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So... everyone's opinion on vista?


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i just want to ask this, why did they need to redo the sound part of windows? the sound portion works fine for everyone. :blink:

the network i can understand, it doesnt work too well for me. i go to browse other computers on my network through my wifi network, and 1) its slow and 2) it crashes my router :wacko:

Sound works fine but just like the network stack, it is almost 10 years old,

- Audio stack has been running in Kernel mode, sound when your sound crashes you can get BSOD, the sound stack is now in user mode, sound when sound crashes, it restarts audio and that is it.

-audio now can be controlled by a per application proccess, turning your sound up for Media player and down for your game or IE or any other app.

- New Audio API, allows for people who write sound into apps or write drivers for sounds cards to more easily write code against to the sound stack

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updating the stack will allow for, if nothing else a better experience in windows since it won't BSOD as much since everything is in user mode versus kerne, mode, also remeber MS is trying to rewrite these stacks and apps and such to run all the up coming hardware and software that people will make and run for the next 10 years. though hopefully we will see updates before then :) technology moves to fast for things to take that long to change

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updating the stack will allow for, if nothing else a better experience in windows since it won't BSOD as much since everything is in user mode versus kerne, mode, also remeber MS is trying to rewrite these stacks and apps and such to run all the up coming hardware and software that people will make and run for the next 10 years. though hopefully we will see updates before then :) technology moves to fast for things to take that long to change

so how are the stacks written.. are they like a libary of dll's and exe mapped together or one massive program??

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Which site has a download of the Vista Beta?

Eventually a large percentage will be using Beta which is why we have Nlite to help

our everday burdens

microsoft have the download on there site as a public beta proceed there

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i just want to ask this, why did they need to redo the sound part of windows? the sound portion works fine for everyone. :blink:

the network i can understand, it doesnt work too well for me. i go to browse other computers on my network through my wifi network, and 1) its slow and 2) it crashes my router :wacko:

Sound works fine but just like the network stack, it is almost 10 years old,

- Audio stack has been running in Kernel mode, sound when your sound crashes you can get BSOD, the sound stack is now in user mode, sound when sound crashes, it restarts audio and that is it.

-audio now can be controlled by a per application proccess, turning your sound up for Media player and down for your game or IE or any other app.

- New Audio API, allows for people who write sound into apps or write drivers for sounds cards to more easily write code against to the sound stack

iv never had a problem with the audio part of windows. XP seems stable enough for me, so im just gonna stay with it.

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POW your probably right. I have done the same thing Windows Xp so that it can run pretty nicely on my pentium 2 machine. Unfortunatly my pentium 2 machince basicly out does my dad's Athlon Xp machine. It's pretty bad. And I have also gone through and disabled services removed extra stuff that has never been used.

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i just want to ask this, why did they need to redo the sound part of windows? the sound portion works fine for everyone. :blink:

the network i can understand, it doesnt work too well for me. i go to browse other computers on my network through my wifi network, and 1) its slow and 2) it crashes my router :wacko:

Sound works fine but just like the network stack, it is almost 10 years old,

- Audio stack has been running in Kernel mode, sound when your sound crashes you can get BSOD, the sound stack is now in user mode, sound when sound crashes, it restarts audio and that is it.

-audio now can be controlled by a per application proccess, turning your sound up for Media player and down for your game or IE or any other app.

- New Audio API, allows for people who write sound into apps or write drivers for sounds cards to more easily write code against to the sound stack

It now also incorporates DRM features to prevent "unauthorized interception of protected audio" :angry:
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POW your probably right. I have done the same thing Windows Xp so that it can run pretty nicely on my pentium 2 machine. Unfortunatly my pentium 2 machince basicly out does my dad's Athlon Xp machine. It's pretty bad. And I have also gone through and disabled services removed extra stuff that has never been used.

well AthlonXP that brings back memories lool.. try this nLite

my XP installation is blindingly fast thanks to nLite :D

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