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Everything posted by Drewdatrip
I belive Norton makes a program that does somthing very simlar called, CleanSweep.. I recall it being able do delete mutiple copies of Dlls, unwanted cache and cookies. Never really used in much detail, as i keep my system squeeky clean |Drew|
The comic is great..i have seen him on Comedy central doing this exacy bit....i thought it was funney then, and put to music i like it even better. I think this is the fisrt instance of a song like this being recived so well by the muic community, not to say that it hasent been done b4, just in this case it seems to be toping the charts on alot of local top 10 count downs etc. I find the lyrics funney yet serious and somthing important to say. ITs smart and funney...and i like that |Drew|
Hobz - Sorry about the bombardment of warez related issues, but you must understand, MSFN is very legitament Windows based comunity. With that in mind, we have to keep the warez out of discussion otherwise we could loose our abilty to have this community. ANd our staff and members really do not want that to happen, as you can plainily see. Dont misunderstand our carful manner to that of being rude. I do however apologies if any harm has been done. I hope you enjoy your stay here, i trully belive it is the best most informed community on the net. As for you hunt for and Xp pro cd without COA. Well if you live in the US i know that with prrof of COA you can walk into any PC CLUB retail store and they can provide you with a disk. Just keep inmind you must have the COA with you, and you have to buy somthing else in the store, as the software is OEM. If you wish to do it online, i belive MS can send you a cd directly if you explain the situation. Plz feel free to Pm me if ou have any further questions. |Drew| :Topic Closed:
Geek who sometimes needs a bit extra help
Drewdatrip replied to XSienar's topic in Introduce Yourself!
Welcome to the forum mate! Good to have another Junkie in the community In regards to the AMD vs intel deal..you may want put that one on ice. Its one theing to have your opions its another to flame people cause they dont agree. Anywho, Enjoy your stay |Drew| -
According tot he Website Doom3 requires Directx 9b which is not supported on 95/98/me systems...However if you goto The directX website diectx 9c is avaiable for ME..... I have never tryied to install Doom 3 on Me, but i think it should work fine as long as you have the harware requirments, along witht the most recent drivers and DirectX |Drew|
Doesnt Partiton magic have option within the installed application to creat a boot disk? I recall the pervious versions having this option... |Drew|
Get rid of all your spyware apps and run Spybot search and destroy and Lava Soft's Ad-aware. Keep thos guys uptodate and you will be golden. As for Virus apps, just run one, using many at one timecan casue issues. I would reccomend te lates Norton Antivirus or if you can get your hands on their corp and biz version, Symantac Anti virus aka SAV |Drew|
which is the best CD-RW 32X media
Drewdatrip replied to Astalavista's topic in Hard Drive and Removable Media
Try TDK i find them to be the best and most reliable for the cash. |Drew| -
If you dont have much experince with BartPe then the two options you are looking into maybe very difficult. The partitioning option would probly be the best bet. Check out BArts website and it will break down how to add in all the application modules to get this sorted out. PArtition MAgic 8 would probley be the most simple, just casue of its layout and GUI. More or less all you would have to do is resize the drives current partition and then make anotehr small partiton to store all the files your friend requires. Then reboot and reinstall, format the fisrt partiton and then once you boot into Windows, the second partition will have all the saved information. IF you like after that you can then boot with Bart PE once again and delete the backup partiton and resize the main to take up the entire drive. THat is after you retrieve the data back tot he main disk. If you are to go about using one of the opions you have mentioned, i would reccomend the seccond one, ie the burning. You can add in an appication like Nero pretty simply, but there may be some hold ups if you have some irregular IDE controller. All i can say is read up on barts website, he has some decent instructions on how to do all this that i have mentioned. |Drew|
You may want to talk to one of our members by the name of Jay_Stealth I know he was once offering a avatar and sig service for a rather low fee. Maybe check his bio and email or pm him with this request. |Drew|
