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AFAIAA, all people who posted about BSODs on the issues of GitHub, were using Mypal 68 in multiprocess mode. I think this is the main reason for a BSOD in Mypal 68. Maybe, it will work in the final release of Mypal 68 whenever it comes.3 points
3 points
Well in that case , perhaps the dude just tends to forget to close his microwave's door ? (and the safety switches are jammed)3 points
I wasn't aware of android phones without cables . Did you actually measure the transfer speed ? Did you try to use this mobo with another OS (clean) ?3 points
Usually tells that this port and/or the device is somewhat damaged or it's simply not enough power. Try using another cable , a shorter one ! There may be a very high resistance in the old one.3 points
Once again, I can open or close tabs in Mypal 68 without any problems. Never observed any BSODs in single-process mode. In this mode, Mypal 68 is totally stable. If you have any problems, report it in the issues on GitHub!2 points
What can he say? Has he ever used or tested my system? No. Therefore, he can't say anything regarding my system, unfortunately. And BTW, if you want to post interesting facts about Mypal 68 here in terms of extensions or custom buttons, or maybe about the new nightly build, you are welcome here at any time. But any comparisons with other browsers are off-topic, unfortunately.2 points
No, but I use Mypal 68 in single-process mode. In multiprocess mode, your chance to get a BSOD is much better.2 points
I can't confirm that. 360Chrome 13.5 doesn't run smoother than Mypal 68 on my system. And I never had any BSOD while using Mypal 68.2 points
uBlock Origin works perfectly in Mypal 68. The last compatible version is uBlock Origin 1.46. I use this version in my installation without any problems. All more recent versions need FF 78+. I already wrote about this extension here:2 points
2 points
Request the BIOS number from the seller and then search it here, https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/?model=GTX+1060 confirm the chip and the year of manufacturing. If you wish to purchase 1070-1080, also make sure they are from the first batches of 2016. Write here for further questions. Greetings from Vichy.2 points
This is happening because your card is a newer re-issue, based on a newer chip GP106. The first GTX1060 must have GP104 chip. So you need a much newer driver from the end of 2018. "Normal" (ordinary) GTX1060 on GP104 chip https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/207648/207648 Your newer version on GP106 chip. https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/198454/1984542 points
I am aware. You can find its location with the tool Everything. It is a very great tool, and it runs on Windows XP up to Windows 11.1 point
I also noticed that the banner disappears if spoofed as Chrome 109, and that's the minimum version to not have that banner. (last version for Windows 7/8/8.1)1 point
Update notification! As already reported , the Root Certificates have been updated and are now from 27-02-2024. Here are screenshots of both updaters: Therefore, my self-created, offline Root Certificate Updaters in the section 11.2.4. Downloads related to Root Certificate Updates (in the first post of this thread) will also be updated as soon as possible. Cheers, AstroSkipper1 point
@rereser : I only posted my newer screenshot (of "new" CWS) above as an indication that Google's wording has changed in the interim since my previous screenshot of Feb 15th, 2024, when they offered a (non-working ) alternative choice: "... visit the legacy store" ... As for your posted mitigation in the shape of a userscript, I've already talked about it (and its shortcomings ) in my post of Feb 15th: Kind regards ...1 point
However, clicking on the "Visit legacy store" area (JS-controlled button) will only start a vicious circle , resulting in that same "new CWS" page ... Well, it's March 1st in my timezone already , and the "in-page info banner" no longer offers the alternative of "visiting the legacy store" :1 point
