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Posted (edited)


I don't understand what's wrong....and it's even worse than before. My folder $oem$ is not more copied on the root of the system...but if i use another xml file (The Felon's one for exemple), the folder is copied....

I think I will use New Age Os method...and still search wath's wrong at the same time....so if someone find wath's wrong....thank


Sorry, I should have open a new post...I didn't thought it should be so long....

Edited by feuillearouler
  • 3 weeks later...


@ FireGeier

After running the file I get this error PrepLab.cmd:

The directory "C:\Programmi\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools" does NOT exist!

Instead this directory and 'this...


In addition to variables of the system and 'this:

PETools = C:\Programmi\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools

Thank very much

  • 1 month later...
Here is the truth about sysprep: it's really meant for system builders who want to clone the custem system image for rapid deploy to many computers. Also it is mostly to prerpare a computer with a preinstalled os that the custumer does not have to install but does have to answer oobe questions at first log on.

So, if you arn't preparing the computer for a custumer or planing to clone the system image you would have no need for sysprep.

Therefore the best and easyest way is forgetv about sysprep and add you programs at pass 7 first log on commands.

Yes I also thought of tryin your suggestion out since sysprep didn't work for me currently, BUT when I first used this tutorial, it worked before hmm i can't put a finger on what happen now, after starting fresh. sysprep will load, finish or not, it will shutdown instead of restarting like it use to, i even used the autounattended.xml that worked before, its mind boggling, hope anyone can shed some light to this mysterious problem.

Anyway I dump all that and add my programs in past 7 (FirstLogon) instead of the usual place at past 6 when sysprep was used, and it doesn't seem to work.

I also remember using FirstLogon when sysprep was working, that time FirstLogon worked fine too.

hmmmmmm i'm lost...

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys :hello: I have been batteling with the unattended.xml for a while now. Finally got it to work by using FireGeier's basic unattend.

OK that said I would like to add two user accounts and ip address settings to this basic unattend. The first thing I notice when looking back through FireGeier's guide is the following:

• • • •


If you set "Administrator" as username, the build in administrator account will be enabled.

Always use the english word Administrator, whatever language version you're using! Only the english word Administrator will enable the main administrator account!

Please don't try to use an other than the Administrator account for this basic Autounattend.xml!

OK I have set it as FireGeier has shown - but now want to add local accounts to my xml. Does it mean that I need to remove the Administrator as user name part of the equation?

Can someone give me some help on this. I have tried just adding the local accounts as I want them but get and error on reboot.


  • 2 weeks later...
FireGeier_Unattended_Vista_Guide in PDF

Use this link

with this password : coucou

Thanks! That's helpful... except we also can't D/L the VU_Batchs.exe file he links from the PDF. Does anyone have that floating around to post?



  • 3 weeks later...

Hallo, I am Actualy New one here

Whay cant i open the links of the guide.

I get this message


You don't have permission to access /en/introduction.html on this server.

Please help me i need this guide to realize my Unattend Vista Installation

Waiting for somebody help


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