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Integrating drivers with HFSLIP?

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Posted (edited)

HFSLIP doesn't impose a limitation there, but DOS may. I'm not sure how deep a directory structure DOS can handle off the top of my head.

But I'll say it again just in case: HFSLIP takes all files out of the various folders and places them "loose" inside DRIVER.CAB, so be sure not to have duplicate file names. Also check against the files that already exist in the standard DRIVER.CAB and SP#.CAB.

Edited by Tomcat76


Hi all.

It looks like all of this is finished. I just want to confirm that. I always merge using (the default) option A.

Based on TommyP's advanced page and Tomcat76's indications, my take is that you can simply extract ALL binaries (including INFs) for all drivers into HFEXPERT\DRIVERCAB, and that you don't have to create sub-folders if you don't want to. Is that correct (assuming no name conflicts)? It would seem that sub-folders wouldn't mean much in the end due to an all-inclusive CAB.

My take is that you also need to take Oleg II's advice to heart in his Third step: editing INF files. Or, is the original post about editing INFs outdated? Was this taken care of by the introduction of HFEXPERT\DRIVERCAB?

As a side issue, DRIVER.CAB and DRVINDEX.INF are affected while HFSLIPping. This is more of an unattended question, but could you manually mess with those prior to running HFSLIP and get the same result? This may have been addressed, but I was considering removing some crap, and adding necessary drivers.

If the answers are "simple", this may take care of this for the most part for the HFEXPERT\DRIVERCAB newbies (like me).

I'm assuming that this is for all drivers except mass storage drivers. Thanks


I set up my drivercab file a while back. IIRC, I used some freebee driver backup program and figured out which drivers were needed after a clean unadulterated install. Once that was done, I just created a folder structure like this: hfexpert\drivercab\1



where 1, 2 and 3 were descriptive names without spaces. Then I placed the driver backup files into each of those directories. It seemed to do the trick, well at least I don't get nagged about drivers missing. Nvidia video card drivers are installed via the OEM method. I'm not even using the latest nvidia drivers either. Just because something is newer doesn't mean that it's better. The new nvidia driver just doesn't install nicely for me. Hope this helps.


Thanks, TP, I'll give it a whirl.

Those Nvidia drivers seem to give everyone fits. Fernando 1 has a 55 page topic on the nLite forum for just 32-bit Nvidia RAID issues. If he charged per post, he could ... upgrade to Intel. ;)

I'm an Intel guy - love their Boards and their drivers, but I also go the OEM route for the mass storage driver. I think I'll just keep manually installing their video driver when I need 'em. Although Vorck's got me thinking about C:\HFSLIP\SOURCE\$OEM$\$$\SYSTEM32 for some of the required installation stuff - on an old Intel 815 board setup.

You guys have done a great job with this project. Every day I get sucked in a little further. Thanks again.


Hello All! :hello:

First off, I found HFSLIP, and MSFN for that matter, the just other day and WOW cool software!! :thumbup

Over the past few days I have been looking at the different software one could use to do the same things, and came up with HFSLIP being the choice for me. Probably for the same reasons in being a Linux noob, I found Slackware to be the better choice for one who is used to Windows to start out with, even though a linux expert would give a different distributor as the better one.

I know this place isn't for anything linux so I'll get to the point. I'm going to attempt to install drivers for a nforce2 chipset and a 6800GT video card using this HFEXPERT method, on a Windows 2000 o/s. I have no clue about the .inf structure or editing them correctly ( I tried the link on the MSFN Unattended guide, but it's broken ). In trying to correct problems before they happen I run files with parameters just to see if the parameter is going to work. Now the -s switch works for both the chipset drivers and the graphics driver, however the graphics driver always reboots the system after install with the -s switch applied. I have tried the -s /noreboot but that doesn't seem to work. I looked around searching but any of my searches so far brings me back to the MSFM forums on switches, not necessarily nvidia specific.

