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Posts posted by dmiranda

  1. Archive today (perhaps for ever, but I visited it in a clean profile only recently to harden a sp52 -and mp68 too- from scratch) has a serious look at your canvas. If it is new thing, that may explain it, and pm canvas legacy extension may help. But I don't know, because (again), I hadn't visited the site without hardening the profile first, during the last 5 or so years. 

  2. On 10/19/2023 at 7:50 PM, Mathwiz said:

    What - no polyfills? Here are a few contributed by n16s. Should be good on both Chrome (prior to version indicated) and FF-derived browsers.

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name Inject findLast() Polyfill [97]
    // @version 0.0.1
    // @match *://*/*
    // @run-at document-start
    // @grant none
    // ==/UserScript==
    if (!Array.prototype.findLast) {
      Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "findLast",
          value: function (predicate, thisArg) {
            let idx = this.length - 1;
            while (idx >= 0) {
              const value = this[idx];
              if (predicate.call(thisArg, value, idx, this)) {
                return value;
            return undefined;
          writable: true,
          enumerable: false,
          configurable: true
    // ==UserScript==
    // @name Inject findLastIndex() Polyfill [97]
    // @version 0.0.1
    // @match *://*/*
    // @run-at document-start
    // @grant none
    // ==/UserScript==
    if (!Array.prototype.findLastIndex) {
      Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "findLastIndex",
          value: function (predicate, thisArg) {
            let idx = this.length - 1;
            while (idx >= 0) {
              const value = this[idx];
              if (predicate.call(thisArg, value, idx, this)) {
                return idx;
            return -1;
          writable: true,
          enumerable: false,
          configurable: true
    // ==UserScript==
    // @name Inject randomUUID() Polyfill [92]
    // @version 0.0.1
    // @match *://*/*
    // @run-at document-start
    // @grant none
    // ==/UserScript==
    if (!('randomUUID' in crypto))
      crypto.randomUUID = function randomUUID() {
        return (
          c => (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16)


    Hi. This one used to work (perhaps it still does and is my set up). I use the addon singlefile, a lot. Recently, in some pages I started getting the error e-findlast function not found, for example in elciudadano.com

  3. Have you tried with istilldontcareaboutcookies-1.1.1? They are community run, and (they say) answer to requests. It works better (more comprehensively) than the old idontcareaboutcookies.

    Cheers @Sampei.Nihira, and thanks for continuing to share your knowledge with us, retired and all. Don't mind them digital flies.

  4. 8 hours ago, Dixel said:

    I make scientifically proven observations

    Which ones were those? I may have miss'em.

    Look: webp is an issue, and there are a million monkeys working 'round the clock to get into the systems of persons of import (the CitizenLab tries to deal with that sort of stuff). Bottom line, though, unless a state-sponsored team directly targets you, it is carelessness and curiosity that kills the cat. Go on looking for sites with webp images, download or watch stuff from shaddy sites, use software that has not been vetted by people of real, practical (not youtube) knowledge, and you'll get scientific proof that they're out to get you. I know you need your fix, and that you need it now. In the meanwhile... well, you get the picture.  

  5. 13 hours ago, D.Draker said:

    I don't know what's all this talk about doctors, the fix doesn't prevent webp from getting into your system, at least for me. You may check it yourself.

    I've got plenty of webp files in my system. That's not the issue. I also got lots of flash, doc(x), html, and what have you type of files (millions!), all of them (files of that type, that is) at one time or another making non-savy surfers suffer some sort of issue, masked under some other extension, blah blah blah. But I thought we weren't talking anymore. I'm so glad you (guys) decided to break the ice.  

  6. On 12/4/2023 at 2:06 PM, Dixel said:

    Well, yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about, it simply won't load the image, it prevents it from loading at all, with many websites using only WebP - this doesn't look like a fix.

    Well, time for those sites to change their practices, period. I ceased to use flash, webgl almost decades ago. I don't think I missed anything of importance. As any M.D (even more if s/he has a PhD) would say: if drinking wine makes you ill, don't drink it.

    PS: but if you have to, the suggested ublock fix allows you to satisfy your thirst, anyway. Just allow the glass to reach your lips temporarily or permanently. Hic!



  7. On 12/3/2023 at 8:23 PM, Mathwiz said:

    Just to show the skeptics that the vulnerability is real and not mere fearmongering, you can download a "bad" WebP image here:

    I just get the image attached, no crash, nothing, on sp52 hardened to boot.

    PS: I get the same thing in my social media profile where I visit all the bad bloated fellas, safely enough, apparently.


  8. Somehow this place, https://www.researchgate.net is broken: cloudfare verification stops it, here and in roytam1's build, where I'm replicating this post in case there are different options (I will blank out the one that doesnt' correspond, and accept @Dave-H o r other moderator ruling about it. Basically, if I have the exact download pdf/doc address, no problem. If I have to go through the interface, cloudfare (surprise, surprise) complicates things the way it does. I tried different suaos, and using firefox 115.0 almost does it in vanilla, but not quite. Thanks.

