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Everything posted by MrJinje

  1. Try take ownership, here is a multi-lingual right click shell extension that will allow you to take ownership of any file you prefer. Use at your own risk, try not to delete anything important. Take_Ownership_Reg
  2. What is stopping you from renaming the computer during specialize stage, then use SetupComplete.cmd to call a domain join script. I don't think the name change takes affect until after the reboot anyways. The machine reboots after specialize stage, so SetupComplete.cmd is likely the earliest you could run a custom domain script during the install.
  3. In this thread Please use Search next time, this question does get asked about once a week.
  4. goto command line type "tzutil /G" that will tell you exactly how to specify your current time zone from your local machine. If I had to guess it will either be this. <TimeZone>Central European Standard Time</TimeZone> or this, both are UTC +1 <TimeZone>Central Europe Standard Time</TimeZone>
  5. crap, thanks MrJinje I didn't realize that, know I had removed almost 1gb from mine using my test stuff but no reduction hardly LOL, don't tell me, your next version of SevenUA will reduce wim size as well. How come I am not surprised.
  6. Can someone who has used this WinIntegrator to remove files, please check your Install.wim with 7zip and read these few posts I made over here (#91 and #92). I'm wondering if WinIntegrator doesn't suffer the same problem as 7Lite. My link If so, we might have two apps capable of performing Windows 7 removal's.
  7. Considering it is a single line of code that needs to be added, I imagine the next release will fix the problem.
  8. just went through a quick removal and it seems to be working properly (save for exporting to a new wim). Here is the proof, see how my "Files" folder grew by 50Mb, while my "1" image folder is reduced. Ben, please add the option (or make it the default) to "Export" the wim into a new install.wim file as the very final task. For anyone else, here is how you can reclaim the wasted WIM space. (using gimagex) Either way, if you created an ISO with 7Lite even though the wim file is still the same size, the install will not be.
  9. will someone who has been successful in creating an install.wim (while not actually reducing it's size). Please open said install.wim with 7z file manager and take a screen shot. I am in particular interested to know if the install.wim contains a folder called "Files" and how large that folder has become after running 7Lite. If that "Files" folder is more then 1Gb then that would confirm to me that file-removal has occurred. (but image export has not occurred) The "Files" folder inside of a wim contains any files deleted from the WIM during a DISM session, these are basically orphan files that belong in none of the images inside the wim. The only way to get rid of them is to export the image using imagex or gimagex, thus creating a new wim without the orphaned files (and reducing it's size). DISM cannot do this, only imagex.
  10. Nothing to worry about, having to install flash isn't the end of the world. No answer on this one ?? EDIT: On Windows 7 it is working just fine if you just copy the files inside the WAIK\Tools\x86 or amd64, and paste them directly into your RT7Lite folder. (then copy RT7Lite folder to another Windows 7 machine) As long as you have flash activex installed on every machine it seems to work fine as a portable app. Someone else will have to test on Vista and other OS'es, I'm only testing on Windows 7.
  11. Try nirsoft "SearchMyFiles" http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/search_my_files.html
  12. I didn't see anything in the latest version that couldn't be converted to gif to remove the flash requirement. That is, unless he is using flash to install some kind of phone home tracking cookie (LSO).
  13. How about a script that collects required WAIK files into the 7Lite folder. Just something so that each person can create their own "portable 7Lite" from their locally installed copy. Maybe if we can get a successful method for that, each person will only need to install the WAIK once (and then uninstall it). I think that avoids any redistribution issues, and resolves the complaints about having to install WAIK over and over, what do you think.
  14. That's nice, but not what exactly what I was getting at, it would be simpler if 7lite could be programmed to know which important DLL's to keep, without requiring every user to be a brain scientist.
