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Everything posted by Sp0iLedBrAt

  1. After trying to upload an error.log file, I received an error that I'm not allowed to upload this type of file. Is this a strange error or is it really so? Cheers
  2. Some more testing info: After starting the .exe I received this screen So, I clicked No, got to the drivers, selected them, and when I started the backup, I got an error. The error log is attached. Will it not work if the version is smaller than the one required by your program? One strange thing: apparently you are not allowed to upload files with .log extension, so I changed it into .txt Cheers
  3. Updated to latest version 20/04/2011 Rev.3825 by clsid
  4. The value for "GPO-Disabled" is 0 and it is found in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\State\Machine\GPO-List\0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\GPExtensions has 3 different sub-folders that refer to gptext.dll, which registers (and unregisters) successfully. I have exported them and attached them here. No firewall here, even the default one is disabled. As to the actual gpedit.msc trace, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it in the following days. GL, I'm sure you'll understand Have a nice, looong weekend.
  5. Avast! completely (almost brutally) killed and it still doesn't work. I just remembered most free antivirus programs don't work in Safe Mode, so that's what I'll do next. Cheers
  6. That won't be necessary right away Instead, why don't you provide more information, say exactly which driver (and version) you are talking about. At the same time, you could also check your processes and run an online scan with some other antivirus solution. Which media player are you using?
  7. Double-clicking the SFX file should do the trick. Cheers
  8. It's got a setting to add a second (very small) partition which will make setup see it as a HDD, and you can setup BIOS to boot from HDD. You can still edit it with nLite before using it. I'd recommend you use the hologram disk and use nLite to slipstream SP3. Users have reported problems with Dell disks, but you're always free to give it a try. Cheers
  9. For the first, third and fourth value HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{1BC972D6-555C-4FF7-BE2C-C584021A0A6A} HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{942A8E4F-A261-11D1-A760-00C04FB9603F} HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{BACF5C8A-A3C7-11D1-A760-00C04FB9603F} there is a CLSID where the default value is REG_SZ and it says "Software installation" The second HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{7E45546F-6D52-4D10-B702-9C2E67232E62} is found in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppManager\CLSID\ Edit: This is a log file from trying to register gpedit.dll
  10. I used procmon.exe and filtered all the entries that contained 'regsvr32'; they are mostly by the process itself and explorer.exe. The log file itself has "only" got 1300 lines, and I'm unleashing it for all you brave men out there Cheers
  11. There have been several posts related to oemdisk.c errors, so I suggest you use the forum search function and do a little reading Cheers
  12. The GroupPolicy folder (and the ADM sub-folder) did not exist at all. I did as suggested, extracted the three files from a clean XPSP3 and put them in the ADM sub-folder. All the DLLs were already present in system32, with version 5.1.2600.5512, so SP3. gpedit.dll and appmgr.dll still can't be registered and the same error occurs. I'll see what happens after I restart. Cheers
  13. Thank you very much. I will try searching first, as I know I already have gpedit.msc and gpedit.dll present on the system. I will report back. Cheers
  14. So I had to reinstall Windows a few days ago, but all I could find was one of my older CDs, so I just used that. While trying to reply to a post related to the Group Policy Editor, I tried to open the one on my PC and discovered it showed an error So I looked up the CLSID in the registry and got to gpedit.dll in the system32 folder. Tried to register it and I got So, am I looking at a situation where I would have to find which files I'd need to add back in order to make it work, or it is something slightly more complicated? Thank you in advance
  15. It used to be called Intel SpeedStep Technology, the possibility to reduce frequency and save energy (and battery on notebooks). I don't see why not.
  16. I believe you can change that in the Group Policy Editor (type gpedit.msc in the Run box and press Enter) I believe you are referring to image #21 here http://win-x.co.cc/nliteimages.html If you want the user to have a password you will use, change the number of logon counts; to have it log in automatically twice, choose 2. Do not forget to select the correct user. - Which ones, for example? Please attach Last Session.ini (as posted in big, red, bold letters at the top of this page) - No, not likely; there hasn't been a new version in over two years. Welcome to MSFN.
  17. The official download site for VIA drivers is this http://www.via.com.tw/en/support/drivers.jsp Otherwise, I don't think anyone will provide you with an individual file from a package. If you already have it installed, there are driver backup programs that can get everything from the system. Cheers
  18. Updated to latest version 11/04/2011 Rev.3814 by clsid
  19. If you are using nLite, just add it to the Hotfix section. If not, start Windows Installer 4.5 from Command Prompt with the /? switch and you will get this which is all you need to install it silently. Cheers
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