... I don't want to "burst your bubble" , but even if you manage to sort out all dependencies of the DLL under NT 5.1, the CDM will be practically non-functional on most popular DRM'ed services (e.g. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, etc.) ; since years now, Google (owners of Widevine CDM) have implemented the Verified Media Path (aka VMP) security feature: https://www.expressplay.com/products/google-widevine-drm/ In layman's terms, this means that the application within which the CDM is run (Supermium in your case) must've been previously whitelisted/sanctioned by Google ; this process involves acquiring special certificates from Google, for DRM purposes only, and signing various browser components (e.g. "chrome.dll") with said certificates; when the CDM is requesting decryption keys (aka "licence") from a Widevine lic server, it first sends (obfuscated) a payload with extreme detail of the environment it's currently running on; this detail includes exact browser specifics, as well as the OS/device the browser is running on; the WV lic server can reject the licence request if the CDM version/browser/OS/device is not to Google's liking; browser applications are being accepted if they have been signed with that special VMP certificate, and this fact limits the selection to ones offered by the major vendors, ONLY (Google Chrome/Mozilla Firefox and a few Chromium variants) ... Supermium hasn't been granted VMP compliance (being a one-man, open-source, project) and even if its author (win32) applied for such, it could well take several years for this to materialise, if at all ... In addition to VMP, you said you manually edited the DLL: This fact alone changes the CDM's hash value/invalidates its file signature (which is SHA-2, BTW, incompatible with XP) and when the CDM identifies itself to the WV lic servers (yes, it does send its hash inside that obfuscated payload I mentioned earlier), it "screams": "I've been tampered with, just ignore me", thus no decryption keys are delivered to it ... FYI, some Supermium issues relating to its DRM (Widevine) support: https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/issues/127 https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/issues/169 https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/issues/242 FWIW, Widevine related documentation used to be publicly accessible until a few years ago, when evil Google decided to put it behind corporate gmail accounts, for media-enterpises members only, who also have to sign strict NDAs ... At this point in time, it seems DRM-savvy private individuals are to be found only inside private discord servers, no more open to "outsiders"; I used to be part of such a server back in the day, but got kicked-out because I wasn't "active enough" (at least according to the server's owner ) ...1 point
1 point
And here is the shortest way to update the installation of uBlock Origin Legacy properly: Backup all your settings using the "Back up to file" button on the page "Settings". Uninstall uBlock Origin Legacy and delete the ublock0.sqlite file in your profile subfolder extension-data. Restart the browser and install the new version of uBlock Origin Legacy. Restore all settings from your backup file. Greetings, AstroSkipper1 point
This is a quotation from gorhill's wiki page about the legacy extension of uBlock Origin: Source: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/tree/master/dist#install Drag and drop the previously downloaded ublock0.firefox-legacy.xpi into Firefox (Pale Moon, New Moon and so on) is the recommended method there for installing an uBO xpi file. Same here by JustOff: Source: https://github.com/JustOff/ublock0-updater/issues/112 This type of update, by simply installing over an existing installation, may have worked in the past, but unfortunately, as shown in my above-quoted proof, it hasn't worked for a long time when it comes to the default filter lists. uBO's settings, self-created rules and self-added, custom filters remain intact as far as I noticed. But why did the users never realise this update issue in the past? The answer is quite simple. After installing or updating uBlock Origin, it automatically performs a download and installation of the internal list of all default filter lists (assets.json) quite promptly. So, a user always got the most recent version of this file from uBO's update server. Unfortunately, this