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Everything posted by MrJinje

  1. Depending on the "title" of the pop up window, you just need create a asynchrononous vbs script that waits for that particular window to appear and it will close it. Something like this. Kill_Pop_Up.vbs Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Do While Not Wshshell.AppActivate ("What Ever Pop Up Title Is") Wscript.sleep 1000 Loop Wshshell.AppActivate "What Ever Pop Up Title Is" Wshshell.SendKeys "%{F4}" I would start the script either immediately before/after running your SLMGR commands.
  2. Which image did you mount ? My guess is you mounted image #1, but actually meant to mount image #4 or #5 (ultimate x64,x86 respectively). x86 default to this. starter =1 home basic =2 home premium =3 pro=4 ultimae=5 x64 is different. (because it has no starter image) home basic =1 home premium =2 pro=3 ultimae=4 To verify this, try installing either starter/homebasic into your VM and see whether or not the drivers/updates worked on that image. If yes, then just repeat the process on the proper image (for ultimate it is either #4 or #5) and you will be good to go.
  3. It might be easier to export them from your registry. (then merge using a first login command or setupcomplete.cmd) HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\
  4. Yes, definitely would be nice in the future, many of us who spend $300 or more on TechNet each year need a way to reduce the size of our VM's. My guess is Bensam added a software limitation so that 7Lite would only work with 7, which means it shouldn't be too hard for him to allow R2 as well. In operation they are gonna be 99% similar (DISM-wise), so even at this stage I would imagine most of the bugs are worked out. 7Lite has come along way in the past month, so it might be stable enough now to start testing it with R2.
  5. is this before or after you go through the login to the deployment server
  6. Windows updates Downloader can handle Windows 7, the list is here.
  7. actually it sounds more like there is no network access. It cannot find the deployment share, so it asks you to find the install source locally. Just a guess, but try and ping the deployment server from the wimPE session, if you cannot, I would suspect LAN Driver issue. Dumb question, are you trying to do this on the wireless connection ?
  8. custom 30 day trial versions distributed over the internet are warez..... Meaning, No soup for you. EDIT: Once you learn the basics of creating self extracting exe, it is really easy to do yourself, take a lurk around the "Application Installs" forum, check out the stickies/guides and you will be able to create your own.
  9. OK, now i get it, you only think it works if you can see it on the screen. Why on earth would someone waste the 3 seconds to open the properties > securities > advanced security permissions to check if it worked or not before posting any assumptions. If they had, they would have known that it was working from the get-go. If checking the actual file ACL is not proof enough, be my guest and use /grant Administrators:F, that method is guaranteed to work on all "english locale" machines. But I am telling you that it is not necessary, the Well-Known SID method works perfectly fine in any language.
  10. Inside of VMware you will need to edit your virtual network (VMware Menu > EDIT > Virtual Network Editor). From there you can control what access to your home lan each virtual network will have (or if it is isolated) Also you can control if DHCP is present on the virtual interface. Instead of using NAT, or Bridged or host only, what you are looking for is a "custom" network. (use vmnet2 if available). Custom networks by default do not have local access to the network, they are isolated. (but you can change that later if you want)
  11. don't need to go to all that trouble. Simply delete/recreate the mount directory (after dismount command fails), and after it is deleted, the clean-up wim command will work properly. Taking ownership was not required unless the user (or your application), did not create the "mount" folder. (highly unlikely under your circumstances). Inside of your application, it might be wise to add a sub-routine to detect if the dismount command generates an error, then the sub will delete the mount point, run the cleanup-wim, and re-create the mount folder if needed. again, this is not a take-ownership issue, but a DISM issue. The limitation is that cleanup-wim command does not work until after the mount directory has been deleted. Next time it happens, try it without the take ownership and report back. Or just check the ownership via the Properties > Security > Advanced, you will see what I mean.
  12. If anything, you want both servers to be AD and also DNS servers (dual failover). This way they will replicate to each other.
  13. just set it "Do not check for updates", that is the simple fix until jcarle finishes the new version. EDIT: wireshark reports mine is attempting/connecting to this address, maybe a server side change can fix the issue. http://www.windowsupdatesdownloader.com/Version.ashx
  14. or copy your xxx.bat file to this folder. (it will run each logon) C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\User\Scripts\Logon
  15. you may also wish to avoid such pirate dens as google.com, yahoo.com, and bing.com.
  16. Doing so will add another option to the PXE list of choices. Be sure to give a descriptive name so you know which option is your "capture" image.
  17. One question, is the winRE.wim found in Windows 7, pre-loaded with a proper ram driver. Would it be easier to integrate drivers and rebuild an older XP recovery console, or would it be quicker/easier to use a newer version of the recovery console ?
  18. @jaclaz, couldn't they boot GRLDR over something like TFTPD32, and re-write the menu.lst to access the (pd) interface to allow hooking an ISO into RAM from the network. Shouldn't that work from tftpd as well ? title Network Recovery Console map --mem (pd)/NetworkRecoveryConsole.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32)
  19. We need to be able to choose which settings file we save/restore and be able to save multiple templates. Something with an open/save dialog where they can pick which settings file to restore.
  20. Check your inbox, reply was dated March 17th, but I never got reply back. Did you find a solution or is that still on the list for version 1.05 ?
  21. @Ben, If you force 7Lite to auto protect wer.dll in the next version, users will be able to remove "Windows Error Reporting Service" without having to remember to protect wer.dll. There are a few more in this list (post #1) SYSTEM files to PROTECT and REASONING wer.dll (have to protect this file in order to remove the error reporting service) msdrm.dll (have to protect this file in order to remove digital rights management) browcli.dll (have to protect this file so net start/stop will work by command prompt) msoert2.dll (protect this file only if you are going to use and install msn messenger) winipsec.dll (have to protect this file in order to remove the ipsec policy agent service) Magnification.dll (protect this file if you are not removing Snipping Tool or it won't work) Not sure about the rest, I have seen a few different ones posted in various vLite threads. Maybe we should try to collect all this info + reasoning in a single location (instead of losing the information 100 posts deep in vLite forum). I know there are more than 5-6 of these, can anyone remember the ones we are missing.
  22. Send your email here. hyper-v@starwindsoftware.com Here is a working back-link to the original story. http://www.starwindsoftware.com/news/31
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