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Everything posted by erik_demon

  1. 1. It is a kwown fact that some MSI installers don't install the right way when T=13. I think that some installer functions aren't loaded yet. Just install it afterwards (with WPI) 2. Check out this post 3. There is a good reason why this won't work. With the start /wait command you tell cmd to wait untill the installer is finished. The pskill won't work because the installer wasn't ready at that moment. So the next line isn't used yet. This will work: start %cdrom%\Install\XPsmoker\xpspro.exe /VERYSILENT Sleep x start /wait pskill xpsmoker.exe (where X is the time in seconds that you need before you wan't to do your pskill) you need to download Sleep.exe and put it in your $$\system32 folder. You can download it here 5. check this post
  2. @Navigator Hi, and welcome Here is the switch for MS Virtual PC 2004 (trial) Microsoft_Virtual_PC_2004_Trial.msi /QB All other info can be found here
  3. @ZileXa Yes, this program by hp38guser is indeed an amazing peace of art. It has proven to be very usefull (I believe Bashrat already uses this method in his pack (method1)). Altough I like the program, it will not help here. Our goal is to find a way to let windows autodetect drivers after the installation (when you plug and play a new device which isn't recognised by windows at this moment.) @X-Savior Don't forgot to add the LAN-card files to TXTSETUP.SIF and DOSNET.INF. If you don't windows setup will give you a copy error. I am very curiouse to see if this works. Good luck! @All What happens when you uninstall drivers that are used in DRVINDEX.INF? If you reboot, will windows auto detect and autoinstall them again? this could be a problem when you want to install newer drivers.
  4. @RyanVM Ok, I didn't know that, thnx. Maybe we don't want to add the drivers to driver.cab We do however want to do this: Now I found another interesting file called DRVINDEX.INF. this is some info I found about this file: A new device requires corresponding driver files in order to work. Setup reads the Drvindex.inf file to find entries for the device. If an entry exists, Setup searches the following paths: systemroot\Driver Cache\Platform\Driver.cab systemroot\Driver Cache\Platform The original Windows XP Professional installation source, such as a network share or a local CD-ROM drive. The Windows XP Professional source location is stored in the registry entry SourcePath in the subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup. If the required files do not exist in any of the preceding locations, or if references are not located in the Drvindex.inf file, Setup prompts the user to supply the required files. Click here to visit the site When we take a look to this file. We see 3 important area's [Version] signature="$Windows NT$" CabFiles=SP2,driver [driver] 1394vdbg.sys 2gmgsmt.sf2 ;alot of drivers :P [SP2] 1394bus.sys 4mmdat.sys ;again a lot of drivers :P [Cabs] driver=driver.cab SP2=SP2.cab Would it be possible to modify this file like this: [Version] signature="$Windows NT$" CabFiles=SP2,driver,BTS [driver] 1394vdbg.sys 2gmgsmt.sf2 ;alot of drivers :P [SP2] 1394bus.sys 4mmdat.sys ;again a lot of drivers :P [BTS] ;our new drivers [Cabs] driver=driver.cab SP2=SP2.cab BTS=BTS.cab Would this work?? EDIT: Maybe a stupid question, but where can you see if a file (like layout.inf) is digitally signed
  5. @ RogueSpear Thank you for your response. I don't think that you have to add all the lines to LAYOUT.INF. This file is only Necessary if you want to use the "_x" in on of the lines. Example: Bashrat's pack (method 2) uses SETUPORG.EXE Bashrat adds the following lines: TXTSETUP.SIF setupORG.exe= 1,,,,,,,2,0,0 DOSNET.INF (important if you install with WINNT.EXE or WINNT32.EXE) d1,setuporg.exe He doesn't add a line to LAYOUT.INF. But it works like a charm. The line in TXTSETUP.SIF could have also been like this (correct me if I am wrong): setupORG.exe= 1,,_x,,,,,2,0,0 Now setup looks for this line in LAYOUT.inf, and there will be an error message (since the line is not present.) So I guesse that if you don't use the "_x" in the TXTSETUP.SIF file, you don't have to add all the lines to LAYOUT.INF. You do however need to add all the lines to TXTSETUP.SIF and DOSNET.INF (which is a hell of a job ) Yes, I agree. This would result in the ultimate drivers slipstreaming method.