Those apps will not stop web based pop ups that are sent thru your web client. You need to use a pop up blocker or a Web client like FireFox to do that. You may still have MALware or junkware on your system. Goto you add and remove programs folder and remove anything that is obiviously shady...such a** casino stuff or make cash type of deals. In addition tot hat you probly still have alot of apps starting up with windows that are draining system performance, and may be causing those pop ups your refering to. Check an app out called Hijack This. You can remove things in your start up aswell as remove things that may be hijacking you browser. Be aware, the app is for the computer savy, you can remove things that yu may use, so just pay attention to what u disable, and use the back up feature it has...you can always get things back if you pay attention to what your getting rid of. |Drew|
[Offtopic] I dont know man you see last nights game? They pushed it to Game 7! Alot of my family is from New York....but its nice seeing a team like the Red Sox challenging the yanks every so often. [/Offtopic] In regards to the new release...we are patiently waiting GM..cant wait to see what you got up your sleeve for the new one |Drew|
I really like the idea of posting the album you hav ebeen listening to or maybe even a particular artist....but is it really nessary to post every few hours about the song you just heard? Watch the forum spam people...thatnkx |Drew|
Ya if you plan to go the amd 64 route, id reccomend taking snoops advice, there is defenatly somthing to be said about the additional cache and the dual chan mem ...ie you can expect another 15-20% of performance where it counts. I know every freakin overclocking Duron and Semperon nut job is gonna come out of the wood work here, but saving a 100 bucks or so is not worth the stability and versitilty of a top end CPU with the bonus in cache and the current technology of Dual chan memory. If High end gaming and horsepower is what you want and need dont skimp when it comes to these features. PS- Snoop is a Bacon and egg sandwitching eating n00b! |Drew|
Use a browser like FireFox that has Popup blocking. And get ad-aware and SPybot search and destroy. Run those scanner apps and then immunize your system with Spybot. |Drew|
If your really looking to furture proof your machine you may want to consider going with the Intel 915 / 925x chipset. This new chipset imploys a new 775 ziff LGA (lan grid array) And uses a PCX vid card slot. The CPU and MOBO are about the same price (sometimes even cheaper) and have some obivious benifits, such as onboard sound that rivals the audigy 2 in quality, uses very little cpu, onboard raid IDE and SATA! Apprently the chipset nativly also has the capablity of Wireless G, but they are determining if that feature will be unlocked. The only downside to it is, the DDR2 is abit more expensive. Howver i belve its worth if if you are a hardcore user that plans to upgrade to the latest and greatest. The new 1066 gsb P4s and faster DDR2 will most likly be supported on the 925x, which should keep you pretty current for the next few years. |Drew|
:Goes to put on new Bart PE disk: Thankx will help me out for sure! |Drew|
Make sure you hvae properly typed in your Key.... Otherwise you maybe using a Illegal or blacklisted key |Drew|
Did you make any chages to hardware or software b4 you got this error? Try holding F8 on boot and select safemode. Then goto your devise manager and delete your moniter and vid card from the list. Restart your comp into normal mode and see what happens. |Drew|
why do most programs try to contact their site?
Drewdatrip replied to GLO's topic in General Discussion
It additionally will check for known bootlegged versions. If your copy is legit theres no need to block it, like otheres have stated its generally to check for updates and registration ie authenticity |Drew| -
Wow thats Shady I think its upgraded hardware Bush v2.1 |Drew|
Either you have enternd your code wrong or your using a illigitamate Code that has been blacklisted |Drew|
:Topic Split: Plz try to post in correct section as well as not under existing topic that has no relation to your problem. It clutteres the subjects and makes it very har fopr people to fix your problem. Thankx |Drew|
I have ICS running on my sp2 machine and my xbox uses the ICs to connect to the net....works just fine. Id just make u have the proper settings, for instance if your doing it through a switch, make sure the comp has a static ip set on the nic card. |Drew|
True, However if you want it to be used by a larger popluation, then simplisity is a huge factor. And when it comes down to it most avergae users do not know any languages even the most simple ie, html and xml |Drew|