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Everything posted by Vadikan

  1. @iwod: I don't know what article he's referring to. I don't see any links in the post. @Telenut: This is not quite the same as you stated previously My suggestion was relevant to the first post, but now is obsolete. From what I've seen, sometimes [RegionalSettings] just don't stick or don't apply from winnt.sif. Even with basic setups they don't work in some cases. That's why the workaround is to apply them at the firtst logon per KB289125. I sincerely wish you luck with making winnt.sif to work.
  2. Do you need a particular folder or just any folder? The particular folder is a problem http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=37014 (for the switchless SFX, of course)
  3. Sure, just use this method http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;289125
  4. The Russian language file posted by Antuan is not usable. The encoding is wrong. I'll post the correct one below and attach it separately. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // russian (by EgOrus, Vadikan; unattended.oszone.net) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lang = 'ru'; msgStartInstall[lang] = ['В течении последующих нескольких минут будут установлены выбранные программы.\nДождитесь окончания процесса установки.\n\nСпасибо за использование WPI.']; lblTimerTitle[lang] = ['Установка<br>начнется через']; lblTimerStop[lang] = ['Кликните для остановки таймера']; lblInstall[lang] = ['Начать установку']; lblExit[lang] = ['Выход']; lblHelp[lang] = ['Справка']; lblSelectAll[lang] = ['Выбрать всё']; lblSelectNone[lang] = ['Снять выделение']; lblSelectDefaults[lang] = ['Выбрать по умолчанию']; lblOptions[lang] = ['Настройки']; lblConfig[lang] = ['Конфигурация']; lblSource[lang] = ['Исходный код']; ttInstall[lang] = ['Начать установку','Инициирует выполнение скрипта<br/><br />Кликните для создания и запуска скрипта установки.']; ttExit[lang] = ['Выход','Закрывает это приложение<br /><br />При этом будут установлены опции, для которых выбрана форсированная установка. Обычно это обновления безопасности для Windows XP.']; ttHelp[lang] = ['Справка','Показывает справку по пунктам данного меню.']; ttSelectAll[lang] = ['Выбрать всё','Выбрать все приложения для установки.']; ttSelectNone[lang] = ['Снять выделение','Снять выделение со всех приложений.']; ttSelectDefaults[lang] = ['Выбрать по умолчанию','Эта опция сбросит выделение на значния по умолчанию.<br /><br />Кликните если хотите установить только рекомендованные опции.']; ttOptions[lang] = ['Настройки','Настройте программу WPI.']; ttConfig[lang] = ['Конфигурация','Сконфигурируйте список ваших приложений.']; ttSource[lang] = ['Исходный код','Показывает исходный код WPI.'] txtRunOnceExTitle[lang] = ['Установка приложений...']; txtUsage[lang] = ['Начать установку - установка выбранных приложений\nВыбрать по умолчанию - установка только рекомендованных приложений\nВыбрать всё - установка всех приложений\nСнять выделение - снять отметку об установке со всех приложений\nНастройки - Настройки программы WPI\nКонфигурация - конфигурирование устанавливаемых приложений\nИсходный код - показывает исходный код WPI\nВыход - выход из WPI без установки каких-либо приложений']; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To enable Russian from the drop-down menu on the Options page, add the following line to the language list in the file common\optionwizardstemplate.htm <option value="ru">russian</option> Cheers!
  5. Thanks. I had Win2k when I asked the question
  6. What if you use SET CDROM=%~d0That way you don't check all drive letters for the marker file. This command must be executed from a batch file on the CD. I mean it'll assign the %CDROM% variable to the drive it's launched from.
  7. Yzöwl Does SC.EXE from Win2k resource kit work with XP? This M$ KB article doesn't list XP in the "applies to" section. I don't see the utility in the W2003 resource kit tool list either. Thanks.
  8. Try searching for page or paging in the thread titles. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?act=Search&f=70 Good luck!
