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Posts posted by dmiranda

  1. 2 hours ago, D.Draker said:

    MSFN, really? It works even on Chrome 60 (from a decade ago), MSFN isn't the best testing grounds otu there, while almost everyone these days uses youtube and/or gmail.

    I said I tested here and there, including MSFN (italics added for emphasis). That means MSFN was one of many tabs I worked with, while testing. Comprende?

    As per testing YT or GM first: folly. If you read back, you'll see it took a while for me to get supernium not to crash on start. When I achieved that, I started disabling things I know cause loading issues. When I manage to make it load, seeing it was still heavy, I disabled a bunch of chrome//flags. All the while reporting and surfing around, to see what happened, including hog FB. Once I couldn't think of more things to disable/turn off, only then I tried YT (in many ways) with no success (always crashing the tab or the browser, and then GM, which resulted unusable, for slow.

    And with that, my testing of this version of Supernium ended.

  2. Well, you do comprehend English, right? I tested the software. To do so, I first deployed, adapted it with settings I knew (at least used to) work in prior chrome versions, I surfed here and there, including MSFN, where I was leaving my notes. Here and there, it was fast. In YT it crashed, and worked like snail in GM. That is it.

  3. I'm impressed by how this browser behaves in XP, how well documented it is, and the scope of choices it has, including many ungoogled options.

    I would prefer to have a search engine of my choice, but well, you can't have it all. Congratulations to the developer.

  4. I learn from everybody who has something of value to offer. You have made your valuable contributions, but they are (in my opinion, no offense intended, just the facts) of no comparison to those of @Sampei.Nihira. You'd do better were to stop offending people, particularly due to their proficiency in a second or third (for some of us, fifth or more) language, and keeping the high road. It does exist.

    Back on topic: in yourprofilepath, next to the default folder, one can find a file called "Local State." It holds all the chrome://flags you move out of default.  As I was saying, " I'm systematically disabling flags related to: autofill, webrtc, webgl (now unnecessary, chrome finally caught up), payment, credit (reviewing card with detail, for there are some related to cards other than credit cards and smart card), share/sharing, password (most of them), sync (most of them), geolocation, and history (most of them)." Those choices get saved in "Local State". If you save that file (together with your extensions and browser settings in the "Default" folder, you can then recreate your profile from scratch, with your preferred stuff and preferences, fresh as the same day you finished customizing your browser. Which I did today.


  5. 13 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

    The list needs to be rechecked, from a short stare, I can see: some flags were added several times --process-per-site, for example.

    True that. I also noticed I added a --site-per-process in there. It doesn't seem to hurt, but who knows. For my use it doesn't do damage. All suggestions/corrections are welcome. Supernium itself recommended dropping ones I was using in 360 chome.

    As per chrome://flags, many of the old ones that I used in 360chrome are not there anymore.  I'm systematically disabling flags related to: autofill, webrtc, webgl (now unnecessary, chrome finally caught up), payment, credit (reviewing card with detail, for there are some related to cards other than credit cards and smart card), share/sharing, password (most of them), sync (most of them), geolocation, and history (most of them).

  6. 6 hours ago, D.Draker said:

    Wow! What a huge list! Do you know what every flag means? What time does it take for the browser to start with such a list?

    I did research them at the time (following the development of all 360chrome versions for the last 3 or 4 years? More importantly, I tested them progressively, to see nothing in the stuff I was using going awry in what I used 360chrome for (mostly social media by the e-oligopoly). Please be aware I don't use chrome for payments (I use a tablet for that).

    As per loading time, it is probably faster than normal, but supernium is RAM heavy at startup, so if I had been using other RAM consuming app (such as another browser - I run all my profiles from RAM), it still fails to stick until the second or third time. Once it is up, it is really fast, as already reported. 

    Please also note that I haven't yet disable flags related to webl, payments, or (unless I use whatsapp) wasm. That should reduce the loading burden too. 


