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Office 2007, Unattended Setup & Fine-tuning


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Option B:

1. Go to the folder-path, "Office2007\Pro.WW"

2. Modify "config.xml", or copy it to somewhere else & modify it, using my posted code below as a sample.

3. If you modified it "in location", then setup will take up the changes automatically.

4. Otherwise, place the modified file in the same folder of setup.exe, as PRO.XML

5. This is the command to run setup with the customizations specified in PRO.XML: setup.exe /config pro.xml

I guess I'm clueless - all I have is the installer executable from Microsoft - could someone post a more detailed set of instructions for slipstreaming this? I extracted the installer with winrar, found a ProWW.cab... am I supposed to extract that too? All the other cabs? What do I do with them afterward?

I've made installer CDs before with nlite, etc, but I am not familiar with the process here... there seem to be quite a few steps left out as "you should just know them".... I don't.

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aelfwyne: Run the setup file with /extract:<PATH> with <PATH> being the path where you want the files to be copied to. Also you can run the setup file with /? to vie the possible parameters.

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No need of VBscripts, just use this command-line for fully silent install:

setup.exe /config pro.xml

You shud execute this from your SMS scripts or thru unattended batch-files. Note that modifying the original config.xml is sub-optimal, it'd be better to specify path to a *.XML file that you've created!

And to others, well, LIS configuration eludes me as of now. :(

And yes, i did forget to mention that you need to run setup & when the first screen shows, grab the extracted files from your %temp%.

And here's a link to some info that MS has now put up, for everyone to access - http://www.microsoft.com/office/preview/beta/deploy.mspx

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  • 3 months later...

Hi guys,

has anyone found a way to integrate the Technical refresh into the Office 2007 installation base ? If the TR is run, it expands a bunch of msp files into the temp folder. However, those msp files do not directly correspond with the installation msi files except for the ProWW.msp so I don´t know which msp I should be running against which msi.

edit: Running an msiexec /p ProWW.msp /a ProWW.msi does not work at all. The process quits right at the beginning.

Has anyone found a solution yet ?



Edited by midiboy
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This may seem jarbled, please just accept it.

Hello everyone, quick question. It’s nearly time to do a fresh install of XP, but Office 2007 Beta 2 /TR is proving to be problematic. [i don’t want ot burn them both to separate disks, lose them and find them again, and just waste perfectly good CDs] For some reason, if I choose to customize the install and remove the programs that I don’t want/need [i only use Word & Excel, and I do my PowerPoint in HTML, and Chandler is quite acceptable as an Outlook replacement] the setup has a heart attack and just dies. I’m left with two five hundred megabyte files [b2 + TR] and I only use two programs. Anyways, is there a way to merge both the beta and refresh files, and strip out the files for all the programs I don’t need [which are Access, Infopath, Publisher, Outlook, and PowerPoint] and just keep the Word/Excel files?

Yes, I could just use StarOffice 8, or OpenOffice.Org for that matter, but I’m in love with the ribbon, and I actually do like M$ on some levels. Someone please help me?

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  • 1 month later...

Is there a solution to configure a customised version of Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh?

I'm just being curious because when you extract the files, the extracted files is different to the previous beta and as mentioned above, is bigger in size overall.

As far as I know, there's only a silent application install but no such file to allow customisation. Please let me know if there is any! :)

Edited by Cybertronic
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There's no way to cut down files from this version, yet.

And there's no way i found to merge the TR into B2. Just gotta install B2 using the customisation methods above, & then just run all the *.MSP files contained in B2TR, one-by-one.

In either case, off2007 final should be out anytime now.

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it's been out ;)

big thanks for the thread prathapml.

here are some settings i added to your XML for Enterprise:

<OptionState Id="GrooveFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //groove
<OptionState Id="OneNoteFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //onenote
<OptionState Id="RefIEBarFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //research explorer bar
<OptionState Id="WebDriveFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //hosted webs
<OptionState Id="VBAFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //VB for applications
<OptionState Id="OfficeDigitalSFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //vba certificates

i also attached a little exe that executes this: setup.exe /config custom.xml

(so be sure to name your config file custom.xml and place it beside the exe if you use it)

it's 88k because 79k of it is all 10 icons from the original setup.exe, windows chooses the appropriate icon size & color depth automatically. i think there's also a 256x256x24bit vista icon, and even though i can't test it, should work fine.

so now i run custom.exe to install the slimmed down version, or regular setup.exe to install/customize the full version.

you can decompile the exe with my ExeScript decompiler at http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=86493 to confirm what it does


Edited by #rootworm
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Thanks for the work!

btw, the "Option A" method is easier & works with (RTM - final) Office 2007 Enterprise now.

You could even drop the unattended-custom.MSP file in the "Updates" folder & setup will pick it up automatically.

If only someone found how to disable the local installation source ( the useless MSOcache folder ).......

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Thanks for the work!

btw, the "Option A" method is easier & works with (RTM - final) Office 2007 Enterprise now.

You could even drop the unattended-custom.MSP file in the "Updates" folder & setup will pick it up automatically.

If only someone found how to disable the local installation source ( the useless MSOcache folder ).......

Yeah update folder is a nice option. But u must have 1.4gb's of free space to install.

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its great that MS now comes with this "edit all the tons of features in office". This way we can forge to import custom settings and other annoyances. Just complete the confguration wizard using option A and thats all.

Doing it right now, will post results. thanks for the info.

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If only someone found how to disable the local installation source ( the useless MSOcache folder ).......

sadly you can't get rid of the local installation folder as it is needed now, since administrative installation points have gone away. local installation files will always be generated for the installation.

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