  15. After a few hours (97%) it crashed with this error. ************** Exception Text ************** System.IO.IOException: Access to the path 'C:\Users\MrJinje\AppData\Local\Temp\RT_Mount\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tablet PC' is denied. at RTWin7Lite.RT7LiteHome.permanentlyRemove() in D:\project-II\New folder\Final_state\RTWin7Lite\RTWin7Lite\RT7LiteHome.vb:line 37401 at RTWin7Lite.RT7LiteHome.btn_log_Commit_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:\project-II\New folder\Final_state\RTWin7Lite\RTWin7Lite\RT7LiteHome.vb:line 2311
  16. Two quick things I notice 1) Driver tab seems limited to a single driver at a time, cannot add a folder ?? or am I missing something. a) Why is one of my drivers in a high-lighted with maroon color. Does that mean anything ? 2) Update tab cannot find my .CAB updates, the GUI is limiting the Choose File dialog to .MSU file type only. It should allow both .CAB + .MSU file types.
  17. So far so good, it opens. Will start a basic build and let it run on it's own for a few hours
  18. I just installed a fresh system, WAIK for 7, + Current Adobe Flash. I have UAC disabled, + No Anti-Virus at all. I have never installed any previous versions, yet I still get this error. FYI, it is a laptop with a single partition, the temp directory is not moved either. EDIT: Just to be sure, I also installed VMware in case you actually require VMware on the build machine.
  19. If I had to guess, that is probably some form of older WinPE and the real I386 folder you need is I386DIST. Take a jpeg of the contents of I386DIST just to be sure. If it is, I would try copying that folder to desktop and rename it I386 so that nlite can find it.
  20. @Ben, is 7lite gonna be multi-threading aware, on a quad core vLite maxes out at 25% usage, (i.e. a single thread) would be nice if we could control how many cores 7Lite has access to (1,2,4,8) from an options/control panel. I guess I should mention thread priority as well. Another idea I had was to integrate some of the known issues with package removal. With vLite/7, we have to mess around and maintain a keep list of certain DLL's or it will break. Would be nice if we could integrate that sort of logic into the app. Instead of a single pop up window for each issue, which (in vlite) gets tiresome if there are multiple issues - maybe a treeview/checkbox setup would be easier. I bet it could even be setup in a way so that each issue could be resolved in multiple ways, instead of only allowing to keep the removed item (as vlite does), it could offer the opposite action of removing the other item instead. (or to keep the single required DLL in certain cases). Not sure 7lite already does these things or not, just riffing here.
  21. Welcome to MSFN, please do not double post.
  22. I am under the assumption this is a work type thing, and the OP might not be able to simply lock the folder, employee's usually need some form of write access. Not to mention the number of employee's who have local admin rights and can simply unlock the folder if they wanted to. So while we cannot stop them from renaming the .exe in all cases, they probably cannot change it's Window Title. You could add this script to logon via group policy and it will run silently all day, preventing any windows from opening with that App's title. No idea what app we are talking about, so here is a sample that kills VMware, adjust as necessary. Prevent_VMware.vbs Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Do While Not Wshshell.AppActivate ("VMware Workstation") Wscript.sleep 1000 Loop Wshshell.AppActivate "VMware Workstation" Wshshell.SendKeys "%{F4}" EDIT: Actually, this would only prevent the first VMware window and then quit, you would need to be re-write something that would stay running longer. But you get the idea.
  23. That is because you only made changes in one image. There are 8 images inside the R2 WIM. Use the "Info" tab in GimageX for more details. Basically you need to make all your changes in every image you want them to appear in. In your case I would change things inside the image for "2008 R2 ServerEnterprise" as well as the Standard image. Same thing goes for Drivers and Integrating Updates offline.
  24. 1) Install Windows Small Business Server Premium. 2) Follow all basic wizards, change DVD's when prompted. 3) After all the automated stuff is complete, enable the VPN (it's installed by default, just needs enabling) 4) Install the optional ISA 2006. Enable firewall to allow VPN connections through. 5) Connect client to the VPN remotely. 6) Configure client to proxy through SBS server + I think it was port 8080 by default (via IE Internet Options). 7) You may get prompted again to enter domain creds before you can access the internet via the proxy, and you may also need to open any special ports your game may require (from inside ISA 2006 firewall) Basically the same thing can be done from linux, if you know how to install a firewall + vpn + provide proxy service internally. I'm sure if you throw some money at a store bought router + VPN that might also work too (expensive though). Both the linux and Microsoft methods could be hosted from a VM, you don't have to have an actual "server" per se FYI, unless you have really good upload speed at your home, your VPN network will be a bottleneck
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