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[Desktops] 2006

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@N1K, I use a regular visual style so no more memory than running the default luna crap playmobile thingie. The VS is Sustenance by Kol.

As for weather and stuff I use AveDesk which uses about 6-700 kb mem :) In other words, not much at all. As for icons I manually change some system files, so no need for extra apps there :)

Hope that helps..

Could you send me this skin and icons ;)

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Here is my desktop it is clean and without any fancy programs.It doesnt means I dont like them but because I dont have any experience with those programs and I have only p4 2.4 laptop :)


Edited by LaptoniC
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Here is my desktop it is clean and without any fancy programs.It doesnt means I dont like them but because I dont have any experience with those programs and I have only p4 2.4 laptop :)

Yes mate, I took the same theme from devianart, very nice indeed :thumbup

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