Super-Magician Posted December 15, 2006 Posted December 15, 2006 @AllCan we please try using the right terminology? It's reseal, not rescell or resell.Thanks.
Tomcat76 Posted December 16, 2006 Author Posted December 16, 2006 retalv---I can confirm that Power Shell doesn't install at T-13, but I've no problem with .NET 2.0. I used an old version of the Foxy addon (extracted & copied 00dNET20.exe into HFSVCPACK) which doesn't yet include the latest two hotfixes for .NET 2.0.I have done several tests last night but nothing worked. I'm going to see now if it works at first GUI logon.We're nearing in on a new final. I want to do two more tests:- Power Shell at GUI logon- remove workaround for Win2K OE 5.5 inetcomm.dll binary to see if new version is OK
retalv Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 (edited) @Tomcat76Ok, I have momentarily solved the problem replacing .NET Framework with the RogueSpear's versions (thanks Super-Magician) and loading Power Shell silently to GuiRunOnce.I controlling SVCPACK.INF and the PSHELL.EXE archive it's in list, but...Thanks for the interest and I attend news…Bye! Edited December 16, 2006 by retalv
Super-Magician Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 @Tomcat76,Is nLite still slipstreaming IE7 at all? I was thinking maybe we could implement their method, but I'm sure you've thought of that long ago.
retalv Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 (edited) @Tomcat76There would be an other FALSE problem in the use of XP Home in unattended installation… I explain myself… Using the switch “UnattendSwitch=Yes” in the Home edition, it comes automatically created a default administrator user that in the Italian version it takes the name of “Proprietario”.In order to replace this user with one of our choice his sufficient to use in T13 the command "NET" as in the following example…---------- AHFSLIP.TXT ----------net user "Proprietario" /DELETEnet user "%MYUSERNAME%" "" /ADDnet localgroup Administrators "%MYUSERNAME%" /ADDnet accounts /maxpwage:unlimited---------------------------------Manually or automatically I can simply create one script with these commands completed with username and to put it in HFSVCPACK and to leave your script the task to mill it.An other solution cleaned up enough would be that one to add to your script, as an example, the following line… -------IF EXIST HFTOOLS\AHFSLIP.TXT FOR /F "DELIMS=" %%I IN (HFTOOLS\AHFSLIP.TXT) DO ECHO %%I >>SOURCESS\I386\SVCPACK\HFSLIP.CMD-------… immediately after the line… -------ECHO Title HFSLIP >>SOURCESS\I386\SVCPACK\HFSLIP.CMD-------If there were, for case, the decision to support this function, is need of one variable for the definition of the username to add and one variable for the definition of the username to delete.All this simply in order to say that, perhaps, it would be comfortable to be able to insert the possibility to add commands in this phase to outside of my single case.Bye! Edited December 16, 2006 by retalv
Super-Magician Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 @retalv,This is already supported. Create a batch file with the necessary commands called HFSPLUG2.CMD and place it into HFSVCPACK.Keep this in mind - the CMD is executed right before the log file is generated. The path is your HFSLIP folder.
retalv Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 Excuse me, but I don't understand…The only reference to HFSPLUG2.CMD is this… IF EXIST HFTOOLS\HFSPLUG2.CMD CALL HFTOOLS\HFSPLUG2.CMD… and is one call in phase of construction, not of installation… and it's not documented.Bye!
Kiki Burgh Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 (edited) hi retalv! perhaps this would be of help:;hl=USERNAME ... Edited December 16, 2006 by Kiki Burgh
retalv Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 hi retalv! perhaps this would be of help:;hl=USERNAME ... Ok, but the name of the script can be whichever name, JUMP.CMD DonaldDuck.CMD or… HFSPLUG2.CMD…In other words one does not join null to how much I had already written in the previous post.Perhaps the little familiarity of the language makes me badly to comprise…However thanks to all. Bye!
Super-Magician Posted December 17, 2006 Posted December 17, 2006 @retalv, you must use the name 'HFSPLUG2.CMD'. Simply write whatever you want to do in the batch script, then place it in HFTOOLS. If you're not sure how to do so, I'm not so sure how we can help as it was an older feature (i.e. HFSPLUG1.CMD existed before but we later incorporated that stuff back into the script).
