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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2020 in Posts

  1. Take a screenshot of the error dialog and post it here. Then I'll know what to do (hopefully). Is the game 32 or 64 bit? I have now built a functional 32bit wrapper for ntdll, and it is being used by my kernel32 right now. So the focus will be on 32bit usermode improvements for the next while. So the functions to be upgraded to Windows 7 specifications: NtQueryInformationProcess NtQuerySystemInformation and probably more... And now I want to deal with RtlGetVersion. I think I'm close to figuring it out. .text:0000000078E9BD76 mov eax, [r9+118h] .text:0000000078E9BD7D mov [rcx+4], eax .text:0000000078E9BD80 mov eax, [r9+11Ch] .text:0000000078E9BD87 mov [rcx+8], eax .text:0000000078E9BD8A movzx eax, word ptr [r9+120h] .text:0000000078E9BD92 mov [rcx+0Ch], eax .text:0000000078E9BD95 mov eax, [r9+124h] .text:0000000078E9BD9C mov [rcx+10h], eax .text:0000000078E9BD9F mov r8, [r9+2F0h] I think the r9+xxh indicates the ULONG values in the OSVERSIONINFOEXW structure. I believe that the r9+11Ch would indicate OSVersionInfoSize, whereas the other four pertain to MajorVersion, MinorVersion, BuildNumber and PlatformId. I just need to find a lightweight application with a OSVERSIONINFO(EX)W structure and set up a breakpoint in there and hopefully I'll know which is which.
    3 points
  2. not yet. that was a bit of thinking out loud.
    2 points
  3. Is that the System Update Readiness Tool? I think you only need that if you have trouble installing updates. If your system was freshly installed, there's no need. I usually go: Platform Update + Suplement > Internet Explorer 9 > Net Framework 3.5, 4.6 and updates > Powershell 2.0 + BITS 4.0 > Media Player 11 > General > Security > Hotfixes The idea is to install as many updated components as possible before moving on to the General, Security, etc updates. That way, the updates will cover a wider range of software. I'd say so, yeah. The main one would be the TLS 1.1 and 1.2 updates, but you can also add the SHA2 updates (they do make Windows Update non functional, but @abbodi1406 managed to make it work regardless. go to MDL and you'll find it) In here you won't find any. It's usually best if you create your own.
    2 points
  4. W2k3_SETUPLDR_SP2_to_SP1.xdelta3Most of us don't really need/use the WAIK to build our custom WinPE's. So there were always a problem to get the few tools like wimgapi, imagex or the WIM filter drivers. Attempts were made to use httpdisk to download files from inside the WAIK iso, but it was not a good solution as you still need to load hundreds of MB and it requires to install an unsigned driver. You even had to set your x64 Windows in testmode ... But now we came with a good solution: Our tool uses cURL winhttp functions provided by Homes32 to download only the needed bytes for the hugh WAIK ISO's. There is no need for admin rights and you only need to download 4-6 MB per choosen WAIK. For command line: GetWaikTools -? W2k3_SETUPLDR_SP2_to_SP1.xdelta3 GetWaikTools.zip
    1 point
  5. A UEFI isn't really 32bit or 64bit. The Firmware vendor uses a hidden ("BIOS") setting to enable booting 32-bit or 64-bit EFI applications. The hardware market is kind of "rigged" these days, where most firmwares will only run a 64bit EFI application. The exception is for low-powered devices which may be set to run 32bit. There do exist some hardware with some BIOS versions that support booting either that I have encountered in the past. The question regarding your test on the Surface Pro, that apparently worked, is whether or not the image you have created has the EFI boot application or not. I suspect that it never really mattered what the disk type was for booting EFI, but that the market just figured to have gotten past 2 TB disk sizes by now and reality just hasn't caught up yet. Also the consideration that the industry only really cared about the security functions of UEFI, such as Secure Boot and whatever else, as being the reasons why EFI/GPT was/is being pushed so hard.
    1 point
  6. Perhaps you have MSVCRT = MSVCR70.DLL in KnownDLLs set in registry.
    1 point
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