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KB900325 still shows up on Windows Update.

In fact, even after manually installing the KB900325 update all the other updates show up even though I slipstreamed them with HFSLIP?

Also have another REQUEST...

Could we have a folder within the FIX one for MEDIACTR,

So we can copy modified files and have it recabbed in the MEDIACTR.CAB when HFSLIP does this?

This would be a fantastic addtition imo as I have to copy over the Royale.Theme file after Install to use my custom icons.

:D thanks!

Edited by antonio_king
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Look at the last few lines of the script.



Hehe. :)

This has been there for a while. I must've been playing with that section once.

It's harmless... Two lines of code that are never called.

I'll have it fixed in the next release. :)

KB900325 still shows up on Windows Update.
Alright. I checked out MedCtrOC.log and noticed that the updated files rely on .NET 1.1 too much. I slipstreamed CasPol.exe, fusion.dll and ngen.exe, but that only got me error messages during Windows setup about missing dependent files. So I added mscorwks.dll and msvcr71.dll, which got me a failed copy at the beginning of Windows setup for mscorwks.dll. Ran MODIFYPE on it and tried again. Now it also needed machine.config, and one other error message popped up saying that "a resource could not be found in a resource file" or something like that... but no file name was mentioned. Added machine.config, which got rid of all errors except that one that doesn't reference a name. At this point, MedCtrOC.log complains about failing to install an assembly (SonicMMBurnEngine) and to turn off CasPol logging.

I'm now going to add those four files that I have HFSLIP remove from the .NET 1.0 update (HFSLIP removes them because the installation INF doesn't do anything with them). If this doesn't help either, it'll make things very difficult. I'll have to find out which .NET 1.1 files are a minimum requirement for the installation of the Media Center rollup.

BTW... It's time that MS release an update of the rollup. When installing it "normally", I noticed that it fails miserably if WMP11 is installed -- it displays an error, and when you click OK the installer quits and initiates a system restore. Why can't it just check if the WMP10 update is needed or not, and simply skip it if WMP11 is detected? Oh well.... :)

In fact, even after manually installing the KB900325 update all the other updates show up even though I slipstreamed them with HFSLIP?
What do you mean by "all the other updates"? Those within the rollup package or also the regular XP hotfixes?
Also have another REQUEST...

Could we have a folder within the FIX one for MEDIACTR,

So we can copy modified files and have it recabbed in the MEDIACTR.CAB when HFSLIP does this?

This would be a fantastic addtition imo as I have to copy over the Royale.Theme file after Install to use my custom icons.

I'll see if something can be done here, but it won't be with the FIX folder because that's intended for last minute changes. Most likely I'll just let you put it in the HFCABS folder. This isn't top priority now, though... Edited by Tomcat76
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In fact, even after manually installing the KB900325 update all the other updates show up even though I slipstreamed them with HFSLIP?
What do you mean by "all the other updates"? Those within the rollup package or also the regular XP hotfixes?

These are all of the MCE updates windows update asks for on my installation...




So those are the ones I slipstream.

When I run windows update it says KB900325 is missing.

As you said yourself the standard installer doesn't work if Windows Media Player 11 is installed so I extracted KB900325.exe and ran that file.

Windows update now says that it needs KB925766, KB912024 and Windows Media Player 11 for Media Center Edition.

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When I run windows update it says KB900325 is missing.

As you said yourself the standard installer doesn't work if Windows Media Player 11 is installed so I extracted KB900325.exe and ran that file.

Windows update now says that it needs KB925766, KB912024 and Windows Media Player 11 for Media Center Edition.

Ah, OK. That's understandable. KB925766 and KB912024 update files which also exist in the main update rollup.

This rollup is really bad -- it replaces existing files that are newer when you install it...

Windows Media Player 11 for Media Center Edition? Whoops... I've been testing with the wrong version... :rolleyes:

BTW... Adding in those four .NET 1.0 files from the NDP update didn't fix anything. This could take a loooong time to debug.....

