This may seem jarbled, please just accept it. Hello everyone, quick question. It’s nearly time to do a fresh install of XP, but Office 2007 Beta 2 /TR is proving to be problematic. [i don’t want ot burn them both to separate disks, lose them and find them again, and just waste perfectly good CDs] For some reason, if I choose to customize the install and remove the programs that I don’t want/need [i only use Word & Excel, and I do my PowerPoint in HTML, and Chandler is quite acceptable as an Outlook replacement] the setup has a heart attack and just dies. I’m left with two five hundred megabyte files [b2 + TR] and I only use two programs. Anyways, is there a way to merge both the beta and refresh files, and strip out the files for all the programs I don’t need [which are Access, Infopath, Publisher, Outlook, and PowerPoint] and just keep the Word/Excel files? Yes, I could just use StarOffice 8, or OpenOffice.Org for that matter, but I’m in love with the ribbon, and I actually do like M$ on some levels. Someone please help me?