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5.4 Bugs

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Hi, I download the WPI 5.4, and don't load the translations, I try to change to spanish, german, italian and nothing.

I enter to Options>Language and check the Use Translations, Save.

Try to save to useroptions1 and nothing, in 5.3 works fine.

Help please!

Thank you :)

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Hmm, I can confirm that bug with the languages. Alle entries get written into useroptions.js, but WPI only loads english interface. :(

With the WPI 5.4 Beta version that mritter sent some people, this still was OK.

Edited by Dynaletik
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This post is written in german because it is a language specified bug:

@Dynaletik: Ich gehe mal davon aus, daß du immer an den Sprachdateien für Deutsch bastelst. Und mir ist aufgefallen, daß du immer "Standart" schreibst. Aber richtig wird das Wort "Standard" geschrieben. Wäre nett, wenn du das ausbügeln würdest. Danke im Voraus.

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@ McStarfighter: Ok, ich habe das geändert. (Übersetzung im Translationsthread. Danke für den Hinweis. Wenn noch etwas ist, dann meld Dich einfach. :)

@ Kel: Thank you for the language fix. Did you integrate that WPI.hta into the WPI_5.4 archive?

Edited by Dynaletik
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Found another bug!

If I try to set my resolution in version 5.4 I get an error when starting WPI.

Somthing like "cannot find "Tools\ResChange.exe"".

ResChange is definatly there so is there a piece of code I can change to get this to work again.

I have wpi.ico in the same dir as wpi.hta to set the %wpipath% variable and the full path to the dir containing wpi has no spaces in it. Hope it helps.


Edited by kof94
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OK. I thought i should let you guys know: the reschange, font installer and language bugs are coming from the same problem: not updating wpipath in wpi.hta.

So, to fix all these bugs, do a global search and replace in the wpi.hta for




unless you already downloaded the fixed wpi.hta from the sticky thread.

If you did that, start over with the wpi.hta from the main archive (I hope Kel didn't update it yet).

Edited by sadicq
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