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So... everyone's opinion on vista?

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The good.. There trying to make it look like a mac. Maybe mac fans will get confused and buy a pc.. Who knows..

Seems to really try to protect you with that new UAC. It asks you every 10 secs if you wanted to do something. Nice try but **** thats annoying. Should be able to tell if the command came from an input device rather then an external basterd.

also good they did not get ride of two much of the old interface of previous windows. I was thinking id see loads of new menus and junk but luckly i found most of the old ones once I could turn them back on.

The bad it is freaking HUGE... With media player and dvd burning windows devender and so much more this thing comes in at a massive 7GB's. Thats like &*%$##@ bigger then my sub 500mb nlited xp boxes. Insane. They need to leave some of this stuff off and if you go into it and want it then it asks for the cd to install. That would cut out 2gb's at least. But after all that there is a lot more of the just pure ms crap that most of us of knocked off with nlite. Drivers for everything know to man and things for blind, def and people that speak a million other languages etc etc.. A lot of junk that could be left untill prompted i think.

Also they broke readyboost making it only be usefull with flash drives/cards that are 256mb or more. LAME... It usta work with 64mb & 128mb cards which i personally have a bunch of. If anyone knows a way to trick vista into using smaller cards through a hack i'd like to know about it.

Overall its a nice start and i'm talking beta 2... They gotta long way to go the way I see it.

Posted (edited)

Not much in the way of improvements. Heard they've remade the network and sound stacks, but your money's better spent on a faster connection and an X-fi sound card than buying an entire new OS.

And it's gonna take a long @#$!ing while for nuhi to create an nLite version for this, since the dependencies are nowhere similar to the 2K, XP, 2003 OSes.

Edited by Aegis
Not much in the way of improvements. Heard they've remade the network and sound stacks, but your money's better spent on a faster connection and an X-fi sound card than buying an entire new OS.

And it's gonna take a long @#$!ing while for nuhi to create an nLite version for this, since the dependencies are nowhere similar to the 2K, XP, 2003 OSes.

thats why im not gunna buy it for a year


I'm not buying the next three Windows revision (Vista and beyond) since with every new architecture change, there's bound to be bugs, especially with a codebase as big as Vista's. The NT 5.0 codebase took about three revisions to mature into a stable OS, so I expect NT 6.0 to take that long as well.

I'm not buying the next three Windows revision (Vista and beyond) since with every new architecture change, there's bound to be bugs, especially with a codebase as big as Vista's. The NT 5.0 codebase took about three revisions to mature into a stable OS, so I expect NT 6.0 to take that long as well.

thats a good idea... but im not sure i may still upgrade.. sepends on my pocket..at the time.. because i going for the ultimate version...i also hope nuhi is prepared for this.. becasue once its relased.. th requests will be floodig in for nLite... think about it ppl av already requested some sort of version for Beta 2.. well i have anyway... the amount of services i have stopped incresed performance so much i can play games on my machine using th onboard graphics


bloatware in my opinion is using more resources than it needs. however it does, at first glance appear to be bloatware, due to the slow speed at which it runs. i installed it on a p4 2.66 Mhz laptop w/512MB ram and 512Kb L2 cache. and it runs horribly slow. the security features are almost a necessity for the novice users that try to mess with settings without knowing what they do. and for the advance users you can simply go to the users applet in the control panel and disable the user controls. i think the UI is probably the best part of it so far, but lets face it if it was a cool theme i wanted i could have easily done that without all the extras. in my business i repair end users computers when they break or malfunction so unfortunately i am forcing myself to learn the way of functioning in vista. i feel like i am learning a whole new OS again almost! very frustrating especially when it runs so d*** slow! hopefully they will streamline things a bit in the end product for a faster running OS.

i am sure there will be a refresh of DX 9

Do you think that there's gonna be a DirectX 9 refresh for Windows 2000 in a usual separate download?


My opinion on Vista:

Takes about 7 GIGS of HD space, which is insane. Too bloated, really. And I hate the huge icons on the desktop, is there a way to make it normal sized like the previous versions of Windows?

