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Everything posted by AstroSkipper

  1. Yep! The new Reddit is the hell. 100% RAM usage on my system, and nothing works anymore. That's why I use the old Reddit via userscript there.
  2. And that's why it makes no sense at all. Using ProxHTTPSProxy does it definitely better. Or a more recent Chromium version as, for example, Thorium.
  3. Thanks! TBH, I know all of that. I have installed uBlock Origin in Firefox and Kiwi. Additionally, the Adguard app to block ads in my system. But very often I use Opera, and Adguard is not permanently enabled. At such moments, Google strikes.
  4. De-googled link without tracking. Can't you just play the video through MPC-HC with hardware acceleration (use Open With extension). From the release notes of v1.7.0: Thanks for your information! I have installed MPC-HC on my Windows XP machine for months, and hardware acceleration is generally available in my system. Additionally, I have configured the 3D Settings via the NVIDIA Control Panel. Furthermore, I have enabled LAV Filters’Nvidia CUVID decoder for using hardware acceleration in MPC, and it works fine. However, more problematic is the video hardware acceleration inside browsers under Windows XP. It is running much better in New Moon 28 than in the others. PS: Thanks for un-googling the link! I posted it from my Android tablet, and there is everything googled as you surely know.
  5. My NVIDIA 6200 AGP grahics card seems to support H.264. Here is an official comparison table from NVIDIA: https://www.nvidia.de/docs/CP/11086/PureVideo_Product_Comparison.pdf
  6. Thanks for the tip! I will have a look at this preference once again when I am back at my machine.
  7. Yesterday, I did further testing of the hardware acceleration in New Moon 28, Serpent 52, Mypal 68 and Thorium. This feature now works in all of them but video hardware acceleration seems to be a problem. YouTube videos run best in New Moon 28 and worst in Thorium under my modest hardware conditions. Although video hardware acceleration has been enabled and confirmed in Thorium's chrome://gpu-internals page, it is more of a joke. At least, on my weak hardware. It does not accelerate anything and CPU utilisation is nearly 100%, regardless of the resolution.
  8. Yes, of course. Both preferences do exist in my New Moon 28 installation and profiles. I also use the most recent but standard (for SSE2 and up) version https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.7a1.win32-git-20240525-d849524bd-uxp-f8f3b3ee43-xpmod.7z
  9. I no longer have Supermium on my computer. Everything removed. Unfortunately, Supermium ran poorly on my hardware, at least in the previous versions.
  10. This is the scan result of the notification_helper.exe file uploaded to VirusTotal from my Thorium SSE2 122.0.6261.168 WINXP x32 installation: At least, the version 122.0.6261.169 of the file notification_helper.exe seems to be inconspicuous, but it is not version 123.0.6312.133 either.
  11. TBH, in the many years that first Pale Moon and then New Moon 28 have been my daily browsers, I didn’t care much about the hardware acceleration settings. It was enabled, and that was it. However, since the websites have become more and more bloated and sluggish, I have always taken some measures to increase the page loading speed. Since the hardware acceleration was activated, I always thought that nothing can be increased. Based on my research, I came to the conclusion that this is not quite true. Two preferences were not optimally configured to enjoy hardware acceleration to its full extent under my hardware conditions, which I have now corrected. These are the preferences layers.acceleration.disabled, which I now set from true to false, and layers.prefer-d3d9, which I switched from false to true. Now, the hardware acceleration is working great and much better than before. Amazon and eBay are now loading fine, and less lags while using the MSFN forum editor as, for example, in this moment.
  12. Nah... "They" were "bad" to begin with ... Updating their code frameworks to target Google Chrome 125+ (which "they" expect every single one of their users to be on at the moment ) is what distances all these services further away from what UXP can (reasonably) digest ... As part of my research into hardware acceleration in the Thorium Browser, I have now taken another look at New Moon 28 and Serpent 52. I realised that hardware acceleration was not running to its full extent. I have now fixed this. And what shall I say, at the moment Amazon and eBay are working perfectly again in these browsers, especially in New Moon 28. And all that on my acient machine. 100% CPU utilisation is no longer an issue, quite the opposite. I am delighted.
