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Posts posted by dmiranda

  1. Hi again. I find this new version an improvement. I mostly use mypal for social media stuff now, and it seems to be faster on MS, GM, FB, YH, LI, WU. I still can't login into webskype, but I know it's possible with less restrictive settings than mine.

    Interestingly, reddit loads now much much faster, I don't know if because changes in mypal or reddit. My settings have remained constant.

  2. Besides using those rebased dlls, it may also help rebasing chrome.dll libEGL.dll libGLESv2.dll vk_swiftshader.dll vulkan-1.dll. The specifications provided by @UCyborg (point 3) work in my multicore system

    Have a backup of the dlls to be rebased ready, just in case.

    1-Search and download rebase.exe 6.0.6001.17129. Place it somewhere of your liking. Copy full path

    2-Open a prompt box on your-path-to-Supernium\121.0.6167.81

    3-In prompt, enter your-path-to-rebase.exe -b 10040000 chrome.dll libEGL.dll libGLESv2.dll vk_swiftshader.dll vulkan-1.dll

  3. On 2/10/2024 at 10:57 PM, mina7601 said:

    No, you are not wrong, his main OS is indeed Windows 10, though, the XP he uses is 64-bit, but also talks about 32-bit XP. @UCyborg, do correct me if I am wrong about this, though.

    If so, antialiasing and texture filtering on the nvidiaprofilesinstector version I made reference to will likely be of no effect on his system. Probably not even on vista. But who knows. Just in case they do:


  4. On 2/11/2024 at 2:32 PM, VistaLover said:

    As for GitHub, I wouldn't want a GH tab auto-reload in the middle of me composing a New Issue or comment :unsure: ... Thank you :) , though, for the recommendation (which, again, is no good for "upstream" and NM28, since WEs are out of the question...).

    Hi @VistaLover, apologies for the delay. Life call. I have never used palemon (except @roytam1's builds), so I'm not concerned with their approach and inherent limitations. As per https://webextension.org/listing/tab-reloader.html, I use it countersensically to effectively limit the rampant refresh behavior of scrip bloated sites. Specifically, I ask the extension to reload only every 30 minutes (which it does effectively), to not reload active tab (only those in the background at set time, using cache), to bypass form submission (which works only when pressed to do so), and to not reload offline tabs (which I do put them so, when I want to prevent their being awoken or discarded without permission). If you take a look at the code, you will see the addon uses scripts and workers that mostly prevent updating/refresh operations, preventing trash buildup. You can also set up custom scripts and policies (which I have not used so far), but may be of use for more specific tasks. ALLWAYS REMEMBER TO SAVE OPTIONS (bottom of addon's settings page). I also attached by settings for export, if anyone is interested. In my set up, with those settings I seem to effectively reduce undue garbage collection and overload. Not 100%, I guess, but noticeably so.  Cheers! 



  5. 13 hours ago, Mathwiz said:

    For those who don't want to read through a long thread, I offer the following pull-quote from MC:

    I tend to agree, both with MC's take (bad website design) and @VistaLover's pessimism that anything will change. "It runs just fine on the latest Chrome and even Firefox, with only 64GB RAM and five dozen processor cores! What - you don't throw out and replace your PC every month? You aren't running Win 11? What's wrong with you?"

    I think this extension, https://webextension.org/listing/tab-reloader.html, mitigates the underlying issue, particularly regarding bloated social media and news/sites that want to update content on "real time". I don't know that much about github/gitlab, but they seem to also behave with this extension on. The latest version in the firefox extensions site installs and seems to work well in sp52 (with e10s).    

  6. I really grew tired of non-sense, so for the first time in decades I decided to ignore some forum participants. For the rest: I assumed Ucyborg is using the OS in his picture (w10), apologies for assuming so, if it was not the case. Once again, I'm no expert, nor do I have access to multiple hardware: I transparently report on what I have (windowswise), and what I can do with my system (which is representative of only myself). The system I use has two (10 years ago) mid range quadro GPUs, perhaps other GPUs allow for later drivers. In my system, finally, after including supermium in nvidiainspectorprofile (with settings I use in my other browsers), the font ugliness I (also) commented about before is gone, so I reported in case it may be of use to anybody else. To be honest, I never noticed any special brightness in Supermium, and feel real sorry for those who are so vocally incapable of solving that issue. I wish them well.  


