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Everything posted by msfntor

  1. In 360Chrome builds, deviceinfo.me detect ALMOST all my fonts...70 from 75. I've not found a font detector that detects more fonts than deviceinfo.me detection.
  2. 360Chrome 13.5.1030 r1: Deviceinfo.me says: Fingerprint Resistance: Detected (good, but where?...) WebGL: both versions, and Extensions: Disabled or blocked by browser settings/extensions (?) Hidester browser fingerprint test: https://hidester.com/browser-fingerprint/ - says: Fonts: N/A - but deviceinfo.me detect ALMOST all my fonts...70 from 75. I've not found a font detector that detects more fonts than deviceinfo.me detection.
  3. @ArcticFoxie, would it be possible to put a part of "Optimize memory..." button in dark grey, so we can see it on your white background, please? And... when would be your dark skin (for never 13 builds), which I am looking forward to, please? PS. In Settings/Advanced/Network we have the possibility to notch "Enable speed opimizations" - but I don't see more speed with...
  4. In my 360 E. E. latest versions 13 M, 13 r: Your link has green padlock, - and home page has green padlock: https://www.cine-calidad.com/ - if JS inline scripts disabled - no thumbnails, if JS totally blocked - no thumbnails - but this link has red padlock: https://www.cinecalidad.mx/ - if JS inline scripts disabled - no thumbnails, if JS totally blocked - have thumbnails JS state: look on https://browserleaks.com/javascript
  5. Thank you! - but could you provide the detailed instructions, please?...
  6. I've found, that "Optimize memory" and then especially cleaning cookies does the trick: twitter becomes OK.
  7. I don't see a capcha on 4chan website in New Moon 27.10.0 win32 SSE that I uploaded to be able to answer you - look in uBlock to block the capcha. "nothing happens" - have you blocked the scripts?.. New Moon 27.10.0 it steals the profile from my N.M. 28.10 version - but also it does not want some of my extensions anymore...
  8. Why Redirect detective https://redirectdetective.com doesn't display the results in any of the 360Chrome builds, please? Work good in some Firefox forks ( Centaury, Basilisk Moebius, IceApe, New Moon 27.6 ... and chromium builds: Slimjet (Chromium 50), Iron (Chromium 49), Cent Browser v1.8.9.28. But other redirection checkers work fine in 360Chrome builds: https://www.redirect-checker.org/index.php https://www.redirection-web.net/ EDIT: This is already my bad tradition, sorry: I discovered the culprit! It was NO MORE REFERRER extension. NO MORE REFERRER then protect against scripts, it seems to me... Maybe someone could explain this to me in detail?... Its link to Web Store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/no-more-referrer/pnieocdcmbkplilpaihcajgeglmggego?hl=en-US ...and Test Browser Referrer Headers: https://www.darklaunch.com/tools/test-referer So ALL 360Chrome builds work nice!
  9. Found the culprit now...it's Dark Background and Light Text extension; with disabled it on the extensions page, this happen no more. But returns with Dark B and L T extension enabled again... Sorry for disturbing you with...
  10. The dark theme as I would like to see it - not black (I hate black and white, it's too contrasting for me), but grey, like silver... Moreover, from what I see now: the "Extension manager" button leads to Chrome Web Store in Russian (google consent in Russian first...). But on my extension's icon - the link to "Extension manager" from right click works good, leading to extensions page; then "Get more extensions" link leads to Chrome Web Store in English! At the rigt in the search bar, button "F" with a red exclamation mark (is this popup blocker button? or javascript alert button?) gives in chinese, if I touch with my mouse......If click on it, starts Chinese page: https://bbs.360.cn/thread-15951954-1-1.html This weird button you can see with this page: http://mozlima.github.io/redirectbypasser/test/test-redirectbypasser.html?url=javascript:alert(21)&
  11. @ArcticFoxie, Internal 360Chrome popup blocker function works well, and acts (also positively) on redirects - so it would be better for everyone's security to have this possibility notched from the beginning. Dark theme is better for my eyes, more relaxing. The worst in a browser would be for my eyes the white flash of new tab... So I kindly ask you not to laugh at my preferences (of dark theme for example)... - I don't laugh at people with different opinions, everyone has the RIGHT to have their own opinions, even if they are very different from yours. The differences between people - that's our wealth, I think. Your image - you see where it leads not to take into consideration the opinion of someone who differs from the thoughts of most people... You - you must be happy, when people react to your work's product... It's not about what you like - you have to listen to the others for whom you are doing your work. Because I think you do this for others, not for yourself.... I am not wrong about this, please?
  12. Some remarks on the fly, for @ArcticFoxie's v13.5.1030 Alpha_6: * In the Settings, the Settings/Advanced/Web Content, "Disable pop-ups" is NOT notched natively (uh oh!)... * With "Dark Background and Light Text" extension, with Default ("Stylesheet processor") option notched, web pages are blank (and new tab too), not nice dark like in build 13 2250 M... that's why I stick with build 13 2250 M (in which I've also chosen the dark theme) * google's Consent popup is in Russian, then Chrome Web Store is in Russian too... * I don't prefer to have brand new browser with each and every release... The 360Chrome browser's builds population on my desktop is growing exponentially... * finally the internal text is well readable, thanks! See you soon, and thanks for your hard work!