file hasn't been updated for a long time and has become more and more obsolete. In my mod uBlock Origin Legacy, I therefore have removed the auto update of this file and started to maintain it by myself. That's why now a user immediately notice the issue that the new filter lists of my mod are not shown when installing an update of uBlock Origin Legacy over an existing installation and why a clean install is mandatory (and already was in the past). One thing I should still mention. When I make a recommendation that something should be done one way or another, I never do so without a specific reason. Cheers, AstroSkipper1 point
Enter the BIOS, Switch off "Attempt to fix sporadic PCI errors" , or whatever they call it in your BIOS. It helped me when my sound card was conflicting with my LAN card. It too hanged up on the BIOS title screen.1 point
... Yes, thanks, this solution was already pointed to inside Sm's GitHub issue tracker some 6 weeks ago : https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/issues/134#issuecomment-18832496891 point
As most following these threads probably know already , all the XP/Vista compatible 360EE variants (v11/12/13/13.5) are NOT compatible with MV3 Chrome extensions (which require at least Chromium 88) and, in the same vein, are NOT compatible with the "new" Chrome Web Store (CWS) ... Since sometime on Feb 13th, 2024 (depending on your location), "old CWS" URIs for extensions/themes/etc., of the format: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/* now auto-redirect to the "new CWS" URIs for the same extensions/themes/etc., of the format: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/* This isn't a first occurrence, the same thing used to take place during the autumn of 2023, when the eventual migration to the new CWS was announced beforehand: https://support.google.com/chrome/thread/231812199 https://blog.google/products/chrome/google-chrome-web-store-redesign/ https://9to5google.com/2023/11/20/google-chrome-web-store-redesign-preview/ In late December 2023, this auto-redirection (old -> new CWS) in non-supported Chrome versions stopped taking place, but in the loaded old CWS appeared a top info-banner indicating that: The user could disregard/remove this banner and continue as usual ... Well, Jan 31st 2024 came and went, but the "status quo" remained in place until Feb 13th, when the auto-redirection to the new CWS resumed ... Google staff seem to have a perverse sense of "humour" , because after the auto-redirection has been completed, in non-supported Chrome versions, a new in-page banner is being displayed, stating: However, clicking on the "Visit legacy store" area (JS-controlled button) will only start a vicious circle , resulting in that same "new CWS" page ... Issues with the "new CWS": The older the 360EE version you have, the more page rendering issues you'll get ; below, a screengrab with 360EEv11 (Ch69-based): Apart from the overlapping fonts, all "carousels" in the page are absent/non-functioning, because they require JS+CSS code not supported there ; these rendering issues are less/absent on higher versions of 360EE (v12+) ... But the main issue is that you can't install/download extensions from the "new CWS", because the "Add to Chrome" button is greyed out ... Mitigations This third party userscript, when installed (requires a userscript manager, e.g. Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey, etc.), will make the "Add to Chrome" button active again, however its functionality will now be limited, in that it will only enable a .crx file download to disk, not proper installation (as was the case with the "old CWS"); after saving to disk, the user has to drag-n-drop the saved file onto the "chrome://extensions/" internal tab, for the installation to proceed... The problem with that userscript is that the "name" of the downloaded extension always comes up as "undefined" (the "version" comes up correctly), so some renaming is in order after the download (perhaps one savvy person here could fix the script in that regard? ) ... Another solution I've been using is based on this extension ; the problem is that the latest version, 1.51, compatible with the "new CWS", is of the MV3-type, thus incompatible with 