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Everything posted by FAT64

  1. Office 2003, without hesitation. Office 2002 (XP) is pants! B)
  2. You mean when you install Windows? I don't think so. I think you're stuck with a Full Format.
  3. Sounds normal to me, I've got 6 instances too.
  4. There are legal definitions as laid out in the Computer Misuse Act. B)
  5. Do it as a Logon Script? Create the .reg file and a simple DOS batch file to integrate into the Registry.
  6. I thought that you can only use Roaming Profiles on a Domain??
  7. Illegal software? Moi?? Pump up the Bhangra
  8. Who in their right mind is going to vote "Yes, but I will use an illegal copy of Longhorn"?
  9. You might as well restart the Network Connections service using the services.msc snap-in.
  10. I'm no expert, but I doubt very much that this would be possible without a restart.
  11. FAT64

    iis activation

    Can you not borrow somebody else's XP CD??
  12. Where do you add them to the Administrators Group? Locally on the XP client or on the 2003 server?
  13. Well remembered tacitus85, I forgot all about that little trick! EDIT: all that reg tweak does is to force you to type in your username and password.
  14. So, use this setting instead ... System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] Value Name: DontDisplayLastUserName Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value) Value Data: (1 = remove username)
  15. The only way you can do that is change the way they logon. Don't use the Welcome Screen.
  16. You could try this ... System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList] Value Name: Administrator Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value) Value Data: (1 = show Administrator, 0 = hide Administrator)
  17. I can personally recommend "Acronis Disk Director Suite". http://www.acronis.com/products/diskdirector/
  18. Let us know what you do and how you get on, masih.
  19. Doesn't DOS suffer from the 640Kb barrier? (And it was Bill Gates who said "640Kb should be enough for anyone" - what does he know?!!) I'm not sure you can find out from DOS the total memory available.
  20. If that's true, and I'm more than prepared to take your word for it, then I would create a second account with Admin priviledges. Which you should really do anyway, and leave the default Administrator account well alone!!
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