Tomcat76 Posted December 17, 2006 Author Posted December 17, 2006 HFSPLUG2.CMD is called almost at the end of an HFSLIP run. After that, the log file is created and then the ISO is made and burned (if applicable). So its purpose was (and apparantly still is ) to make last-minute modifications to a new source that's already slipstreamed.
retalv Posted December 17, 2006 Posted December 17, 2006 (edited) Perhaps I continue to not understand… Please, answer to me single yes or not.The making of script HFSPLUG2.CMD it's equivalent to ADD command lines to HFSLIP.CMD (created beginning from UPDATE_INIT)...REM ===============UPDATE_INIT==================:UPDATE_INITECHO @ECHO OFF>>SOURCESS\I386\SVCPACK\HFSLIP.CMDREM CLS >>SOURCESS\I386\SVCPACK\HFSLIP.CMDECHO IF EXIST %%SYSTEMROOT%%\SYSTEM32\CMDOW.EXE cmdow @ /HID >>SOURCESS\I386\SVCPACK\HFSLIP.CMDECHO Title HFSLIP >>SOURCESS\I386\SVCPACK\HFSLIP.CMDECHO FOR %%%%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%%%i:\%MBOOTPATH%I386\SVCPACK SET HFSLIP=%%%%i:\%MBOOTPATH%I386>>SOURCESS\I386\SVCPACK\HFSLIP.CMDGOTO EOFREM =========================================...and runing at T13 of the O.S. installation ? Practically it is this that timidly I asked to implement (if it does not exist already) with this line… IF EXIST HFTOOLS\AHFSLIP.TXT FOR /F "DELIMS=" %%I IN (HFTOOLS\AHFSLIP.TXT) DO ECHO %%I >>SOURCESS\I386\SVCPACK\HFSLIP.CMD...that transfers the content of AHFSLIP.TXT to HFSLIP.COM.Bye! Edited December 17, 2006 by retalv
Super-Magician Posted December 18, 2006 Posted December 18, 2006 @retalv,You're kind of confused there. I'm not quite sure where you're getting this information .OK, kindly read Tomcat's post above and the information below.HFSPLUG2.CMD does not modify any predetermined file. It only does what you tell it to do. That is, the file is called by the HFSLIP program at the end of the slipstreaming process right before the log file is written.If you want HFSLIP to do what you requested, simply create the plug-in file like this...HFTOOLS\HFSPLUG2.CMDIF EXIST HFTOOLS\AHFSLIP.TXT FOR /F "DELIMS=" %%I IN (HFTOOLS\AHFSLIP.TXT) DO ECHO %%I >>SOURCESS\I386\SVCPACK\HFSLIP.CMDWe can't implement exactly what you told us because that would just be redundant.
retalv Posted December 18, 2006 Posted December 18, 2006 (edited) Now I have understood! It's obvious! I did not consider that whichever external call is sufficient in order to activate it or for direct imput of HFSLIP.CMD.Excuse me, but evidently a swarm of neutrinos has increased my stupidity… Thanks! Edited December 18, 2006 by retalv
Tomcat76 Posted December 18, 2006 Author Posted December 18, 2006 (edited) Please, answer to me single yes or not.The making of script HFSPLUG2.CMD it's equivalent to ADD command lines to HFSLIP.CMDNo. As I said in my previous post, HFSPLUG2.CMD is called when the new source is ready. So HFSLIP.CMD already has the word "EXIT" at the end. If you add anything below "EXIT", it will be ignored when it's run (at T-13).Try this:FINDSTR/VI "EXIT" SOURCESS\I386\SVCPACK\HFSLIP.CMD>>HFSLIP.CMDECHO>>HFSLIP.CMD net user "Proprietario" /DELETEECHO>>HFSLIP.CMD net user "MYUSERNAME" "" /ADDECHO>>HFSLIP.CMD net localgroup Administrators "MYUSERNAME" /ADDECHO>>HFSLIP.CMD net accounts /maxpwage:unlimitedECHO>>HFSLIP.CMD EXITMOVE/Y HFSLIP.CMD SOURCESS\I386\SVCPACK Edited December 18, 2006 by Tomcat76
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