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Hi man, only a question. After I have installed the slipstreamed CD there are 3 errors in setuperr.log:

-Impossible to registrer OLE control C:\Windows\system32\macromed\flash\flash.ocx

-C:\windows\system32\msxml2.dll isn't correctly signed by microsoft

-C:\windows\system32\msxml2r.dll isn't correctly signed by microsoft

Anyone have these problems? I'm an italian user and I'm so sorry for my bad english.

I have used the latest hfslip for test (70105b version). I have attached the log of hfslip maybe someone can help. Thanks :)


Edited by S3pHiroTh
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Your English is fine :)

The error for Flash 9 is normal. The registration part of the newest OCX from Adobe is just broken so we'll have to wait for them to release a new version. For Win2K and Win2K3 I even had to work around this otherwise an error dialog appeared during Windows setup. Weird that they haven't updated it yet... Who'd think anyone would slipstream Flash, right? ;)

I know about the errors for MSXML2 but am not sure why they occur. HFSLIP is including the catalog file so I guess Windows setup uses these DLLs before it checks the catalog files.

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Your English is fine :)

The error for Flash 9 is normal. The registration part of the newest OCX from Adobe is just broken so we'll have to wait for them to release a new version. For Win2K and Win2K3 I even had to work around this otherwise an error dialog appeared during Windows setup. Weird that they haven't updated it yet... Who'd think anyone would slipstream Flash, right? ;)

I know about the errors for MSXML2 but am not sure why they occur. HFSLIP is including the catalog file so I guess Windows setup uses these DLLs before it checks the catalog files.

Ok I have understood thanks :)

But for MSXML2 problem there is a workaround or not?

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@ Tomcat76...


I install my media center from CMDLINES normally in this order...

"rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection Freestyle 128 medctroc.inf"
"rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection PlusDancer 128 plusoc.inf"
"rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection SonicDVDandCDBurning 128 sonic.inf"

But since you pointed out the errors in MedCtrOC.log I changed the order to...

"rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection SonicDVDandCDBurning 128 sonic.inf"
"rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection Freestyle 128 medctroc.inf"
"rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection PlusDancer 128 plusoc.inf"

After the install I checked the MedCtrOc.log to see if any errors occured... NO!

I havn't had a chance to check whether this effects the results of Windows Update, will get back to you on that.

Any way, a possible resolution is to try and involk the sonic.cab to install before mediactr.cab. This will resolve the errrors!


Unfortunately the updates are still showing up on Windows/Microsoft Update website.

But at least this shows the errors on MedCtrOc.log are not the cause of the updates showing up on the website.

Edited by antonio_king
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That's nice, but that won't fix the problem for "regular" MCE distributions. In these, the .NET 1.0/MC/Plus/Sonic components are installed from SYSOC.INF at which point .NET 1.1 is not installed yet. This will take some time to debug so MCE slipstreaming won't make it into the next final.

But for MSXML2 problem there is a workaround or not?
HFSLIP 1.2.2-rc2 adds the CAT file of the msxml2sp6-kb887606 security update. Apparantly HFSLIP wasn't doing that before. This will fix the error for msxml2.dll, but not for msxml2r.dll. This is because msxml2r.dll is not part of the security update; msxml2r.dll is taken from msxml2.msi which doesn't contain a CAT file at all. I couldn't find a hotfix containing msxml2r.dll *and* a CAT file so the msxml2r.dll error can't be avoided unless you don't include msxml2.msi.
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But for MSXML2 problem there is a workaround or not?
HFSLIP 1.2.2-rc2 adds the CAT file of the msxml2sp6-kb887606 security update. Apparantly HFSLIP wasn't doing that before. This will fix the error for msxml2.dll, but not for msxml2r.dll. This is because msxml2r.dll is not part of the security update; msxml2r.dll is taken from msxml2.msi which doesn't contain a CAT file at all. I couldn't find a hotfix containing msxml2r.dll *and* a CAT file so the msxml2r.dll error can't be avoided unless you don't include msxml2.msi.

Ok, I have searched for this CAT file that missing, in my laptop at work there is a file named "x86_Microsoft.MSXML2R_6bd6b9abf345378f_4.1.0.0_x-ww_29c3ad6a.cat", this isn't good for our goal?

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