us some more info... he's just talking about that his pc just shuts off... then a BSOD don't shut ur pc down.. just reboots it... If it just shuts down and it goes properly, it could also be a remote shutdown that someone's messing with u (via trojan)... Raptop, you also know what a BSOD is? -If you don't its the blue screen that displays for 2-5secs then reboots... (Blue screen of Death)
  21. I really like the translate feature, like when you find some sites that are in unknown languages it'll show them in english...This has always worked fine and havent really found any extreme errors when reading it
  22. 1hr 40mins left.. just statred enjoying som beers
  23. My XP only showed me the BSOD about 5times.. which is in all the time that I used it.. These were instances when I was messing with settings that go beyond normal.. Like overclocking/tweaking you're video card and cpu.. I've built several computers for people with XP installed, almost all of them vcalled me back thanking me for the job I did and I always ask em which they like better, (if they had an old os before that) they always said XP is just way beter and most of em also say its faster.. Never had any lockups/crashes on all the pc's I've built and fixed for other people...
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