360EE (and Kafan MiniBrowser); here's an MV2 custom patch that will install and function as expected under Ch<88: https://www.mediafire.com/file/on5h2vit08a1xk6/1.51-mgdjkephahlgejakcnbooghhocmoppai-MV2.crx/file BTW, this is an "anonymous" upload that will expire after 2 wks of inactivity ; once installed, use the context menu on a "new CWS" tab to fetch a .CRX file to disk... Caveats of the two solutions above is that the "new CWS" won't label incompatibilities with Ch<88, so the .CRX you end up saving to disk may well be an MV3-type extension, incompatible with your "legacy" Chrome browser ; I probe the CRX files with 7-zip, opening their manifest.json files with an editor and checking for the "manifest_version" value (to be 2, that is...). A third option that might die any day now is the following: Make a bookmark of below URI: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/old/ Once loaded, it'll auto-redirect to: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions which is STILL the "old CWS"; as long as your browsing remains confined inside that very one tab, you can access extension-URIs in the old format, e.g. by clicking on suggestions or searching in the old-store's searchbar (and make sure the search result is opened in the same tab): The back and forward nav buttons are allowed, but be sure not to click the reload one (will get you to the new CWS) ; since this is the "old CWS", it won't offer (to your "legacy" browser) MV3-type extensions in the suggestions/search results ... Of course, as time moves on, the MV2-type extensions now found inside the "new CWS" will be eventually all migrated to MV3 or purged completely, thus these workarounds will become moot... Save your MV2-type indispensable Chrome extensions while you can... PS: I'm dead certain evil Google will make sure your Ch<88 will become less effective in browsing the web over time, but I feel it'll still be good for the next two years, at least - here's hoping (of course, browsers based on much newer Chrome versions have recently surfaced that can launch under XP/Vista, granted with several issues so far, but this analysis was targeting mainly 360EE/KMB users) ...1 point
Perhaps you need to ask @win32 then, since the driver you used isn't mine, obviously. Nvidia Control Panel and CUDA/CUVID/DXVA/Physx and the others you want, they all work in the driver from my tutorial. On the other hand, I also checked his 398 driver and CUVID/DXVA/Physx definitely worked for me ! But then again, I have an ancient fossil , 8 years old GTX Titan X, a piece of crap for poor people. In win32's 398.11 driver I didn't try OpenCL, OpenGL, WebGL and Vuklan, since I never use them.1 point
C' mon , I was not laughing at you ! No jokes , you can test different 360 versions (including mine) and see the results for yourself. Who's version is the most advanced/protected ? Would be interesting if you make some screencaps ! Do not use your IP [not a joke]. In the end , we are trying to make a privacy oriented browser , aren't we ? https://browserleaks.com/webrtc https://browserleaks.com/webgl https://coveryourtracks.eff.org P.S. I have never ever told you I'm on twitter , etc. If you see any accounts pretending to be me (it's not me).1 point
New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release: https://o.rths.cf/kmeleon/KM76.2-Goanna-20190622.7z Changelog: Out-of-tree changes: * update Goanna3 to git b33dced90..2a3b5ec9e: - import change from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1141392 - Disallow a line break between ArrowParameters and the arrow. (386dac894) - Bug 1138651 - Enable CSS Scroll Snapping by Default on B2G. (2e416be93) - Bug 1140623 - Correct mochitest failures that occur when the layout.css.scroll-snap.enabled preference is enabled (V3 Patch). (cfb1ccd33) - Bug 1136467 - ServiceWorker: client.postMessage should land in navigator.serviceWorker.onmessage. (547bc9d03) - Bug 1137419 - Use correct principal for update. (9b409bd5c) - Bug 1137408 - Use inner window to create ServiceWorker for Fetch Event (11958cf2b) - Bug 1137250 - Fix incorrect initialization of Request object. (ec637ee57) - Bug 1139990 - Remove No activatingWorker warning. (49154e967) - Bug 1058311 - Update client interface. Implement