  9. Really? I thought I was the only one I don't care for the space, 'cause I use DVD. However, in some cases I pefere RAR SFX for performing additional tasks.
  10. Man, I first thought there was a built-in timer. 20 minutes later I realized I needed to read the agreement Wraith Many people gonna get confused. How many people are used to reading EULAs? Yours was the first I read
  11. I concur. I always have avatars off, but now I see everybody with an ugly "no avatar" avatar When I enable avatars, i see "no avatar" for everybody who doesn't have them.
  12. Actually, Petya V4sechkin PM'd me and explained his point. There are two cumulative updates for IE on your current hotfixes list ( http://xpcreate.com/current.htm ): KB834707 and KB867282. The former is not needed, as the latter replaces it.
  13. This is hilarious At least, I feel proud of popularizing XPC among Russian users P.S. I need to update my pages with the relevant info about downloading XPC. Cheers!
  14. Never thought of it. Interesting info, thanks to all contributors.
  15. The new forum look is nice, but I don't really like the font size in the messages. Certainly, my vision is far from perfect; however, I'm not the only one in glasses. The text in codes is larger than the post body text. This is not right. Please, consider increasing the font size. P.S. Yes, I know how to increase the font size in the browser.
  16. http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/default.mspx
  17. Any ideas or comments? Sorry for bumping the thread (42 hours, 3rd page) Never mind. According to the developer's forum it's not possible. Q. how can i make a 7zip_Sfx.exe auto extract to c:\temp2 A. (Igor Pavlov) Now the only way is runtime switch: 7z.exe -oc:\temp2 -y Thanks.
  18. Hi, All! I've searched the board, but couldn't find the answer. If you can find a relevant thread, please point me to it. The question I'm about to ask was asked at the Russian board, and I realized I don't know the answer and cannot find it in the 7zip Help either I know how to make a swtichless silent 7zip installer; however, AFAIK, it extracts the files to the temp folder, then runs a command specified in config.txt, and finally deletes the files from the temp folder. What I'd like to know is how to make a switchless 7zip archive that would silently extract the files to the specified folder. In other words, I'm looking for an option similar to WinRAR's SFX Path to Extract. I guess I could put some command in config.txt and get the files copied from the temp folder to the location I need, but this is an extra step I'd like to avoid. I could specify the 7zip archive output directory with an -o switch, but I'm looking for a switchless sfx. Am I missing something from the 7zip manual? Any input is appreciated. Thanks for your attention.
  19. Yeah, good idea ;-) Otherwise the context menu will be huge. They should have, 'cause I tested them as well as the burn command before posting. It worked. Associating WinRAR with ISOs removes the BurnISO option. It also removes the Mount option for Daemon Tools, which I've been using thanks to your guide However, everything works fine, if ISOs associated with WinImage. I think it's more like WinRar file association problem. What the hell is that? Had to remove all smiles, hehehe
  20. Oleg_II I think you're looking at something like Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.iso] @="ISO_Image" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ISO_Image\Shell\BurnISO\Command] @="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd\\burniso.cmd \"%1\""to add the BurnISO option to the context menu whenever you Rclick on an ISO image. The path to your burniso.cmd is arbitrary and depends on where you store the file. The burniso.cmd should contain the commands for burning with cdburn.exe. Something like @echo off SET FILE=%1 TITLE Burning ISO Image of %FILE% cdburn.exe G: %FILE% -speed max pause exit Hope this helps. I'm not very comfortable with making INF files, sorry. MCT and Yzöwl Thanks for the DOIso. Very nice tool for those who make uA ISOs daily
  21. I concur. I don't see a good reason to include this removal tool in my uA CD. This is not a system update.
  22. It probably looks for the install.log file and can't find it. The file location may be specified in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{program name} What does you question have to do with Unattended Windows forum?
  23. I think you're looking at multiboot with different sets of apps predefined for the installation.
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