  7. 45 minutes ago, UCyborg said:

    And change what exactly? How does it effect GDI rendering? I wonder if the program even works with driver 355.98. NVIDIA's graphics drivers for XP are such a crapshoot. You have to be a programmer to even set display scaling, which I didn't know it was possible until I recently found some old NV API docs from around 2005.

    I don't know about w10. I don't use what I (and most serious governments in the world) consider spyware. For what I know, XP accepts up to 320.92 drivers, and with that environment, the nvidiaProfileInspector version I mentioned serves me well. At least I don't suffer migraine by looking at a browser, can watch all movies I want, etc., etc., etc.

    For win10 and 355.98 you should do your own research, in most recent versions of nvidiaProfileInspector (https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases). I can;t help with what I don't use.

    As per settings for xp, I'd be happy to share them, with XP, vista and maybe 7 users, if they were to ask with a minimum of politeness.  

    PS: why are we assuming it is a GDI matter, anyway? As somebody already suggested, it may well be an issue up to an optometrist, for all we know.

  8. For those who may think this thread is visited regularly by win32, I just want to remind them that this thread was created and owned by Dibya, and that the first and only time win32 participated in it was in september 2023 (first page), about right before an apparently very sensitive to brightness participant complained about "excessive brightness", something only one other participant in this thread has complained about. For them: try dark mode/dark ui flags, they work flawlessly and, as the whole supermium package, for free.

  9. On 11/15/2023 at 6:06 PM, seven4ever said:

    But still lack of Widevine, no progress above 360 Browsers.

    Actually, with version 125 121 (typo), when I run it unconstrained, it does get widewine. I haven't tried it yet, but the folder structure and the dll are there.

  10. 2 hours ago, Dixel said:

    But you check mine. Oh, that "famous" fixation on higher education ... what about my education?

    I don't think so, but if you feel I do (or want to) check yours, and it makes you feel good, be my guest ;p

  11. Well, it took more than a few secs. As I said in a previous post, supermium leaves chrome processes opened after closing. So that is why the supermium folder was on my RAM profiles folder, locked as being used (which it was). Running from default, supemium creates, in my set up, user data in the temp folder (which I also run from RAM). Running from there (and with my firewall allowing all connections) I could run YT and GM quite well, actually, obviously with no privacy, in the manner D Draker mentions ungoogled would not allow. I don't like that behavior, actually, but again, provided you don't care to share your info with GG and whoever else is looking over GG logs, it may give you access to stuff other browsers couldn't (including supermium prevented from exercising normal chrome spyware functions). It is not problematic for me because I run temp from RAM (so it's gone with all settings at restart). What bothers me is the info stored at HKEY_USERS\S-YOURUSERNUMBER\Software\Supermium, which looks too much like a set  of uids. Articfoxie dealt with that in 360chrome with a tailored set of reg entries. I wonder if that can be replicated in this case. 


  12. I mention it because by mistake I run a direct shortcut I had made -like I do with all my browsers, to compare performance vis-a-vis my tweaked launchers-. I was surprised it was creating the profile in RAM, as I had instructed it to do with my customized launcher. It shouldn't have. I used whatchanged 1.07 to see changes in my c drive when launching directly again, and I could see the creation of a HKEY_USERS\S-YOURUSERNUMBER\Software\Supermium item, but nothing physical in C. I checked in my RAM drive, and it was there. I delete both the folder in RAM and the registry entry, and launched again. Both the profile in RAM and the registry entry were recreated. So, the settings to do that (including the RAM folder location) are saved somewhere else. Seeing that, I decided to copy my saved extensions/localstate+ settings in the RAM folder, delete the registry item, and launch directly again. I report in the next post what happens: I expect supermium to use the settings in the profile folder. More in a few seconds.

  13. 42 minutes ago, VistaLover said:

    I used to just delete all the startup caches, just because. 2 or so years ago I stopped doing so, after having a peek at them and seeing noting spyware like on them. Was I right then and wrong now?

  14. 2 hours ago, D.Draker said:

    No, it's rather "I have a 15-20 years old CPU, which sucks that much, so I have to use use all available hardware (including the GPU) in a desperate attempt to squeeze out every bit of what is left of my hopelessly outdated PC".

    P.S. "Even 20 years ago my CPU sucked big time 'cause I chose the cheapest from the low end line".

    With your evidently superb hardware, 125 shouldn't be an issue. In fact: why vista (and then its business version) when you could be on windows 11, I wonder.

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