matchAll WindowClient. (cde7ba62a) - Bug 1131353 - Make ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.close() throw InvalidAccessError; (0ec3f45d9) - Bug 1137816 - Add a test for interfaces exposed to service workers; (19b5f9504) - Bug 1137816 follow-up: Add WindowClient, added by bug 1058311 (ce6f0ba73) - Bug 1141274 - Allocate shared workers and service workers from separate namespaces; (776221d45) - Bug 1133763 - Part 1: Remember the security info associated with HTTP fetches and record it inside InternalResponse; (fec70ad02) - Bug 1133763 - Part 2: Transfer the security info associated with an InternalResponse across the IPC layer (e7192f129) - Bug 1133763 - Part 3: Wipe out the cache directory when detecting a change in the DB schema; (82d81819a) - Bug 1133763 - Part 4: Store the response's security info in the cache database; (426e94e4b) - Bug 1133763 - Part 5: Allow the security info on intercepted HTTP channels to be overridden (4d079bf92) - Bug 1133763 - Part 6: Set the correct security info on intercepted channels when using the respondWith API (83e2b2a7d) - Bug 1133763 - Part 7: Add automated tests for using FetchEvent.respondWith on an HTTPS request (e0ee10e17) - Bug 1133763 - Part 8: Ensure that FetchEvent.respondWith works correctly on HTTPS requests with a cloned response (0db13351e) - Bug 1139425 - Service Worker Client uuid tests. (480b262ed) - Bug 1139425 - Service Worker Client id should return a DOMString uuid. (8b9ea176d) - Bug 1142853 - Add caret resources to package-manifest.in. (7e1a59681) (a6abc84e9) - import change from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1132141 - Update storage when ServiceWorker registration fails. (5bf56ab4f) - Bug 1001691 - WorkerPrivate::LoadInfo -> WorkerLoadInfo (bc017200f) - Bug 1001691 - Move WorkerType out of WorkerPrivate.h (02751f7b6) - Bug 1131882 - Associate ServiceWorkers with underlying ServiceWorkerInfo. (4492ae042) - Bug 1131874 - ServiceWorker persistence activation fixes. (cd4f32309) - Bug 1142015 - Add source for messages dispatched to a Service Worker. (25b685a06) - Bug 1053275 - Exempt ServiceWorkers from per domain thread limits. (f67251f0d) - Bug 1139561 - Various small ServiceWorker test fixes. (dbd0beae4) - Bug 1130688 - Implement additional scope checking in service worker registration. (cbd8fee66) - Bug 1142841: Convert all nsRefPtr<nsIRunnable> to nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable>. r=ehsan (9d4e51880) - Bug 1134462 - Synthesize status and headers from Response returned by ServiceWorker. (8203ae32b) - Bug 1134462 - allow null body. (1490bb9bd) - Bug 1141332 - Disable content decoding and use decoded length on intercepted channels. (2eec7968b) - Bug 1134330 - Mark fetch events as reloads appropriately. (a3025a42a) - Bug 1136757 - Add direct Response overload for FetchEvent.respondWith(). (a33248935) - Bug 1134462 - Cleanup Promise usage in fetch test SW. (fbe9f4cd5) - Bug 1134462 followup: Add missing MOZ_OVERRIDE annotation to SynthesizeStatus impls in SynthesizeStatus.h. (fb34b64d4) - Bug 1142124 - Never revalidate cache entries for synthesized responses. (0f4842e41) - Bug 1143155 - Filtered response stores internal response and allows access to headers. (956c334b1) - Bug 1133861 - Enable the Fetch API by default. (e05918105) - Bug 1140791 - Run fetch tests on main thread and workers. (e672969d6) - Bug 1144819 - Change JS_DefineProperty APIs to treat getter=nullptr and setter=nullptr as indicating class getter/setter ops only for data properties. (e030ab7d6) (65d6aee9e) - import change from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1142761 - Move CallSetter into ScriptedIndirectProxyHandler so it will eventually be deleted along with its only remaining caller. (a5a0b3f6b) - Bug 1143810 - Remove some XPConnect JSClass::setProperty hooks that are not needed anymore. (4eda6a60b) - Bug 1142195 - Remove some unused class declarations in the DOM Cache code (afd802623) - Bug 1145345 - Account for a greater variety of rounding errors when comparing coordinates (6a41f34f3) - Bug 1145787 - Put a misplaced assertion into its proper place. (7f760a66d) - Bug 1146059 - Remove Response.finalURL. (230d9fa50) - Bug 1134324 - Set CORS mode and credentials on Fetch event