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WPI 5.1 Wish List

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I just thought about a new request: more control over the media player:

* should it or shouldn't it autostart playing the melody?

* should it loop? (eventually loops count)

* volume level (which value should it start from?)

I think these are easy to implement and useful. For wmp (greater than v7) these are really easy to implement using the MP Object Model. For mplayer2, they use different vars and methods, but I'm sure the loop count is easy to do, the autostart the same, only the volume could represent a problem in mp2.

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The problem with shell.run() is that it stays on that line until the installer is finished. There is no way to watch the diskspace being used for a progress bar. If shell.run() ran in the background, then yes it could be done. I really doubt the harddrive space will be displayed. I don't see any real reason. With today's huge harddrives, why would you really worry about running out of space?

I'm starting working on this progressbar today. I just found out that I'll have some free time.

I already solved the problem with the installer that stays in the current line very simple (it took less than 5 minutes):

InstallShell.Run("cmd /c start program", 0, true)

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You have to be careful with that 0 instead of 1 to wait. You have to make a loop to check for the install to finish or it will start the next install right away, and then the next, and the next........You could have 20 programs trying to install at the same time, eating your CPU time up. Even the wrong kind of loop will kill your CPU time.

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Actually when I posted that I was not intending to modify the WPI calls. I was going to start another program separately from the installer which would have monitored the progress and would have updated the progress bar.

The problem was that the installer is a .hta, so it runs mshta.exe which I don't how to attach to.

So I gave up on Autoit and started coding some VBscript. Right now I have no clue about how this can be done, but I hope I'll come up with a solution.

Edited by sadicq
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two things about WPI_Log.txt , both very easy to do

1. if exist WPI_Log.txt , do not overwrite , apend instead

of course delimited somehow with graphical

nothing to loose with append way.

2. all lines indented , except those with errors

simply to view errors

or other method to view easily errors

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Perhaps an option to integrate into an windows installation folder and building the iso using makeiso or something like it?

A very big improvement by the way! WPI has changed my way of viewing a harddisk format :D !

Many thanks to the projectmakers

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an exit button in the installer, or functionable window-header. to interrupt the installation. now its only possible if I manually close the mshta process.

Edited by wixfigura
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A Option to hide all commands would be very nice.

For Example: I have a setup.cmd with lots of commands and I don't want to see the console if the Batch is called.

Other example: Sometimes I have to uncompress a archive with 7za - which also shows a console window.

I know that I can use CMDOW but an option in WPI like "suppress console windows" would be very nice. ;-)

A hint like "Installing program 1 of 234" would be very nice on the installer window.



Edited by AlBundy33
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Keyboard shortcuts are possble. Getting them to work in every situation is proving difficult. Hope to figure them all out for 5.1

Abort installation was tried at the beginning. Will put it back in.

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Dynaletik posted on May 31 2006, 09:17 AM in this post something about WPI stopping windows loading the shell and that he and I am sure loads of other people doesn't want WPI stopping windows from loading the shell.

However there are some scenarios where you might want WPI to halt the loading of the shell until WPI has completed.

Could this option be added to useroptions?

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