  9. Somehow this place, https://www.researchgate.net is broken: cloudfare verification stops it, here and in mypal68, where I'm replicating this post in case there are different options (I will blank out the one that doesnt' correspond, and accept @Dave-H o r other moderator ruling about it. Basically, if I have the exact download pdf/doc address, no problem. If I have to go through the interface, cloudfare (surprise, surprise) complicates things the way it does. I tried different suaos, and using firefox 115.0 almost does it in vanilla, but not quite. Thanks.


  10. On 10/26/2023 at 8:11 PM, AstroSkipper said:

    Mypal 68 comes with a few search engines pre-installed by @feodor2. In his latest release 68.13.4b, the search engine Qwant is set as default. Other available search engines are Brave, Mojeek and Startpage.

    Another way: once you have already set up your search engines the way you want, you can copy and save somewhere the file youprofile/search.json.mozlz4 and later on, routinely, replace the one in your polluted profile. That way, you will always have them as you want them. The same applies to sp52, and you may in fact use your already sp52 profile/search.json.mozlz4 in mypal. The issue with mojeek and brave is more complicated, because mypal installs them from yourprofile/extensions.json. As described before in this forum, you need to open this extensions.json file, and delete the items to prevent them from reappearing.

    PS: two caveats. 1) When copying your archived use ready search.json.mozlz4 you are likely to need to go to prefs and reassign your default search engine. Otherwise, GG (oh surprise) takes over. 2) the text for mojeek and brave in extensions.json will have changes in uid, as per your installation, so copy and paste over won't do the trick. you will have to find the code, and delete it manually)

  11. I downloaded it, but haven't fully tried it yet. MC-HC is not meant to be run as is (I reckon), unlike VLC. You can really tweak the hell out of MPC-HC, and get a depth of composition, filtering, shading and sound quality that I have made over the years and works for me to watch dvd-br in nearly home theater style. I could do that in the experimental build I linked better than with the official MPC-HC (at least until I could use it in my stri-naked in shinny leather XP -me frankestein in A4, so to speak).

  12. Like we all (I guess) knew, by going the chrome way, FF not only abandoned a vibrant addons community, but included a bunch of telemetry, to better serve us, laf. Three things to reduce/mitigate this behavior:

    1- In your profile folder include an empty, extension-less file called "Datareporting". This prevents the creation of the folder.

    2- We all have seen those pesky mojeek and brave search items popping in every now and then. You can delete them, but they comeback every nor and then, and are listed as extensions in about:support.  Download the attached related file.  Open extensions.json (from your profile) using notepad+++ (pspad freezes for some reason opening it). Copy and search for Look the code in brave, mojeek.txt file, and find the equivalent in extensions.json (they will have changes in ui, as per your installation, so copy and paste over won't do the trick). Once you found the code, delete it manually. Once you selected in this json (make sure they correspond perfectly, or modify as required. DELETE THOSE ITEMS FROM extensions.json. Brave and mojeek, bye bye.

    3- Activate these (many hidden, some probably useless, but hey) items in user.js -or one by one using about:config. See included attachment.


    telemetry items for user.js brave, mojeek.txt

  13. ON another note, setting user_pref("permissions.default.shortcuts", 2); , where 0 is default 1=allow 2=block prevents page overriding of FF shorcuts, but breaks delete and backspace. The immediate solution is setting this to 0. This dev claims he has a solution that allows you to prevent page overriding of FF shortcuts, while keeping delete and backspace functional.




  14. Cool. I will try and see.

    As per XP can't do gpu processing, people keep saying things like that, the way it's said you can't run chrome 54+ in xp, you can't run firefox 52+, etc. etc. A combination of successful oligopolistic PR campaigns, and a Tobin like mix of laziness and pretended savvy. Not to include you in that group (I have great respect for what feodor  you and others are doing, and enjoying the product of your efforts, thanks).

    But it could be done, limitedly between FF4 and FF51. Outside browsers, it could be done to watch videos/music using (at least) an experimental MPC-HC build at https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=161047 least) combined with lavcodecs rendering on Nvidia Cubid, and madhctrl. Nvidiaprofileinspector (another thing that now goes as "can't be run in XP") also helped. GPU processing was also used by statistical packages that require it to run large monte carlo simulations. Just sayin.


  15. 4 hours ago, grey_rat said:

    Software webgl angle for MyPal 68

    Hi @grey_rat!  Can you give details on how to do this? I read and downloaded the stackoverflow files, but the instructions there are for chrome.

    Also, you may be interested in this. It used to work long ago, but probably is more related to sp52.


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