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Everything posted by dencorso

  1. memtest86+ is good. But, then again, if you're already planning to upgrade the memory and found only RAM problems (either actual or suspected), why not buy a brand-new RAM stick and upgrade it anyway already, and then check again to see whether the detected problems went away? If they did, the original RAM was actually not good, to start with. And, since you can use ECC RAM, why not upgrade to it, as well? It is more reliable. Nowdays RAM doesn't cost that much, anyway, IMHO. Think about it.
  2. @diskless: upgrade Flash Player to Flash Player, see whether that solves the problem and report, please.
  3. You can also compare compilation dates (aka PE Timestamps), which are usually much more reliable than the "Creation Times", because of being much less obvious to find, and even less to tamper with... It can mean it's a different compilation of the same source. Or so minor a update that warrants no version number change. As it's impossible to decide which, it's usually best to stick with the newest version. And, when in doubt, you can always use MiTeC EXE Explorer to find out the real (unless it's been deliberately spoofed, which is unusual, as it's not a very well known feature) compilation date, the "PE Timestamp" of any Win-32 executable. It depends on what are you trying to establish: compilation date means when the file was actually created, while "Last Modified" times tell you whether the file was modified and when.
  4. Don't worry about those errors reported in your quote above. They are quite well-known Dependency Walker false positives, which simply indicate you're using IE6 SP1. I'll skip the detailed explanation of the reasons behind those errors, because it's quite long winded. You can find discussions about them by searching the forum, if you wish. You can disregard those safely!
  5. You're quite right: In the 1st post tutorial (and in several others) GND is not used. But it's better to use them. And yes, you should interconnect all the GNDs among themseves, so that GND level is the same all over.
  6. No. Not LessMSIerables... But MsiX.exe would be a great addition. It is able to extract files from .msi, .msm and .msp installation files, and it is a command-line console program, so I guess it'll be easy to integrate. Do give it a try! Find it here: Heath Stewart's Patch Files Extractor
  7. Just watched the videos and read the text review. Way to go, Vince! You rock!
  8. WMI is Microsoft's implementation of Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM)... So, WBEM and WMI are good search terms, in this case. In any case, you may find it here.
  9. And an increasing number of us multiboot 9x, XP and, perhaps, linux!
  10. The question mark is not a bug, but a "by design" debug feature... Read these 3 posts: link. BTW, moved to proper section!
  11. One can tweak (the options of the Add menu in) 7-Zip for even better compressions. Maybe this can explain it.
  12. Welcome to MSFN, An Oh! Do please read the Forum Rules: Only posting in English is allowed... and no politics! That said, I hope you enjoy your stay!
  13. @LoneCrusader: I'll give it a try. @LoneCrusader: you guessed right! Many thanks to Andrew T., who patiently tested all my proposed mods... I now offer you all the Flash Version Spoof Patch! Caution: This patch only applies to the non-IE version of Flash. I may produce the IE version in case there is a demand for it, but don't hold your breath... Here's how it's done: Confirm that you do have NPSWF32.dll v. search for it, right-click on NPSWF32.dll, choose Properties, then Version and confirm that it says "File Version:" (without the inverted double commas). If it does not, update your Flash version all the way up to 7.0.73; Download the freeware command-line utils.zip, from KanastaCorp, grab inside it just patch.exe and drop it into the \%windir%\command\ folder; Download the NPSWF32.ZIP attached below, grab inside it NPSWF32.PAT and drop it into the same folder in which NPSWF32.dll is already present; Still in the same folder, rename NPSWF32.dll to NPSWF32.ori; Start a DOS box, go to the folder in which NPSWF32.ori is present, and run the following command from the DOS prompt: patch -p NPSWF32.ori NPSWF32.PAT NPSWF32.dll If everything went well, the patched NPSWF32.dll will now say it has "File Version:". Enjoy YouTube again! Of course, as always, the standard disclaimer applies: It works great for me, but YMMV and I can guarantee nothing whatsoever about this patch, and about the use you make of it. So, by deciding to apply it you fully accept that anything you do is of YOUR SOLE RESPONSIBILITY... Hence, if after performing this mod your computer morphs into a purple mushroom and explodes, causing a 10-day worldwide blackout in the process, you know you can't blame me for it! You have been warned... NPSWF32.zip Flash7d.7z