  6. I didn't try to add those files to driver.cab yet. You are right, there will be a problem with the txtsetup.sif This line is used in txtsetup.sif driver.cab = 1,,,,,,_x,39,0,0 The problem is the "X" the "X" tells setup to look-up this file in LAYOUT.INF in this file the the orginal filesize is stored. This means that if you added files to the driver.cab, your filesize will be different. When this happens setup will give an error that the file is either modified or corrupt. I see two solutions here: 1. Change the LAYOUT.INF (not recommended see link below) 2. change the "X" into something else (after reading Gosh's info, I think you can delete the "_X". I'm not sure though) Maybe a little help from some experts here?? txtsetup.sif info Gosh explains txtsetup.sif EDIT: Same problem with SP2.cab sp2.cab = 100,,,,,,_x,39,0,0
  7. The above warning is for method 1. With method 1 you do have the $OEM$\$1\DP folder. You can add drivers to that folder. If you however run Bashrat's pack again, the folder will be deleted and remade. For this methode it is crucial to back-up extra (non included) drivers. It is correct that you only see those 3 files in your OEM\bin folder You did everything perfectly well
  8. Hm. I don't see what is wrong. It should work this way. Does the shutdown window pop-up? I can answer your second question. Yes, you can run a batch from your CD. check out this topic
  9. nForce4 Standalone Drivers 6.53 is out In this version Nvidia upgraded both the audio drivers, and the ethernet driver. Old version New version Audio 4.57 4.60 Ethernet 4.68 4.75 I know that I should have posted the Ethernet drivers in the Lan area, but I don't want to dubble post (then the whole board will become messy again ) For more info: click here
  10. Maybe this will help (don't know for sure, I never tryed it): Source: ref.chm DUDisable Specifies whether to connect to the Windows Update site to download updates during Setup. Syntax DUDisable = Yes | No Values Yes Instructs Setup not to connect to the Windows Update site. No Instructs Setup to connect to the Windows Update site to download any available Windows XP Setup updates. Setup also downloads any necessary drivers that are not on the Windows XP CD-ROM. Default Value Yes Example DUDisable = No Comments Specifies whether Setup connects to the Windows Update site to download any available Windows Setup updates or necessary drivers that are not on the Windows CD-ROM. DUDisable is equivalent to the command: winnt32 /unattend /dudisable Setup disables dynamic updates by default so corporate administrators can more easily standardize on a known set of Windows system components. EDIT: forgot to mention: put this under [unattended] in your winnt.sif
  11. @titou2k taskkill.exe is inside the system32 folder. This means that you don't have to specify a path to use it. This is how I stop MSN messenger from popping up: REG ADD %KEY%\095 /V 02 /D "taskkill /IM msnmsgr.exe /F" /f @Wesmosis about the flashplayer problem, there should mm_fl_sw_installer.msi somewhere. This one is without the Yahoo toolbar. It works with the /qb switch and it installs without a problem. I'll report back when I found the link. EDIT: You can download it here
  12. defrag.exe %systemdrive% -f In dutch: defrag.exe <volume> [-a] [-f] [-v] [-?] volume Stationsletter of koppelpunt (d: of d:\vol\koppelpunt) -a Alleen analyseren -f Forceert defragmentatie, ook als de beschikbare ruimte klein is -v Uitgebreide weergave -? Deze hulptekst weergeven. In English (there could be some translation errors) : defrag.exe <volume> [-a] [-f] [-v] [-?] -a only analyse -f force defregmantation, also if available space is low -v show advanged view -? show help It works @bledd: Yes, just what I was looking for!! Thanks
  13. For Safety reasons I made some modifications to presetup.cmd. I made two import changes. Here is the new presetup.cmd REM +==================================================+ REM | Finding CDROM driveletter | REM |--------------------------------------------------| SET tagfile=\i386\setuporg.exe FOR %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%i:%tagfile%" set CDDRIVE=%%i: SET INE=IF NOT EXIST REM +==================================================+ REM | IF SetDevicePath.exe is missing, end this batch | REM |--------------------------------------------------| %INE% %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe ( GOTO DONE ) REM +==================================================+ REM | Make sure we are in System32 | REM |--------------------------------------------------| %SystemDrive% CD %SystemRoot%\system32 REM +==================================================+ REM | Decompressing the DriverPacks to the harddisk| REM |--------------------------------------------------| %SystemDrive% CD \ %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\7za.exe x -y -aoa %CDDRIVE%\OEM\DriverPack_*.7z -o"%SYSTEMDRIVE%" REM +==================================================+ REM | Scanning for driverdirectories | REM |--------------------------------------------------| %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe %SystemDrive%\DP REM +==================================================+ REM | Enable installation of unsigned drivers | REM |--------------------------------------------------| START %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe REM +==================================================+ REM | Reset DevicePath | REM |--------------------------------------------------| SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %KEY%\999 /V 1 /D "%CDDRIVE%\WINXP\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe %SystemRoot%\Inf" /f GOTO DONE :DONE EXIT I will explane the changes first one: SET tagfile=\i386\setuporg.exe FOR %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%i:%tagfile%" set CDDRIVE=%%i: I now use the file \i386\setuporg.exe This file will always be present when u use this methode second one: %INE% %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe ( GOTO DONE ) This one is to avoid error messages. If the file %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe doesn't exist something is very wrong, and the next line in this batch file will result in error messages. Therefor this batch will be ended.
