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Everything posted by dman

  1. dman

    dead PC

    any error messages? You ran chkdsk and checked for bios & driver updates, especially video card?
  2. Try setting output. Place this in code before you output any HTML or it will try to write to STDOUT. print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
  3. dman

    dead PC

    Maybe it is going into thermal shutdown? Is the CPU fan spinning ok and the cooling fins clean of dust?
  4. boot from the floppy and change to the cd drive. the install program is "setup.exe" on the CD.
  5. dont forget the ram. push all cards and connectors on and off several times. if this doesnt work, next suspect power supply like bigbrit + sage mentioned.
  6. very first thing to try is re-seating the processor and all cables and cards. Highly unlikely (but possible) that processor died.
  7. Nice service XPerties! This will be great for MSFN. Worked like a charm. Dig My Bike! EDIT: OK, I see how that works now. very slick
  8. Good idea. Put your effort into something people will appreciate, not loathe you for.
  9. dman

    Disk Error

    Did you try booting from floppy to see if you can access c drive?
  10. dman

    Disk Error

    Hmm, you sure there is not a non-boot floppy in the A: drive, or the door is stuck and it thinks there is?. Either that or you OS is gone from HD. In that case boot from recovery floppy and see if you can access drive c. If you can, run "sys c:"
  11. This is very rude. Like slapping your bumper sticker on someones car without asking. Please reflect on the wisdom of TomcaTs post. If you really want to prove the concept, put a button "Add Shortcut To Desktop" on your page. Short of an exploit (very,very wrong) You will need something like an activex control to do it.
  12. At quick glance it just looks like the "normal" condition was omitted. Maybe something like this... If it finds the "ASSET" tag it echos the line to output file, reads the next line and writes the replacement. If the tag is not found it just echos the current line. do while MyFile.AtEndOfStream <> True Zeile = MyFile.ReadLine if InStr(UCase(Zeile), "ASSET TRACKING NUMBER") <> 0 then NewFile.WriteLine zeile Zeile = MyFile.ReadLine NewFile.WriteLine Replace(Zeile, objSMBIOS.SMBIOSAssetTag, WshNetwork.ComputerName) else NewFile.WriteLine zeile end if loop and really, you don't even have to worry about the replace() function since you are just swapping one line for another. It could just be do while MyFile.AtEndOfStream <> True Zeile = MyFile.ReadLine if InStr(UCase(Zeile), "ASSET TRACKING NUMBER") <> 0 then NewFile.WriteLine zeile Zeile = MyFile.ReadLine NewFile.WriteLine WshNetwork.ComputerName else NewFile.WriteLine zeile end if loop
  13. Hi Mamoun, Making the form is easy, it is processing the return that is a challenge. What are you using? ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, CGI, ColdFusion? You also need some kind of database to store the values, so you need to choose a DB as well. MySQL is the hot DB now, but there are many other choices. If you don't know the answer to these questions you should start with a HTML form processing tut like this... PHP Form Processing Tutorial
  14. That is interesting but I have not used the recovery console since I found BartPE and UBCD4Win.
  15. Libertarian! Big Govt. is the problem, not the solution. Recent Supreme Court ruling against medical marijuana the latest example of Fed. govt. trampling on States rights. Note to Conservatives: Stop telling me how to live my life. Note to Liberals: Get your stinking hands off my wallet!
  16. You could use MS Backup to make an "Automated System Recovery" backup. It is installed by default in XP Pro. It's on the install disk of XP Home but not installed by default. Don't know about media center, or if Dell has bothered to include it on their restore disk. Else you could use a partition backup program like Symantec Ghost, or the freeware Digital Dolly
  17. JavaCool SpywareBlaster is a great free spyware monitor.
  18. (Word 2000) In word click edit, replace. In "Find What" type 2005. In "Replace with" box type ^l (caret + lower case L), or click more, special, manual line break.
  19. Boot into your old installation then... First, disable simple file sharing so you can set permissions on folder, then right click on drive, go to properties then security tab. Under group and user names click add then choose "Everyone". you should now have access to the drive. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;EN-US;307874
  20. Can you open "properties" for your adaptor? sounds like you need to install the drivers for this first. Do it same as monitor... properties, driver, update driver.
  21. Ootsoo, woof woof! I have visual studio 6 Enterprise edition, so if you have standard or pro edition it might be different. When I install visual studio, after I install programs it asks if I want to install MSDN. Also if I re-run "setup" from the cd-rom it detects that visual studio is already installed and gives me Add/Remove options.... one of these options is Install MSDN Library. I don't think you need to uninstall anything, just let MSDN reinstall over top of old, but launched from Visual studio setup. So try just putting in Visual Studio CD and running setup.exe, it should give you option to install MSDN. dman
  22. since you know when the problem started, use system restore to roll back to the first restore point before this.
  23. Apparently it will run only on XP SP2. http://www.lostcoders.net/index-single-1906.htm But like you noted, some of our fellow MSFN members are amazing, If it is possible I bet someone here will do it.
  24. Just run Visual Studio setup again and let it install MSDN library when it prompts you.
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