  7. As per the loader, the relevant parts are



    Parameters=--user-data-dir="%Profile%" --no-first-run --no-default-browser-check --no-referrers --no-pings --disable-component-update --disable-logging --disable-background-networking --allow-outdated-plugins --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --safebrowsing-disable-download-protection --disable-background-mode --disable-quic --disable-suggestions-service --kiosk-printing --disable-print-preview --load-media-router-component-extension=0 --ssl-version-min=tls1.2 --enable-strict-mixed-content-checking --process-per-site --renderer-process-limit=3 --disable-breakpad --disable-machine-id --block-new-web-contents --disable-crash-reporter --disable-default-apps --disable-domain-reliability --disable-external-intent-requests --disable-file-system --gpu-rasterization-msaa-sample-count=0 --lite-video-force-override-decision --num-raster-threads=4 --process-per-site --site-per-process --time-zone-for-testing=UTC --use-fake-device-for-media-stream --enable-features="BlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequests,BlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsForNavigations,BrowserDynamicCodeDisabled,DesktopScreenshots,DisableProcessReuse,ElementSuperRareData,EnableCsrssLockdown,EncryptedClientHello,ForceIsolationInfoFrameOriginToTopLevelFrame,GpuAppContainer,ImprovedCookieControls,IntensiveWakeUpThrottling:grace_period_seconds/10,IsolateOrigins,IsolatePrerenders,IsolateSandboxedIframes,MinimizeAudioProcessingForUnusedOutput,NetworkServiceSandbox,NetworkServiceCodeIntegrity,OpaqueResponseBlockingV01,OriginIsolationHeader,PartitionConnectionsByNetworkIsolationKey,PartitionDomainReliabilityByNetworkIsolationKey,PartitionExpectCTStateByNetworkIsolationKey,PartitionHttpServerPropertiesByNetworkIsolationKey,PartitionNelAndReportingByNetworkIsolationKey,PartitionSSLSessionsByNetworkIsolationKey,PartitionedCookies,PostQuantumCECPQ2,PrefetchPrivacyChanges,ReduceUserAgent,ReducedReferrerGranularity,RendererAppContainer,RestrictGamepadAccess,SandboxExternalProtocolBlocked,ScopeMemoryCachePerContext,SplitAuthCacheByNetworkIsolationKey,SplitCacheByIncludeCredentials,SplitCacheByNetworkIsolationKey,SplitHostCacheByNetworkIsolationKey,StrictOriginIsolation,SubframeShutdownDelay,SuppressDifferentOriginSubframeJSDialogs,ThirdPartyStoragePartitioning,ThrottleForegroundTimers,TurnOffStreamingMediaCachingAlways,TurnOffStreamingMediaCachingOnBattery,WinSboxDisableExtensionPoint,WinSboxDisableKtmComponent" --disable-features="AcceptCHFrame,AdInterestGroupAPI,AllowClientHintsToThirdParty,AllowURNsInIframes,AnonymousIframeOriginTrial,AutofillEnableAccountWalletStorage,AutofillServerCommunication,BrowsingTopics,ClearCrossSiteCrossBrowsingContextGroupWindowName,ClientHintThirdPartyDelegation,ClientHintsDPR,ClientHintsDPR_DEPRECATED,ClientHintsDeviceMemory,ClientHintsDeviceMemory_DEPRECATED,ClientHintsMetaHTTPEquivAcceptCH,ClientHintsMetaNameAcceptCH,ClientHintsResourceWidth,ClientHintsResourceWidth_DEPRECATED,ClientHintsViewportWidth,ClientHintsViewportWidth_DEPRECATED,ComputePressure,ContextMenuPerformanceInfoAndRemoteHintFetching,ConversionMeasurement,CookieDomainRejectNonASCII,CopyLinkToText,CrashReporting,CriticalClientHint,CrostiniAdditionalEnterpriseReporting,CssSelectorFragmentAnchor,DocumentReporting,EnableStructuredMetrics,EnterpriseRealtimeExtensionRequest,ExpectCTReporting,EnableTLS13EarlyData,FedCm,Fledge,FontAccess,GreaseUACH,IdleDetection,InterestGroupStorage,Journeys,LensStandalone,MediaDrmPreprovisioning,MediaEngagementBypassAutoplayPolicies,NavigationRequestPreconnect,NetworkTimeServiceQuerying,NotificationTriggers,OmniboxTriggerForNoStatePrefetch,OptimizationHints,OptimizationHintsFetching,OptimizationHintsFetchingAnonymousDataConsent,OptimizationHintsFieldTrials,Parakeet,Prerender2,PrefersColorSchemeClientHintHeader,PreloadMediaEngagementData,Reporting,RetailCoupons,SCTAuditing,SegmentationPlatform,SignedExchangeReportingForDistributors,SignedHTTPExchange,SpeculationRulesPrefetchProxy,SubresourceWebBundles,TabMetricsLogging,TFLiteLanguageDetectionEnabled,TextFragmentAnchor,SafeBrowsingBetterTelemetryAcrossReports,UserAgentClientHint,UserAgentClientHintFullVersionList,UsernameFirstFlow,UsernameFirstFlowFilling,UsernameFirstFlowFallbackCrowdsourcing,ViewportHeightClientHintHeader,WebNFC,WebOTP,WebSQLInThirdPartyContextEnabled,WebXR,WinrtGeolocationImplementation,RecordWebAudioEngagement" --cipher-suite-blacklist=",0x000A, 0xc013,0xc014,0xe013,0x009c,0x009d,0x002f,0x0035" --component-updater=url-source= --crash-server-url= --gcm-checkin-url= --gcm-mcs-endpoint= --gcm-registration-url= --google-apis-url= --lso-url= --oauth-account-manager-url= --override-metrics-upload-url= --realtime-reporting-url= --reporting-connector-url= --sync-url= --variations-server-url= --variations-insecure-server-url= --cipher-suite-blacklist="0xc013,0xc014,0x009c,0x009d,0x002f,0x0035" --blink-settings="dnsPrefetchingEnabled=false,preferredColorScheme=1,strictMixedContentChecking=true,strictMixedContentCheckingForPlugin=true,strictlyBlockBlockableMixedContent=true" --isolation-by-default --js-flags=--jitless --disable-webgl --component-updater=url-source= --enable-features="RendererAppContainer" 