  14. Hey Bashrat, I have looked at your RUN_ME.cmd and I think I found the problem (I could be wrong because my knowledge of batch-files is not that great) :DriverPack_MassStorage REM ### Removes the installation of Control Panels and the cleanup from the GUIRunOnce section in the winnt.sif file. ### nircmd.exe inidelval I386\winnt.sif "GUIRunOnce" "command7" nircmd.exe inidelval I386\winnt.sif "GUIRunOnce" "command8" nircmd.exe inidelval I386\winnt.sif "GUIRunOnce" "command9" GOTO DP_M_%ME% :DP_M_1 %INE% $OEM$\$1\DP\M ( ECHO _ DriverPack MassStorage NOT slipstreamed! GOTO Control_Panels ) START /WAIT sysfiles_M1.cmd START /WAIT slipstream_DPM.cmd GOTO DP_M_done :DP_M_2 %INE% OEM\%D%_%M%_V*.* ( ECHO _ DriverPack MassStorage NOT slipstreamed! GOTO Control_Panels ) ECHO COLOR FC >>extract.cmd ECHO OEM\bin\7za.exe x -y -bd OEM\%D%_%M%_V*.7z -aoa -o$OEM$\$1 >>extract.cmd ECHO EXIT >>extract.cmd START /WAIT extract.cmd DEL /Q extract.cmd START /WAIT CABfiles_DPM.cmd START /WAIT slipstream_DPM.cmd RD /S /Q $OEM$\$1\DP AddLine.exe I386\dosnet.inf [Files] d1,setupORG.exe AddLine.exe I386\dosnet.inf [Files] d1,presetup.cmd ;;;;;;;;;;Some other stuff;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; :Control_Panels If I understand this correctly, your batch files checks if driverpack MassStorage is used. If not, it goes directly to the control-panel part. This means that if DP MassStorage isn't used (my case), setuporg.exe and presetup.cmd aren't added to dosnet.inf
  15. I think I see your problem, Presetup.cmd (located in i386 folder), has this line inside: SET tagfile=\WIN51 FOR %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%i:%tagfile%" set CDDRIVE=%%i: So in order to use %CDDRIVE% that Bashrat is using in this file, the file WIN51 needs to be found on the root of your cd. You don't seem to to have that file there. maybe that is the problem. Please add the file WIN51 to the root of your cd or change the above code to this: SET tagfile=\WIN51IP FOR %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%i:%tagfile%" set CDDRIVE=%%i: Good luck!!
  16. I found a solution for my problem. Actually the answer was very easy, but I just forgot to tell some important info . I forgot to mention that I install by using winnt32.exe (I install from a second harddrive) When using winnt32.exe, dosnet.inf plays an important role. The file that you want to copy, must be inside dosnet.inf, and both setuporg.exe and presetup.cmd where not. I added these values: d1,setuporg.exe d1,presetup.cmd Bashrat, can you add support for installing when using winnt32.exe? (only those two lines need to be added to dosnet.inf under the [FILES] section)
  17. @kenneth11zz Sorry for the off-topic stuff I can just think of one advantage, I only don't know if I am correct with this. Some windows updates ask to reboot, right? now if you use qfecheck before you reboot, it says that the hotfix isn't properly installed. Maybe it is better for the stability of your system to first reboot, and than install applications. If you do it during cmdline.txt (or with svcpack.inf) you will have that reboot when T-0 Well, this is the only advantage that I can think of, I really don't know this for sure, it is just a hunch
  18. thats odd What happens, do you get any kind of error? @lilweirddude next post:
  19. @SilverHaze420 KB890830 isn't really a hotfix. It is a self-extracting cab-file that runs the program inside, and than writes a value to the registry. Normal post SP2 hotfixes do work fine with the intergrade command. KB890830 uses /q command or you can just import the registry value
  20. By the way, it will never be ready (driver update, windows update, you name it) It's all in the game
  21. For those who don't like VBS, and do like autoit I made a script. this sript is for Itunes 4.71 you can download it here This script is for the english version of iTunes!! If you use a different language, modify the script.
  22. I created an autoIT script for iTunes 4.71. You can download it [url="http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=5438"]here[/url] [b]This script is for the english version of iTunes!![/b] If you use a different language, modify the script.
  23. [b]Itunes 4.71 English version!![/b] If you use a different language of Itunes, modify the script!!
  24. I did a new test today and I still got the copy problem I redownloaded and replaced setup.ex_ and setuporg.exe, but I still have the copy error. I think i'm going to try this, and modifyPE setuporg.exe and presetup.cmd. Now I have a question about this: modifyPE.exe uxtheme.dll -c then... makecab uxtheme.dll This is how I modified my uxtheme.dll. Can I also makecab setuporg.exe and presetup.cmd, or do they have to stay uncabbed?
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