Didn't like it how they rearranged the folders. Now the files aren't even in alphabetical order. Bad move.

Don't like Vista too much. And I really hate how they rearranged the start bar as well.


I keep reading these posts tryn to get a get a good idea on if Vista is going to be a good OS to switch to since I am unable to run the beta at this time. All I keep hearing is that its a very bloated program and I keep thinking back to when I signed up to beta test office 2000 and windows 2000, hell office came to me on 7 CD's and windows was on 3, back then I thought that was outragouse. Especially the office suite, but it was beta and I expected there to be a lot of excess stuff in it. Did anyone here beta test XP? How big was that compared to the released version? Also how many of you are submitting your concerns back to MS? I know a lot of people are probably DLing Vista just to have the latest and greatest thing out and will complain about it but never really tell MS what they dont like. I dont know this is just my thoughts on the subjct.


total crap. 100% marketing with little thought behind it. i think it's going to drive away more customers than it attracts. this is just profiteering along the lines of windows ME.

i bet they realize their mistakes long after vista and base the successor on their server version. (again)

Posted (edited)
total crap. 100% marketing with little thought behind it. i think it's going to drive away more customers than it attracts. this is just profiteering along the lines of windows ME.

i bet they realize their mistakes long after vista and base the successor on their server version. (again)

You're right. It's like the Windows ME of Windows NT-based operating systems.

It's basically a dressed up Windows 2003.


My humble opinion:

Windows is about "with all of a touch of a button". Vista seems to follow that rule, and I hate it.

Microsoft can´t do nothing about it, because they are just designing an interface for the broad audience as they have the greatest market share.

I have to run Vista beta with the classic theme not because of a performance issue, but because I´m totally lost in the interface, and I don´t like it.

This version is only a beta and that beta 2, about half a year before the final release. The beta version is of course a bit buggy, that is at least my experience. The bugginess will give Microsoft a chance to fix it, and it will be.

I will get my copy of this peace only because Win xp is oooold, and Vista can utilize more better the new technology and future technology with help of service packs.

total crap. 100% marketing with little thought behind it. i think it's going to drive away more customers than it attracts. this is just profiteering along the lines of windows ME.

i bet they realize their mistakes long after vista and base the successor on their server version. (again)

You're right. It's like the Windows ME of Windows NT-based operating systems.

It's basically a dressed up Windows 2003.

This is a very, very reasonable point. I think the stuff they will be using in the Vista, builds on a design and developement many years back, at least 6 years, and I´m not talking about the same as used in Win xp.

The Win xp was probably only the whistle as it was called. Now they come with *old* Vista, and it is not that new or groundbreaking OS as it is supposed to be.

Posted (edited)
i installed it on a p4 2.66 Mhz laptop w/512MB ram and 512Kb L2 cache. and it runs horribly slow.
It certainly would be. :lol: Edited by LLXX
i installed it on a p4 2.66 Mhz laptop w/512MB ram and 512Kb L2 cache. and it runs horribly slow.
It certainly would be. :lol:


I run Vista beta2 on a laptop Intel 1.7 Ghz and initially with 512MB Ram. It was really bad.

No software is installed by me other than Trend Micro internet security for Vista.

I was using IE 7 when the memory use got way over 600 MB.

I installed more Ram, so now it is more stable in use.

I'm not buying the next three Windows revision (Vista and beyond) since with every new architecture change, there's bound to be bugs, especially with a codebase as big as Vista's. The NT 5.0 codebase took about three revisions to mature into a stable OS, so I expect NT 6.0 to take that long as well.

I think NT 3.51 was actually pretty good, very fast.

NT 4.0 was OK after SP4 IMO.

NT 5.0 or Win2k good after SP2.

NT 5.1 or WinXP took until after SP2, before it was junk.

No way am I going with Vista. WinXP is bloated as it is. I can get a 350MB install or less with Win2k and it takes 15 minutes to install. I can't imagine waiting hours for a 7GB install, insane.

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