Request. r=michal (772fcac8f) - Bug 1136200 - Verify request type is not no-cors if response is opaque (396c9bfb4) - Bug 1144249 - fix fetch no-cors mode. r=bkelly (af9656291) - Bug 1144876 - Stop spamming stderr with a warning every time that we encounter a document that is not controlled by a service worker; (0a5c5fbfd) - Bug 1117172 part 1. Allow passing an optional aGivenProto to binding Wrap methods. (8aea85046) - Bug 1117172 part 2. Change the non-wrappercached WrapObject methods to allow passing in aGivenProto. r=peterv (13146be83) - Bug 1117172 part 3. Change the wrappercached WrapObject methods to al low passing in aGivenProto. r=peterv (1621ef48d) - Bug 1146293 - Fix coding style break (intent and line length) caused by Bug 1117172 and Bug 1145631. (0822709f1) - Bug 1121298 - Part 1: refactor MozNDEFRecord cstor. (6e57a37ec) - Bug 1121298 - Part 2: Add Constructor(uri) for MozNDEFRecord. (46f921bcf) - Bug 1121298 - Part 3. add getAsURI. (e67cad94b) - Bug 1138886 - Structured Clone for MozNDEFRecord. (With adaptations of Bug 1117172 part 3) (b83b7f684) - Bug 1143504 - Disconnect the Cache object from its actor when it gets cycle collected. (dae58dcdd) (c08eaf90c) - ported mozilla upstream change: Bug 1544386 part 1 - Call ElementAccessHasExtraIndexedProperty instead of ArrayPrototypeHasIndexedProperty when inlining array natives. r=tcampbell a=lizzard (MFSA2019-18) (eb6f09d68) - update icu4c to 58.3 (ef31ced6c) - clobber after icu update (614473177) - add missing files from icu4c-58_3-data.zip (2a3b5ec9e) * Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses. A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon761 point
New build of BOC/UXP for XP! Test binary: MailNews Win32 https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20190622-3a92863-uxp-d7359c38b-xpmod.7z Browser-only Suite Win32 https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20190622-3a92863-uxp-d7359c38b-xpmod.7z source patch (excluding UXP): https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/boc-uxp-src-xpmod-20190223.7z Official repo changes since my last build: - [libical] Fix sec issues and update from upstream (9ac63cc) - [PLATFORM] Update commit pointer (3a92863) For UXP changes please see above.1 point
New build of Serpent/UXP for XP! Test binary: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.2.win32-git-20190622-d7359c38b-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.2.win64-git-20190622-d7359c38b-xpmod.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom NM28XP build: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.6.0a1.win32-git-20190622-d7359c38b-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.6.0a1.win64-git-20190622-d7359c38b-xpmod.7z Official repo changes since my last build: - Remove UnboxedArray code part 1 (c2b5f396e) - Remove UnboxedArray code part 2 (c8300fbd6) - Merge branch 'master' into remove-unboxed (ba9e648ce) - Inline combined methods for NativeObject and UnboxedArrayObject accesses. (e34920575) - Issue #1132 - Add application executable location to the about:support page. (a072b02d9) - Make use of ArrayObjects in favor of generic JS objects. (e95089d84) - Remove unused LIR temp register for unboxed arrays. (93ce7c737) - Remove unboxed array context option and shell flag. (ec96ef3b7) - Remove functors for array natives. (ef8e0ce60) - Update ICU to 58.3 (76c640c28) - Update `update-tzdata.sh` to use git instead of svn, and not try to auto-commit with hg. (59666845b) - Update tzdata resource files (368a684f8) - Update tzdata SpiderMonkey files (b17a1f211) - Merge pull request #1136 from MoonchildProductions/Update_ICU (24864f942) - Force clobber for ICU update (ca2e36f9c) - Fix typo in ArrayShiftMoveElements (9153838ea) - Convert CopyBoxedOrUnboxedDenseElements to something that doesn't crash. (3c878b1e3) - Clean up and rename MoveBoxedOrUnboxedDenseElements. (8d2929313) - Replace SetOrExtendBoxedOrUnboxedDenseElements with direct calls. (85f9a95dd) - Remove and clean up more code. (e9aac71c6) - Update comment (625366321) - Remove JSOP_SPREADCALLARRAY and just use JSOP_NEWARRAY again. (772cd4b18) - Remove/inline CanonicalizeArrayLengthValue. (ccb3f2b73) - Tabs -> Spaces (no code change) (fcc11b2fe) - Revert "Add Yandex (ru) search plugin" (77a9720ac) - Merge pull request #1137 from MoonchildProductions/remove-unboxed-checked (276f6583e) - Merge pull request #1133 from Ascrod/master (14b635fa5) - [Basilisk] Fix packaging when sync is not built (9ded0778e) - Merge pull request #1139 from g4jc/disable_sync (a2f961b34) - Call a more generic function when inlining array natives. (32d13a164) - Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP (2a5466cfb) - Clean up the nsis installer script a litte. (d7359c38b) My changes since my last build: - ported upstream mozilla esr60 changes: bug1515052, bug1539219, bug1547757, bug1555523 (bc81a6d5f)1 point
