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  2. And that's up from 71% a year ago What would be more interesting to know is "why"?
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  4. Don't overheat them when soldering out. Put something cool on them. Even a simple screwdriver can help. When measured in circuit, there is a larger difference in resistance - it's nothing out the ordinary,
  5. Understood, you need to take into account, they also work as resistors, the cheaper (older) the capacitor, the higher the resistance. Capacitors from old boards may only be 85 degrees which leads to high ripples. I recently recapped a monitor, I didn't have caps of 105 degrees, so I took the 85 ones, the monitor behaved oddly after a couple of hours, the brightness was fluctuating until I replaced with the proper 105 degree ones. Reason - high ripples after heating up.
  6. Thanks for the info, VistaLover. Well, @AstroSkipper, for instance, here's a happening using Serpent v52.9.0 (2024-06-13) (64-bit) on Win Pro x64 Ver 2003 SP1, https://www.etsy.com/c/clothing?click_key=d079d75d9c88b505b073d8b6fc7beb6b5e64105a%3A1234797960&click_sum=af38720e&ref=catnav_breadcrumb-0&explicit=1 What happens is a line of text "Please enable JS and disable any ad blocker", is displayed (even if adblocker is disabled), and then is seen from, apparently, geo.captcha-delivery.com , a 'slide the puzzle to the right' picture which, even when correctly solved, just gives a 'Puzzle Solved' information... and then does nothing, no button to click to progress beyond the puzzle webpage (I assume it's supposed to automatically progress upon puzzle completion but that's not occuring?). I've seen a few websites beginning to use this puzzle in the last couple of months... same result, no progression beyond the puzzle webpage. Comments?
  7. (offtopic) In at least one country Windows XP is still the dominant OS according to Statcounter: Armenia.
  8. ... Let me remind readers of this thread that the actual issue discussed here has been already reported to UXP-"upstream" (i.e. MCP: Moonchild Productions) by @UCyborg some three weeks ago: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=62&p=251950&sid=14291391b8552d3afe8f153cf401c56c#p251950 but. as you can probably see for yourselves , nothing has even budged there so far ...
  9. I think this board is more on the retro side at this point. As far as I can tell, there's just one fuse, the yellow thingy near the power connector, it just cuts the power from the board if it blows so nothing would light up in this case. Yeah, it's what I actually had in mind when I said I measured the new capacitors. I just wanted to see if I could get the router going for a while, so just bought random ones I could get locally. Could always get more reputable ones from one of those big distributors like DigiKey or Farnell, but unless confirmed they were really the biggest problem to get the device going, it didn't seem worth buying them and have them shipped from who knows where. Actually, it only occurred to me at the later point that if everything else was OK, probing capacitor through-holes when the capacitor is not inside, multimeter should have picked up on resistance, at least I think it's logical they shouldn't behave like if you just bridged the holes with solder, so no (read very low) resistance and just "beeep". The multimeter I got is one of those smart ones, for basic measurement parameters like voltage, resistance, continuity, you don't have to select the mode. So in that regard, only one pair of holes changed between having the old capacitor in and removing it, going from no resistance to resistance. I think this leaves only one another simpler component, the two diodes near the power connector. I suspect removing them wouldn't reveal anything new. When measured in circuit, there is a larger difference in resistance, depending on which lead you put each probe, and I read that's expected from a diode.
  10. If I open the website and perform a search for Toyota Camry nothing abnormal happens. Often the breaking of web sites in Firefox is caused by the Anti-Trackers feature set to Strict. For example in the website below the form to order the product is completely missing. https://flavofort.it/ordina-il-tuo-campione-gratuito/ This does not happen with Edge with the Anti-Trackers feature at the usual level of protection.
  11. I can't say exactly if it doesn't work properly, as there are way too many external includes for me to want to figure out which exact one will make the pictures appear. w3c validator shows a heap of errors, so does the browser console. It is just a badly written page.
  12. This forum is English only. If you post in French then you need to also put in a translation or just post in English.
  13. There is no such thing as a secure operating system. I am wondering if this software will run on a Windows PE.
  14. @dmiranda And LinkedIn seems to work in Serpent 52, too. So I don't know what you are actually talking about. And I can't see that the end is "nigh" for many websites in Windows XP.
  15. @roytam1, It was hidden option of linker all the time, so its not listed as available options. If it will not say errors, then it supports it. (at least it was in previous ms link versions) UPD: I have checked running linker from VS2015 (linker v14.xxx as you show me). Its really supports it as before. All right,
  16. LinkedIn can be called up fine here in Mypal 68 and New Moon 28. What issues do you refer to?
  18. Off-topic posts removed. Name change requests only here, please, and comments directly relating to them.
  19. usagestats is not a flag but a REG_DWORD registry value as far as I can see. It was set to the value of zero on my machine.
  20. @roytam1, thanks for PDB files. Another thing here: Can you add that options for MSVC linker to create fixups? : /DEBUGTYPE:cv,fixup (I hope its linked by MSVC linker?) The resulting PDBs will be some more in size But its need for profiling by some tools. Then its need just relink (without full rebuilding).
  21. Finally I think I've solved the shader compilation stutter issue in P3R. I edited dxvk.conf and enabled following options. dxgi.hideNvidiaGpu = False dxvk.numCompilerThreads = 0 So dxvk-2.3.1 can use all CPU cores for shader compilation. And I am satisfied with the result. However, the Adaptive Sync in 552.61 or 552.55 no longer works with dxvk-2.3.1 or dxvk-async 2.0, so I have to edit NVIDIA control panel and close Vsync for P3R to make Adaptive Sync work.
  22. Always a totally clean OS. I always do browser tests in a VM "clone" of a totally clean brand new OS install. My brand new OS install is NEVER touched. It is "cloned" and any-and-all tests are done in that CLONE. Then the CLONE is DELETED. Then the NEVER TOUCHED is re-CLONED the next time I need to run the VM. The never-touched VM basically STAYS at "seconds from just after a brand new install" for LIFE.
  23. Win32, hello, thanks for everything, please add the ability to customize HTTP2 data like header_table_size and window_size, etc. There's a library that already implemented http2 spoofing: https://github.com/Noooste/azuretls-client I assume you can use their code, I had also sent you a message with another idea, but you don't visit MSFN again....
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