  8. These are the opposite: what look like folders are in the standard supernium profile files, what look like files are folders.  Copying these over an empty profile before starting the browser prevent (in part) the innate spyware nature of chrome.

    Together with the prior set of files/folders, these are all you need to create a profile from scratch. The rest, the browser does by itself (it would do the ones below too, files as folders, folders as files, if you let it do so).

    On the level above "Default", you can also create these empty files to prevent folder creation or session independent 0 byte items. See second image. The folders GraphiteDawnCache, GrShaderCache, ShaderCache and the file BrowserMetrics-spare are beyond these mundane tricks, so don't bother to try (or try and let us know how you did it)





  9. Let your firewall allow all connections, unblock google s*** while you install your preferred extensions, and then (once all is set up, your app prefs, your browser prefs are to your liking), save these to copy over to your EMPTY profile (delete before if needed). 

    These ones you should update to your baseline profile when you make changes to them. 

    PS: this and the next post come (mostly) from discussions around the 360chrome mods of Articfoxie and Hummingowl.


  10. 41 minutes ago, Saxon said:

    Fonts are really terrible for me, too!

    FF allows for a browser fonts folder/settings. There has to be something like that in chromium.


    42 minutes ago, Saxon said:

    "Chromium disabled hardware acceleration on Windows XP in November 2013. The GPU "bug" that blocked this acceleration was removed a month or two ago, but it was more unstable than I would've liked (D3D9 completely broken, GL a little less). With insufficient time to resolve it, I restored the block."


    A pity it was restored. It must be a nasty bug, FF did the same a few years later (movement between ff48 or so to ff52) but for those who could manage their system, manageable.

  11. On 1/26/2024 at 10:28 PM, UCyborg said:

    You can probably get rid of dxva2.dll as well. From the version numbers, evr.dll included here is older (6.0.6002.18005) than the one I got (6.0.6002.18084), the latter is stable in that regard.


    Is this in windows XP? The only EVR I've got (in a very nlited/trimmed XP) is the one in the mpc-hc for this thread.

  12. Well, it runs nicely on my set up, using Artifoxie's loader, most of the same flags (more later). I could install many extensions, including ublock, umatrix, tampermmonkey, an alternative to singlefile and behind the overlay. Once I figure out what is what, I'll comment again. So far, good.

    PS: I could install singlefile.

  13. 17 hours ago, user57 said:

    but it would for me only for the h.265 codec, then the others still would be missing (what actually is a big disadvantage)

    not to say that the code then has to done the way so its fits into that mpc-hc player 

    To matter for XP, that would require targeting this mpc-hc mod (the official one is of no use for this old fella), and gpus (for starting, Nivdia 320.92  -preferably including quadro, for 3d). Now we are dreaming, xpi-fi basic integration would also be nice. Cheers!

  14. 23 hours ago, chermany4ever said:

    With SSD disks everything is easier but I've noticed, from time to time -even after years without problems- the system becomes capricious, some important file becomes corrupted, something starts to fail, some experiment -or an error of impatience as in this case- make the system become unstable and unpredictable.

    True that. I bought back in the 2010s two kingston 128gb SSDNOW, one for my setup, one for my siblings. They stopped using theirs in 2014, and I saved it, while using the one I had originally installed in my setup. All went well until 6 or so months, then it started resembling physical drive issues: lost clusters, bad enumeration, eventually damaged blocks, that would move from place to place. I thought it may have been an end of life switch: dumb SMART reported good conditions, despite extensive use. I replaced it, which forced me to reinstll XP from scratch, as my old images wouldnt recognize the configuration (next time I will try to record and change disk id). To set it up from lipstreaming to tweaks takes two weeks, to get XP to my liking, but I have all already documented stepwise, after years of study, practice and stuborness. If I manage to get this new strip down of tricks xp to run as an image within a linux-mint platform (to run internet applications displayed, within XP, I think i'Il have another 10 years of a good thing. May the fairies of XP help me with my needs.

  15. 3 hours ago, user57 said:

    it would be possible to instead of the gpu doing that decompression maybe "gpu acceleration"

    I think statistical packages (like FOSS R) do that to speed up statistical computation. Probably there is also FOSS code available to accelerate the blockchain. Maybe that code could be worth looking at, in terms of implementation?


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