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  2. If these registry entries weren't reverted and stored inside the Thorium folder, you can't expect to pick up where it was left off by using it on another computer.
  3. Because older Windows versions used a 128 MB MSR partition. The default unattend and diskpart scripts should work for all OS, but you are free to edit them or add your own.
  4. I think by "portable," most mean "lets me stick the folder on a flash drive, and pick up where i left off, on another computer." What's the drawback of registry writes (real question)?
  5. Thorium is not a truly portable application. If it were such one, it wouldn't change anything in Windows or revert all changes, which were done, immediately after closing the browser.
  6. ... or it could be "Modern Firefox" (as distinct from FF versions <= 56) ... or even "Molybdenum" (right below Chromium in the periodic table, so it's similar, but heavier) That's why I left off the z. For me, it has more associations that way. (I like yours too!)
  7. That .bat file does NOT make Thorium "portable" because registry-writes are stored on the host computer. That is a "simplistic" way of setting two "flags" for "encryption" and "machine-id", but a true PORTABLE browser requires more than that.
  8. What's THORIUM_PORTABLE.bat then? There's no way to save changes to it?
  9. Today
  10. /* Simply u can use it */ VOID WINAPI AcquireSRWLockExclusive(PSRWLOCK Lock) { /*:: is for scope assigment to retrive function call from within srwlockxp, add this your DLL def file, it will export it*/ srwlockxp::RtlAcquireSRWLockExclusive((PRTL_SRWLOCK)Lock); } Get a Copy of Visual Studio 2017 , if u are on XP with VS2010, it might need Clang Mod or some changes with code.
  11. Here i am attaching some SRW LOck C++ Implementation, try to convert it to DLL. It uses YieldProcessor so u need a SSE2 Capable cpu for mm_pause SSE2 primitives inside that macro. My advise will be just forward it using pemaker, doing codecave is fun but it is unnecessary work Regards Dibya srwlock.cpp
  12. BTW it seems to be possible to create a small kernel32 wrapper (stubbing EncodePointer/DecodePointer/SetDllDirectoryW/GetProcessHandleCount, wrapping GetProcessId, hex-editing VC2010 compiled EXE/DLL replacing KERNEL32 to KERNELXP i.e. our little wrapper) to make it work on XP RTM:
  13. @Dietmar Does this mean we now have a way to enable CSM on UEFI class 3 systems?
  14. Hi, why is your msr partition 128 MB and not 16mb?
  15. I write through self-translation, so I apologize if I missed your English-language lines. Read more about the VK error here: https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/issues/2508
  16. You would get the equivalent of a nightly build or one of these automatically-built snapshots: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/index.html
  17. Windows 10 21h2 home edition reached EOS, but MS didn't block installation of CU by SSU or remove support for Core edition.
  18. I do not use a portable loader for Thorium. And I assume @chermany4ever either.
  19. To me, it was more of a tie-in to this -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mo%27_Money But that "didn't make sense" so then I assumed it was a new fork I've not yet heard of.
  20. Not if you use (and know how to configure) a "portable loader".
  21. 1. 32 GB is too small for a retail SKU IMO. The smallest (with newest) OS I have used is a 40 GB VM with Server 2008 R2. For that small size, you would use either an Embedded SKU or an older OS like Vista or XP. Or perhaps a non-Windows product. 2. Dell Recovery DVD for Windows 7 should install fine on another brand, but it won't activate on a non-Dell system. 3. In either case, you can attempt to activate with the old key, or a key from the shop, but you may have to use Telephone Activation (Slui 4) in both cases. You won't know until you try. 4. You can certainly run a small size hypervisor on a system. I don't know the names of any of those options, I've only use ESXi and Hyper-V. You can also look into VDI type or terminal setups. Do not mention the name of any warez on this forum. This includes modified Windows versions that are able to be downloaded from archive.org.
  22. Gnuplot 5.07 ( gp507-win32-mingw.7z ) from Sourceforge, FreeBasic 1.10.1 ( FreeBASIC-1.10.1-win32.7z) also from Sourceforge and Geany 1.31 (geany-1.31_setup.exe ) could make us busy for a loong time There are many gnuplot demos at http://www.gnuplot.info/demo_4.6/ . For some of the gnuplot examples it is necessary to provide own .dat files. nano 2.2.6 ( https://www.nano-editor.org/dist/v2.2/NT/ ) can create these
  23. Anyone knows what system files should I need to remove from a win10 computer to make it safe against ransomwares that rely on bitlocker? Just disabling bitlocker is not an option... the tool is really dangerous and should not be included in default installations.
  24. He just came up with that abbreviation several days ago. Yeah, not obvious unless you follow the posts here religiously. Moz would've been more obvious since that is the abbreviation Mozilla uses in their code. Well, at least my brain quickly associates Moz with Mozilla, mo could be the cow mooing.
  25. You have to back up the Thorium folder and its registry keys under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Thorium for a later re-install. Otherwise you will lose the settings for which extensions have been installed.
  26. the more of `-j` the more of failing build as PDB writes are raceful. BTW I already have 3 or 4 mozbuilds installed, not wanting more.
  27. No idea. I'm not a coder myself. I guess you'll have to ask @cmalex (he announced the Python 3.9 build in this post). Though he hasn't posted on this forum since August 13, 2023... When he was asked to provide a list of the options used when compiling his custom Python 3.8.1350, this was his answer: Patch.diff (Py3.8)
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