It seems that MCP people don't notice MFSA2019-18, I ported mozilla upstream change to my SP55 and UXP repo (fx45 repo will wait for TenFourFox's changes) EDIT: actually they did aware that. how did they get different conclusion than TenFourFox? http://tenfourfox.blogspot.com/2019/06/stand-by-for-fpr14-spr1-chemspill.html1 point
New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release: https://o.rths.cf/kmeleon/KM76.2-Goanna-20190615.7z Changelog: Out-of-tree changes: * update Goanna3 to git 6cd09e714..b33dced90: - import change from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1143412 - Make sure that we run apt-get update. Otherwise, the install of packages will fail (1fae884ff) - Bug 1143014 - fix header sort order in mfbt/ (5b0797dee) - Bug 1142586 - avoid asking the link service for online status on CHANGED. (7f265c51b) - Bug 1134942 - Whitelist fstatat and unlinkat for B2G content processes. (18fda02ce) - Bug 1140111 - Whitelist readlinkat along with readlink. (45ab582d9) - Bug 906996 - Remove unlink from B2G content process syscall whitelist. (94e89c020) - Bug 1141885 - Make readlink() fail instead of allowing it, for B2G content processes. (12c3bb9a2) - Bug 1136221 - SIMD (interpreter): relax type requirement for Int32x4Bool. (148a97f37) - Bug 1141629 - SIMD: Clarify that reciprocal and reciprocalSqrt are approximations. (964c6dbc5) (b33dced90) * Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses. A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon761 point
New build of BOC/UXP for XP! Test binary: MailNews Win32 https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20190615-f12228c-uxp-c9edf588e-xpmod.7z Browser-only Suite Win32 https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20190615-f12228c-uxp-c9edf588e-xpmod.7z source patch (excluding UXP): https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/boc-uxp-src-xpmod-20190223.7z No official repo changes since my last build. For UXP changes please see above.1 point
New build of Serpent/UXP for XP! Test binary: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.2.win32-git-20190615-c9edf588e-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.2.win64-git-20190615-c9edf588e-xpmod.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom NM28XP build: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.6.0a1.win32-git-20190615-c9edf588e-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.6.0a1.win64-git-20190615-c9edf588e-xpmod.7z Official repo changes since my last build: - Add Atomics.notify instead of Atomics.wake according to revised spec. (284b4cffd) - Add Yandex (ru) search plugin (c9edf588e) My changes since my last build: - import change from mozilla upstream: Bug 1384330 - Blocking the mozAddonManager when pref 'privacy.resistFingerprinting.block_mozAddonManager' is true. r=arthuredelstein,mossop (f05d85ff6) - Move app.feedback.baseURL pref to branding (a7d2a6260) - Move app.feedback.baseURL into branding prefs (f4b8b0d90) - Move app.feedback.baseURL here and point to MSFN (8584b233f) - Merge pull request #4 from Mathwi/custom (044e258d9) - revert "Remove e10s code from browser widget. (083d322b7)" to keep e10s useful. (ef715102e)1 point
please get a win7 or later and test the page with official version of palemoon to see if the bug happens in my builds only or not.1 point
New build of Firefox 45ESR SSE: test binary: https://o.rths.cf/gpc/files1.rt/firefox-45.9.15-20190608-3e6bd7592-win32-sse.7z repo: https://github.com/roytam1/mozilla45esr Changes since my last build: - revert part of "#446 + #334: trim refresh driver further; restore old Tele removal (4594eee51)" since there is no problem in win32. (3e6bd7592)1 point
