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Everything posted by MrJinje

  1. that is by design. Instead of opening to a open-file dialog, it opens his website. If you have a local ULZ file you need to load, no problem, double click it. or right click > open with > WUD.exe if for some reason the file assoc is not working.
  2. Any chance you can whip up a .reg file for us. EDIT: I'll test it out, but I don't want to waste my time trying to decipher the first post, maybe it just needs some codeboxes and formatting to make it more readable.
  3. steven4554 has taken over. see this thread
  4. You can't treat a wild-fire like a camp fire, that is rubbish, large fires radiate heat much farther than a tiny camp fire. Fact is that you would start cooking before you ever got your stick lit, so setting a fire-break will not work unless you have another way of starting it.
  5. Attach file and someone will take a look. EDIT: Can you manually start the service. or will the service not start at all. What about the Application error log (event viewer), are there any entries that could help ?
  6. Here is a link on how to enable logging...
  7. I assume this is happening with all MSI and not just the ISA server. Is this SBS 2003 + ISA 2006 by chance ?
  8. can you check if the "Windows Installer" service is not somehow disabled.
  9. Dumb question, does the error still occur after a reboot. I know with Windows Installer that sometimes you only need to reboot to clear certain issues.
  10. put your domain name before the username followed by \ like this DOMAINNAME\USERNAME
  11. You might want to test out club's other theory, using the ModifyPartition settings during the windowsPE pass. (in your autounattend.xml) <DiskConfiguration> <WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> <Disk> <DiskID>0</DiskID> <WillWipeDisk>false</WillWipeDisk> <ModifyPartitions> <ModifyPartition> <Order>1</Order> <PartitionID>1</PartitionID> <Label>System</Label> <Format>NTFS</Format> <Active>true</Active> </ModifyPartition> <ModifyPartition> <Order>2</Order> <PartitionID>2</PartitionID> <Letter>L</Letter> <Label>Windows</Label> <Format>NTFS</Format> <Extend>true</Extend> </ModifyPartition> </ModifyPartitions> </Disk> </DiskConfiguration>
  12. That's a good question, but not as good as this one. What kind of bear is best... But seriously, I would turn that question on the interviewer and have them explain exactly why I should work for them instead of rejecting their job offer and taking a position with their competitor.
  13. much easier to just whitelist the one they are allowed to use, instead of trying to restrict all the apps they are not allowed. See post # 11 for details on the group policy setting "Run only Specified Windows applications" As for logging off with Active Directory, I can't recall any built-in method. but a looping vbs script could be fashioned to wait for the app to close, then perform the logoff. Technically if you push the VBS using the logon scripts GPO, one might be able to argue it is an Active Directory method. I'd probably use WMI WIN32_PROCESS.NAME if I decided to go that route.
  14. Good catch awergh, forgot all about nitro's method Here is a quick re-cap. (in case that link ever stops working in the future ) open secpol.msc and change the highlighted setting You need to "Enable" that setting. (it should be disabled by default)
  15. open cmd.exe, and run this command. Edit using your sticker key. slmgr -ipk XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX That should be all you need to do.
  16. Can't do it, isn't possible. EDIT: I meant it isn't currently possible with vLite and Windows 7. With no future versions being developed, vLite will likely never have this capability.
  17. #1 Fact : Home Basic is not sold in the US. Did you try using the key from the COA sticker on the underside ? If that fails, your next step is to call the M$ activation hotline. If there is no sticker underneath, I would have to call foul on the retailer.
  18. Rumor is some people are joining older domains using XP Mode, from Windows 7. With app integration, I imagine it would be seamless. EDIT: Looks like Cluberti's beat me to it....
  19. The normal way to re-add them is to re-do your entire removal process. Did you remember to save your settings file, if you did, restore your settings and un-tick japanese, couldn't be easier.
  20. See this thread. In that post I tried to close my tags as normal, but in the posting, it does not respect the end tag /code for some reason and creates a code block to the end of the post. (including a sentence meant to be outside of the code-box). Here is proof.
  21. Can create restore point with vbs - source here. Untested. I assume this will work on 7 just the same as XP - Report back if it doesn't. Create_Restore_Point.vbs Set IRP = getobject("winmgmts:\\.\root\default:Systemrestore") MYRP = IRP.createrestorepoint ("My Restore Point", 0, 100) You may want to play with it to change the "My Restore Point" text to something more meaningful.
  22. Use winrar for 99% of applications. Autoit is for applications that cannot be made fully silent using command line. So I guess you should stick with WinRAR until you find something it cannot do. Chances are you aren't even using a program that requires it. (almost all newer app's offer silent switches) Also, I would use something like cmenu's "Identify Installer" command to determine what silent commands each EXE or MSI takes. Real time saver that one is.
  23. MrJinje


    In case you don't want to fumble with Diskpart, there is another method, the old For Loop around the alphabet trick....From there you can run scripts using the %MEDIA% variable like this. %MEDIA%\Install\Office\Setup.exe for %%i in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do if exist %%i\sources\install.wim set MEDIA=%%i
  24. EDIT: finally got the license today better late then never.
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