  13. 13 2250 M (newest): On MSFN and other websites page: In right click/Inspect/ then JavaScript Console (sometimes in chinese...) at the bottom, on yellow, this talk about polyfill, maybe this has the link with my twitter polyfill story?.: DevTools 无法加载 SourceMap: 无法加载 chrome-extension://cdcoopnlkdlmphjpjggdmhohkiklonkh/lib/webextension-polyfill/dist/browser-polyfill.min.js.map: 的内容HTTP 错误:状态代码 404,net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME In English: DevTools could not load SourceMap: impossible to load chrome-extension://cdcoopnlkdlmphjpjggdmhohkiklonkh/lib/webextension-polyfill/dist/browser-polyfill.min. js.map: HTTP error content: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
  14. ALL is OK. in ALL builds here! Problem of not displaying twitter page SOLUTION: In "Better Popup Blocker 2" extension, in this extension's little popup window, click ALLOW (twitter) then RESET COOKIE in this window, and restart the browser. If after restarting the browser no twitter page to read, click once again RESET COOKIE link in the window of Better P. B. 2 - so twitter page come back OK., too OK. after another restarts of the browser. No more endless "Something went wrong, but don't fret - let's give it another shot" ... Problem of not displaying twitter page is SOLVED. If you don't more have this extension, then downoad it and make like above... - what I did in 12 r 8 build... Under browser Settings/Advanced/Web content/Content settings/All cookies and site data, twitter.com has 4 or 6 cookies, Database storage, Local storage - 33 MB !!! - really heavy. I wonder if this does not decrease the speed of the browser...
  15. YES in incognito mode is OK.! But in normal mode I've disabled all two extensions...
  16. Here, in my Windows x86 XP SP2 - no. Looking in Ublock O., on twimg.com have only: abs.twimg.com. Missing: abs-0.twimg.com, pbs.twimg.com video.twimg.com. This same of course with uBlock disabled... https://twitter.com/?failedScript=polyfills Maybe you will find something useful here: https://www.socialgrep.com/search?query=polyfills
  17. 3 examples of twitter links for you, @ArcticFoxie, for your convenience! https://twitter.com/DiscloseTV https://twitter.com/oloiux https://twitter.com/search?q=Weverse&src=trend_click
  18. Problem with Twitter (no registration, to read only) in some builds... ("Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.") (Twitter.com and twimg.com: ALLOWED...) 360Chrome builds (Regular for r versions): 12 1592 M: failedScript ("Something went wrong, but...") 13 2250 M: OK. 12 1247 r 8: failedScript=polyfills ("Something went wrong, but...) 13 2206 r 3: OK. 13 2206 r 4: OK. 13 2206 r 5: "Something went wrong, but..."
  19. Better subdomains scanners finders online I've found (that this from my precedent post): SecurityTrails.com: https://securitytrails.com/list/apex_domain/browser.360.cn ThreatMiner.org: https://www.threatminer.org/index.php Spyse.com: https://spyse.com/
  20. @rereser, Thanks to you! But I have this tool, and I never saw your results... under what conditions are you able to see these entries, please? EDIT: It's ok. And Subdomain Finder found many subdomains of browser.360.cn https://subdomainfinder.c99.nl/ ThreatMiner found nothing: https://www.threatminer.org/domain.php?q=browser.360.cn#gsc.tab=0
  21. - @rereser, which tool you're using to look on these entries, please?
  22. I wrote: In CrowdInspect: 360Chrome versions: 12 M and 13 M: 360Chrome.exe : Listening ALL IPv4 on Local Ip 12 r 8 and 13 r 5: 360Loader.exe: MHR red point with two exclamations Under Type tab: UDP So under State tab: Listening - and under Local Ip tab: All IPv4
  23. In CrowdInspect: 360Chrome versions: 12 M and 13 M: 360Chrome.exe : Listening ALL IPv4 on Local Ip 12 r 8 and 13 r 5: 360Loader.exe: MHR red point with two exclamations -that's all that seems suspicious; about red point reread explications of @ArcticFoxie - so red point is NOT suspicious. DNS yandex finds: this depends on the website you are looking at, this depends if the website has links to yandex...that's all. For example, if you've in 12 M build, a tab with WHOER.net: https://whoer.net/ - you see in CrowdInspect 360Chrome.exe the DNS: mail-yandex-ru-production-external.stable.qloud-b.yandex.net So without some website in a tab you have no yandex or vk.com service connections eventually - this is NOT from 360Chrome nice browser. WHOER is known to always make yandex connections, at least it is an excellent service to check your browser, which I've been using for years... On the web you've many websites to make connections to yandex or vk.com russian social network, and we are still alive. But deleting from browser's code all telemetry "chino-russian "things" " - I'm all for it!
  24. Page 1, of course. Very heavy. Sorry for doubled response Now, I see in CrowdInspect (it's portable so you could download it and see you too): 360Chrome.exe has two processes (among its many other running processes) that use DNS of yandex.ru and another of front.kp.yandex.net
  25. Now, 360Chrome 12 r 8 build without any extensions running, my Browser Audit results: Passed: 371 Warning: 13 Critical: 0 Skipped: 20. VERY GOOD RESULT, congrats @ArcticFoxie!
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