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Everything posted by jumper

  1. I meant the priority class, not the level. (Above post edited.) See SetPriorityClass().
  2. Is it possible to set the priority class to High or Realtime?
  3. Can you kill the process then restart it higher (or restart then raise)?
  4. To prevent appends, make the file read-only, or replace it with a folder of the same name.
  5. A file/disk shredder utility perhaps.
  6. K32GetPerformanceInfo is a "b2e" - it returns a BOOL, takes two parameters, and sets LastError upon failure. Try replacing it with BeginUpdateResourceA, another b2e.
  7. I've patched the two missing imports with appropriate failure substitutes and it now loads. Available soon.
  8. My simple uxtheme.dll: KernelEx Auxiliary DLL Updates
  9. And CTR prevents the skia-induced crash?
  10. DW on XPsp3 reports Kernel32.dll missing EnumCalendarInfoExEx and GetFinalPathNameByHandleW. EnumCalendarInfoA and ExW are also imported....
  11. Now on my Win98+Kex.25 laptop (primitive ftpd -> FF2). ImportPatcher.42 reports missing: [Kernel32.dll] EnumCalendarInfoExEx= GetThreadIOPendingFlag= Transferring to XP via thumb drive for analysis next.
  12. It's still stuck on my Android phone. (The ES File Explorer v4.2 ftp server that worked so well last year now crashes.)
  13. If they did something by accident, you should get a reward for detecting and reporting the bug!
  14. The fix you mentioned in post#1 applies to those later versions. That's why you must try them.
  15. Sky won't know there's a problem if you don't report it, and only they can fix it. Just tell them you have a custom internet device that had been working perfectly well on Sky and still works with other providers, so what did Sky change on this date?
  16. Unless it does. Why are you not willing to try? That never works. The app won't be able to read the returned string. That invalidates all following tests, so change it back and retest everything. The correct api is GetOpenFileNameA.
  17. Multiprocess enabled or disabled? Enabled might lighten the resource load by distributing it.
  18. Sounds like a new kind of tcpip connection forwarding is being used. Or perhaps a certificate expired. Can you access the url from any other browser on that machine, with or without the proxy? What browsers do the Sky and helpforum websites work in? Have you reported the problem to Sky? "other senders"?
  19. Does Odyssey list any hotspots?
  20. Requires SP2 or SP3 be already installed.
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