  14. It still is free! You must have downloaded the trial version by mistake. Get the free version here.
  15. It all depends on what you tell Ghost32 to do, when acquiring the image: if you tell it to do a partiton image or a disk image. Even so, its possible to restore individual partitions from some types of disk images, but that's more tricky. So, the rule of thumb is a disk image overwrites the whole disk, while a partition image overwrites just the partition you point to it. Of course Gdisk32 allows you to do what you want. RTFM! Ghost_imp_guide.pdf
  16. Hi, Fredledingue: I'm not proposing to remove MSE 5.7 from the list. On the contrary, I think it should be left there, but MSE 5.6 (also from MDGx) also listed as an alternative. Here's the link you sought: Tihiy's SafeMode Video fix You rock!
  17. You should use a partition image, not a full disk image, for what you want to work. And then use gdisk32 to delete, the to recreate the needed partition structure, before restoring the partition image... Then again, another, better and faster way to do it is to actually create a full disk image containing the complete stucture you want (say, compressed with the -z9 switch), and then just restore it... since it'll be a full-disk image, in this case, there's no real need to use gdisk32 to erase anything, because restoring the image will overwrite the whole disk. But if the second, smaller partition, is meant to start empty, just after image redeployment, make sure it's zeroed out (you may do this with sysinternals sdelete) before you create your master image, because zeroed-out free space compresses much better. Good luck!
  18. Now you can go even further, and use the Win XP Disk Management to reassign the letters of all partitions, except the boot one, for them to take the same letters as you have in Win 98. Go to Control Panel -> Admnistrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Disk Management, then right-click over each partition and use Change Drive Letter and Paths... It may be necessary to assign a temporary letter, say, Z to a partition, in order to liberate the letter it's already using, so that you then, after rebooting, can assign it to another partition. Repeat until you've reassigned all letters to your satisfaction and then change the letter of partiton Z to it's intended final letter. It takes some time to perform all the changes, but the result is very rewarding.
  19. @jds: You say in your read.me: I've determined that the change you reverted is (quoting Steven Saunderson's original w98bug.txt): Would you please elaborate on what problems did that particular change have, and why do you consider it a misfix?
  20. It is possible that your burner is having problems. I've had a great Lite-On that, one day, decided it wouldn't burn DL media anymore, after just one year of use. It was able to burn all other kinds of media OK, but always gave errors while burning the second layer. After strugling with it for about a week, I gave up, bought another one (an LG, this time), and have been using it for more than 3 years without problem. It does happen! And I do have another identical Lite-On (bought in the same day and place and belonging to the same production batch) in another box that is working OK up to now...
  21. @HardDriv'n: once you're satisfied its working OK, you might put toghether a Mini How-To here, for others having the same need.
  22. jaclaz, The Finder, I hereby award you the 2010 trophy for the most transverse hint of the year!!!
  23. Great work, Fredledingue! About SCR579X.EXE... I feel the safest MSE for general use is 5.6, and that 5.7 should be indicated solely for advanced users. A quick search of the forums for "SCR579X.EXE" illustrates well my point. The same reasoning applies to the still experimental USB20DRV package. Moreover the BHDD31 is a safe package, while SCANFRAG overlaps it partially and installs many additional things that perhaps not everybody may want or need. I think these packages above deserve at least some comments beside their links, so that people may decide by themselves whether they're what they're looking for or not. This is just my 2 cents, of course.
  24. Give pointers to them, they may be easier and faster to adapt to Win 9x/ME, than if we start inventing a method from scratch. Then again... Mijzelf may just have hit jackpot with his idea, which should completely obviate the need for a swap partition... And, BTW, the name of the Win 9x/ME swapfile need not to be always win386.swp, it may be whatever you want: just use the directives exemplified below (add them, if the don't exist) at the [386Enh] section of SYSTEM.INI PagingFile=J:\PAGEFILE.SYS PagingDrive=J: MaxPagingFileSize=1835008 MinPagingFileSize=1572864 Also, BTW, do read these two pages: Sharing Swap Files and, particularly, Linux Swap Space Mini-HOWTO
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