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Everything posted by dman

  1. Which version of vb? what is your data source, or do you just want to hard-code a list? also, do you mean menus like at top of page or dropdown list box?
  2. @Martin Are you referring to "WinFS"? Wasn't that cut out of Longhorn?
  3. I agree with those who have noted that "User Friendly" is a subjective term. It depends on your needs and abilities. I would just like to make a comment about their respective filesystems. The *NIX filesystem is so much easier to work with because there is no concept of "drive letter" in the fs path. Drives are "mounted" or attached to mount points (folders) and the entire drive just appears as a subfolder of mount point. This eliminates all of the "what drive is it on" headaches common to dos and windows. "Drive letters" are an abomination and one of the most egregious examples of backwards compatibility, as they can be traced all the way back to CP/M, the precursor to dos.
  4. When you boot with BartPE your hard disk will behave just like you put it in another computer as a second drive. No files will be open, as windows is running from the cd and ramdrive. You will be able to replace or delete any file. I suggest you build UBCD4Win. It is BartPE plus all recovery and diagnostic tools you will ever need, and all freeware.
  5. 9 yrs now. That is my only baby sitting in front of my bike in avatar.
  6. @Dev Team, Thanks for removing restriction on editing own posts. I see you have now made the "Edited By" tag non-optional. This is perfect solution. Much less intrusive and restrictive than time limit, and it also makes it obvious to reader that it is not their imagination that the post has been altered. Bravo!
  7. As far as I know they are completely interchangable. I use "while" in this case because it seems to make more "human logic" sense. I.E. You are doing it while the condition is met or until told to stop. "For" seems to imply a sequential iteration, I.E. do it this number of times or until I say stop. Anyway, thats just how I think of it, like I said, in code terms they are interchangable. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default....e_statement.asp http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default....r_statement.asp
  8. If I flame your post does that make me a Substance Abuser???? Seriously, A+ Certification covers skills needed for "Computer Builder". This is most common entry-level hardware/software certification. http://www.comptia.org/certification/a/default.aspx
  9. I will defer this question to The Master, Bjarne Stroustrup. http://www.research.att.com/~bs/homepage.html He is inventor of C++. If you are able to teach yourself you will find a link to everything you need at his site. If you are new to programming, you will want to learn c before c++. A quick google for "c programming tutorial" will net you more than you can read in a lifetime.
  10. for VC++ 6.0 From Menu select: Tools / Options / Help System set "Preferred Collection" to "MSDN Library - <date>" for VC++ .net Tools / Options / Environment / Help set "Preferred Collection" to "MSDN Library - <date>"
  11. In "Run" box type "taskmgr". From shutdown menu choose "Restart" . Be careful not to choose "Turn Off"!
  12. It means that the hub gets it's power from the usb port, not an external power supply. Many hubs with a power supply have a switch so you can use them in both modes. A hub with a seperate supply would probably be better to use as a charger.
  13. dman

    Good XML Editor

    MS also has a free little xml editor tool called xml notepad. It is pretty simple but functional. http://www.snapfiles.com/get/xmlnotepad.html
  14. Just tried this out and it works great. Thanks codejunkie!
  15. Those three words say it all. There is no better way of getting exactly what you want than making it yourself!
  16. It would seem that there are many more valid reasons for editing posts than ways to abuse it. Now there is no way to correct inaccuracies or enhance a post. Seems like overkill, and it diminishes the forum to some extent. Just my 2 cents.
  17. Seems we can't edit posts any more. This is shorthand version of above... 'convert textbox contents to an array of Strings Dim sArray As String() = Text1.Text.Split(Environment.NewLine) 'remove whitespaces Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To sArray.Length - 1 sArray(i) = sArray(i).Trim Next 'sort the array Array.Sort(sArray) 'convert array back to string and refill textbox Text1.Text = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, sArray)
  18. Sounds like a nice project. By "Alphebetize", you mean sort the contents of textbox by line right? Maybe this will help. Is easiest to read contents into an array, sort the array, rejoin the array and then refill the textbox. 'read textbox into string Dim s As String = Text1.Text.Trim 'convert string to an array of strings Dim sArray As String() = s.Split(Environment.NewLine) 'remove whitespaces (optional, depends on your need) Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To sArray.Length - 1 sArray(i) = sArray(i).Trim Next 'sort the array Array.Sort(sArray) 'Convert array back to string s = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, sArray) 'refill the textbox with sorted contents Text1.Text = s
  19. libeay.dll is the encryption library for OpenSSL Secure Socket Layer. It is included in other products as well. On my computer it is used by VMWare as well as Dreamweaver, Apache & PHP. You may also find it in FTP programs like FileZilla or remote access programs. http://www.liutilities.com/products/wintas...brary/libeay32/
  20. Glad I could help. You can also set maxlength to 0 to allow theoretical max (I believe 65M or thereabouts, don't quote me). What features are you including in your editor?
  21. yes, java vm is written in c or c++. the hallmark of a "true" programming is "can it be used to compile itself?" C++ yes, java, no.
  22. I am always using "dropmyrights" to start browser and email now. No overhead and total protection against anything that needs admin privileges to do their evil. Thats a pretty good deal! Thanks Soulin.
  23. Java: Pros- Portable - will run on any platform with JVM Managed - garbage collection cleans up dereferenced objects memory Simple - simple syntax + IDE tools make development much more rapid Cons - Slow- All of that code management comes at a price Requires JVM installed on machine difficult to gain low-level access to hardware C++: Pros- High Performance- no managed framework, direct access to API functions. Compiles to native code - no runtime required Cons: Must be re-compiled for each platform it is to run on. More labor-intensive development than Java. So there is really no "Better" language, it depends on what kind of application you are developing and what platforms it needs to run on. Either way, both will be around for quite some time.
  24. Hi Cyber Axe, The examples for vb6 still work, you just have to adjust the syntax a little for .NET. This is for line number. cursor position code can be adjusted similarly. put text1 and label1 on form and paste... Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal wMsg As Integer, _ ByVal wParam As Integer, ByRef lParam As Object) As Integer Private Const EM_LINEFROMCHAR As Short = &HC9s Sub Text1_TextChanged(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles Text1.TextChanged Dim currLine As Integer currLine = SendMessage(Text1.Handle.ToInt32, EM_LINEFROMCHAR, -1, 0) + 1 Label1.Text = "Line: " & Str(currLine) End Sub BTW, You are aware textbox has 32k limit, right?
  25. I agree with lost soul about building your own. If not, a generic ISA standard architecture box of almost any make is the better bet. Propriatary hardware is P.I.A. with their non-standard components, cases and and drivers. Not to mention the loads of crap that they install by default. Fixed internet connection on a customers new gateway today because PREINSTALLED norton AND mcaffee "trial" firewalls were duking it out. WTF is the point of that???
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