  13. Thanks for the hint! I will check this flag in my endless Thorium test marathon.
  14. At the moment, I am testing again, but now deeply, the hardware acceleration in Thorium on my old machine equipped with the NVIDIA GeForce 6200 graphic card. And I was indeed able to enable the hardware acceleration in Thorium using both flags --use-angle=d3d9 and --ignore-gpu-blocklist. Incredibly, this mode actually still runs with my old card, and the pages load umpteen times faster than before. However, I can't run hardware accelerated canvas and rasterization together, because then undesirable side effects occur, and everything loads extremely slowly. It's a rather complicated matter of setting up and involves a lot of tests.
  15. The extension UserAgent-Switcher and Manager is the best of all I have tested. It simply works. And that is enough for me.
  16. The best way to manage your user agent is the extension UserAgent-Switcher and Manager which I recommend and use myself. You can get it here: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/user-agent-switcher-and-m/bhchdcejhohfmigjafbampogmaanbfkg You can use this extension in different modes. One is the Black-List Mode: Apply the custom user-agent string to all tabs except the tabs with the following top-level hostnames (comma-separated list of hostnames). Note that even if a window-based user-agent string is set from the toolbar popup, your browser's default user-agent string is used. Another is the White-List Mode: Only apply the custom user-agent string to the tabs with following top-level hostnames. Note that if a window-based user-agent string is set from the toolbar popup, this user-agent will overwrite the global one. The mode that corresponds to your desires is the White-List Mode. Just enter there the domain of Google Drive. Here is a screenshot: And here is the toolbar pop-up window where you enter the mobile user agent string: Greetings from Germany, AstroSkipper
  17. Thanks, my friend! You are helpful here as you have always been. In any case, I can say that using a mobile user agent works absolutely great in Thorium. Many websites load much faster. As I am also an experienced Android user for many years, I have learnt to appreciate the advantages of websites' mobile view. I only switch to the desktop view of a certain website if necessary or desired. On such an old machine as mine, this trick leads to a very careful use of the computer resources available. Less CPU utilisation, less RAM consumption.
  18. So, after some deeper tests, I found the reason why Google Drive didn't crash for me in my fully configured profile. In this profile, I use by default a mobile user agent. The mobile view of Google Drive runs without any crashes and very fast. Therefore, I didn't observe any problems there. Here is my mobile user agent string: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; Tablet) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/122.0.6261.168 Mobile Safari/537.36. It can be used as a temporary or general (as Google Drive is much smoother then ) solution until the bug is fixed in the legacy build, too.
  19. Ok. The next time when I am at my XP machine I will test Google Drive on a clean profile but with the most recent Chrome XP API Adapter. Without this updated adapter, Thorium does not run well and would overtax my patience. Maybe then, I'll finally get the long-awaited crash. Ok. On a clean profile without any further flags but with the most recent Chrome XP API Adapter, I finally get the long-awaited crash. So, you are absolutely right, the Thorium version SSE2 122.0.6261.169 WINXP 32-bit was not fixed in terms of the Google Drive bug.
  20. Ok. The next time when I am at my XP machine I will test Google Drive on a clean profile but with the most recent Chrome XP API Adapter. Without this updated adapter, Thorium does not run well and would overtax my patience. Maybe then, I'll finally get the long-awaited crash.
  21. No. On my fully configured profile with tons of flags. I have disabled many features I do not need and to run Thorium more smoothly. Without these configurations, Thorium does not run smoothly on my ancient machine. The main problem on my computer is the page loading behaviour of Thorium which is now bearable and ok for me after all these endless configurations.
  22. https://github.com/Alex313031/thorium-legacy/issues/62 The issue was closed, but it wasn't solved in legacy build. As I already mentioned, I am running the Thorium version SSE2 122.0.6261.169 WINXP 32-bit. If this legacy build was not fixed, why does Google Drive work in my installation then? When I tested it, I could log into my account and access my files without any crashes.
  23. For me, the Google Drive website works in my Thorium installation but @UCyborg reported crashes with this website. Maybe, using some Chrome flags might help you. As we both already stated, trial and error is the game. And you can report this problem in Thorium's issues on GitHub to inform the developer.
  24. I have just tested ebay.de with a more recent user agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:122.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/122.0. This seems to help a bit. The eBay websites run more smoothly for me with this user agent in New Moon 28.
  25. I have now tried to log into my Paypal account separately in New Moon 28. I was able to solve the captcha and was redirected correctly to my account. The two factor authentication, however, annoys me as always. Why this didn't work during my payment process, I really don't know.
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