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Best Result with Nero Setup

1- Extract the nero exe file dont run it

2- Delete all unnecessary files like .MST files and Eula files

3- Edit the Nero.msi file with Admin Studio and remove all the component you dont need.

4- run the setupX.exe and wait till the file make the new Cabs files then

close it.

5- now make the admin install

6- use this command to install nero silently "msiexec /i Nero.msi /QB /norestart"

and enjoy the new nero install with all the shortcuts



how to solve the fatal errors

now see this post


1- after you make the admin install open the forlder and copy/past the Setup folder from the oreginal nero forlder

2- then make new folder with CAB name in the admin install folder

3- copy these to cabs inside the new CAB folder "0AA0A4EA.cab"

and "307C0B60.cab".

4- use this command to install nero silently "msiexec /i nero.msi STARTPARAM="CallFromExe" DONOTRUNSETUPX="1" /QB"



Here's an work-in-progress of my custom Nero Setup Installer project:


I sorted out most of the shared system files Nero uses, also divided Nero into components, so installation footprint will shrink down very much :)

I'm still working on Nero Filter support for VCD/SVCD creation and necessary regentries to be created.

More will follow soon

Here's an work-in-progress of my custom Nero Setup Installer project:


I sorted out most of the shared system files Nero uses, also divided Nero into components, so installation footprint will shrink down very much :)

I'm still working on Nero Filter support for VCD/SVCD creation and necessary regentries to be created.

More will follow soon

Waauw that is incredible!

btw will it also be possible to deselect Nero dsfilters? I hate them and they are not needed (only if you use NeroMediaplayer).


This is MY WAY (silent)

start /wait C:\Nero- /qn /norestart SERIALNUM_USERVAL="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" NERO_SCOUT=FALSE C2FF8B816=0 C57D52359=0 CD773A6E2=0 C6035F00C=0 C53BEFA20=0 CCB9D5429=0 C7CE8D626=0 CED1EAF52=0

Here is the list with all "UniqueID" :P

CB035464E NeroStartSmart

CBCAFF604 NeroBurningRom

C2FF8B816 NeroHome

C57D52359 NeroVision

CD773A6E2 NeroShowTime

C6035F00C NeroRecode

C53BEFA20 NeroMediaHome

CCB9D5429 NeroBackItUp

C7CE8D626 NeroCoverDesigner

CED1EAF52 NeroPhotoSnap

CFA3A3F7B NeroWaveEditor

C716FE146 NeroSoundTrax

CE38B9E06 NeroImageDrive

C82602EE0 NeroCDDVDSpeed

C7DFFCC12 NeroDriveSpeed

C72CC518F NeroBurnRights

CE72D824A NeroInfoTool

CC5AB9CFD NeroFastCDDVDBurningPlugin


"=0" does that mean , all things you dont need are in your line , and the things that are not get installed?

Posted (edited)

Hiya All!

Thx Mercury, is actually working, but NeroScout got installed anyway....... Not that it would be a big annoyance, but anyway..... Anyone succeeded to leave it off?

Or, does it have too its own Unique ID?

Edited by joeyeti

Its not installing on my end :(

REG ADD %KEY%\006 /VE /D "Nero Premium" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\006 /V 2 /D "%CDROM%\Software\nero\Nero- /qn /norestart SERIALNUM_USERVAL="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" NERO_SCOUT=FALSE C2FF8B816=0 C57D52359=0 CD773A6E2=0 C53BEFA20=0 CCB9D5429=0 CED1EAF52=0 CFA3A3F7B=0 C716FE146=0 CE38B9E06=0 CE72D824A=0 C82602EE0=0" /f

Ofcourse with my own serial.

But it doesnt get installed , am i doing something wrong?

Posted (edited)
Its not installing on my end :( Ofcourse with my own serial. But it doesnt get installed , am i doing something wrong?

muiz, the quotes on the serial are screwing you around, try it with a 'backslash' infront of them.

This is only for using it in a REG ADD method, the originally posted instruction, was a batchfile.


Edited by Shark007

Not wanting to wind anyone up but as a CD/DVD burning package (I dont use Recode, prefer Shrink, dont use NVE, prefer DMF) what does Nero7 offer over Nero6 which can be shrunk quite nicely?

BTW Zilexa's new install looks just perfect... hopefully will also allow silent customised installs?

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