New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release: https://o.rths.cf/kmeleon/KM76.2-Goanna-20190608.7z Changelog: Out-of-tree changes: * update Goanna3 to git 8e9351569..6cd09e714: - Reverted following changes in order to make KM happy: - Bug 868814 - Fold mozalloc library into mozglue. (324250a8c) - Bug 1141660 - Fix bustage from bug 868814 with --disable-replace-malloc (7f74490b2) - Followup for bug 868814 - replace non-obvious #if with simpler alternative. (2a1520452) - Bug 1134920 - Remove nsMemory::Alloc/Realloc/Free. (514d8e8eb) (e96afb6ea) - import change from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1138527 part 1 - Make ruby annotations have the same font inflation as its containing ruby frame. (088bbf5bc) - Bug 1138527 part 2 - Reftest for application of font inflation to ruby. (41ae8c811) - Bug 1097468 - Part1: expose |homescreen-webapps-manage| in Apps.webidl (b182f49b7) - Bug 1097468 - Part 2: test for permission |homescreen-webapps-manage|. (1b097c139) - Bug 943537 - In the GeckoContentController interface, take the modifiers for tap events in 'widget modifier' format rather than 'DOM modifier' format (4b7de6b31) - Bug 943537 - Handle modifiers on tap events in RemoteContentController and ChromeProcessController. (2bbe91961) - Bug 1130455 - Remove the ScrollingBehavior code to propagate APZ and use gfxPrefs instead. (09a0c8e61) - Bug 1139258 - Use ScreenIntSize in PBrowser::Show/UpdateDimensions (2189f8921) - Bug 1139575 - Don't set the fast motion flag on multitouch blocks. (5155bfd13) - Bug 1137267 - Enable event-regions automatically when APZ is enabled, and allow the APZ code to assume event-regions are enabled always. (29d7e7d1c) - Bug 1137267 - Remove unneeded flags to track touch listeners and touch caret. (cb6cc1139) - Bug 1036967 - Use ScaleFactors2D instead of ScaleFactor where appropriate in APZ and surrounding code. (09ce986a9) - Bug 1036967 - Remove ScaleFactor::ScaleFactor(float, float). (87d13024c) - Bug 1036967 - Followup to fix debug logging. (d01fca6e4) - Bug 1036967 - Follow-up to fix debug logging. (776b4b65e) - Bug 1149060. Fix dev pixels per CSS pixel and presshell resolution layer dumping after bug 1036967. (6d26e4d3c) - Bug 1130982 - Reftest for this bug. (00bff9489) - Bug 1130982 - Ensure the clip rect is appropriately adjusted for multi-framemetrics layers. (211d15a4d) - Bug 1130982 - Fix a reftest so an element that's supposed to be scrollable actually is. (71dc992e2) - Bug 1130982 - With multi-FrameMetrics on APZ platforms, do not apply clips to scroll ports of frames other than the bottom-most one on the layout side. (4d9342324) - Fix APZ using incorrect scroll wheel deltas. (bug 1141728) (cad854639) - Bug 1139675 - Update JS callers of nsIDOMWindowUtils.setResolution and getResolution in accessibility code. (28dffc78d) - Bug 1136914 - Don't lose scale from parent document when descending into subdocument. (0d3cef358) - Bug 1139283 - Move some properties from nsStyleDisplay to nsStylePosition. (ff61201ae) - Bug 1125767. Centralize code into nsStylePosition::IsFixedPosContainingBlock. (f256191f4) - temporary override -> MOZ_OVERRIDE again (ed8caa82d) - Bug 1139675 - Add a couple of operator overloads to BaseSize. (a214c0eab) - Bug 927995 - Handle antialias+preserveDrawingBuffer properly. (9ceaf6d0a) - Bug 1142926 - Only notify the docshell of state changes when moving in and out of a transforming state across all APZCs. (153054d1e) - Bug 1116806: Enable dom.ipc.plugins.asyncInit by default; (bf0e3464d) - Bug 1143789. Remove unnecessary cast to BasicLayerManager. (fd30ade6c) (1cf10c95c) - import change from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1143518 - Remove the TryCapture path which is now obsolete. (5b1b50333) - Bug 1112040 - Report invalid regular expressions to the console. (909f196ee) - Bug 1143010 - Stopping a mochitest-browser run is rocket science. (c7c482690) - Bug 1110487 P1 Fix some non-unified bustage before adding new code. (e8c3346a4) - Bug 1140051 Avoid Cache shutdown assert when Manager alive, but not active (1fd5d21d2) (6cd09e714) * Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses. A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon761 point