Does anyone know what switch to use to keep it from rebooting with this method?

How is this going to affect the install process?

Is there any way I can get the graphics driver to install last if I can't keep it from rebooting?

A little background on the drivers, the chipset drivers are from ASUS, which are more current than nvidia's drivers. The graphics driver is from the nvidia website version 93.71.

As far as editing the nv4_disp.inf file for the graphics drivers, under the [sourceDisksNames] I added the line like Oleg II pointed out so the entry reads this..


1 = %VIDEO%,driver.cab,,"I386"

1 = %DiskID1%

Now does the 1 in front of the %DiskID1% need to be changed into a 2?

All of the [sourceDisksFiles] entries have an = 1 after them that I didn't have to add so I should be good there, but I did find an entry under the

; Localizable Strings entries that reads

DiskID1 = "NVIDIA Windows 2000/XP Driver Library Installation Disk 1"

Do I need to make another entry here for the new %VIDEO% directory, or is it just an open string for naming?

I know it may seem a bit noobish to alot of you here, but I'm trying to understand all this "flying blind", so to speak. :blushing:

Thanks for any suggestions in advance.


Vix - welcome to hfslip. I'd love to changeover to linux, but there are some applications that aren't present with any of the distros.

I always had issues with nvidia drivers. I use the 84.26 version because it doesn't lock up my machine during a clean installation. The 9x.xx version never worked for me. For nvidia, I use the OEM method. It's not true slipstreaming, but it works all the time for me, and it doesn't need any reboots.


Hello, and thanx for the warm welcome! :)


I read around a bit and I see that there are some issues with the newer drivers. I can't really say I've had one yet, except the reboot, because I haven't run an install with them in the HFEXPERT\DRIVERCAB\VIDEO directory. I'm just curious do the 84.26 version driver auto-reboot the system?


Using nvidia and the OEM method, you do not get reboot or any errors. There should be info on unattended.msfn.org on how to use the OEM method and drivers. I never had success with nvidia in hfexpert\drivercab, and I never had success with 9x.xx either.


Any advice on Intel GMA drivers which will install correctly after final GUI bootup, once "integrated" into the DRIVER.CAB?

INF's done via DriverCabHelper.

Haven't done the OEM method though....

  • 5 months later...

but you have to extract cabbed files again after using it). does this mean make a cab out of the driver files or leave them alone? ie: save you have a driver :foo.dx_ do you want it to read foo.dxv? or gather up all your files and make a cab out of them? SO in the end you have foo.cab? John


I have sent along a file called stuff.rar in it has my txtmode.sif, dosnet.inf, hfslip.log and hfanswer.ini. What do I need to modify to integrate drivers in hfslip? After using drivecompressor I cabbed the drivers then built a cab out of the combined files. Did I do this wrong TommyP? John :whistle::hello:


This is the first few lines of my HFANSWER.INI










what do I put in here?


1 = %W2Kcd%,driver.cab,,"I386"

and in here:




what is the HFDRV.CMD file? Should I put it in my winxp source?

what goes in my txtsetup.sif file? it seems to be confusing








do I need this?

in winxp:


REM I am not sure if it is needed but just in case...

echo DriverCabName>>txtsetup.log

findstr /v /b /i /g:txtsetup.log sourcess\i386\txtsetup.sif>txtsetup.sif

move txtsetup.sif sourcess\i386\txtsetup.sif

del /f /q txtsetup.log







And where do I put this file?

Thank you John :hello::thumbup


You don't seem to understand a couple of things. First of all, you should not edit TXTSETUP.SIF. Just stay within HFEXPERT\DRIVERCAB.

Second, Oleg II is talking about editing the driver INF files directly (before running HFSLIP), not to copy anything into another file.

Third, whatever you do will never work unless you set DRIVERCOMP in HFANSWER.INI to A, B or C. If you really want to use D, E or F then you need to use the HFEXPERT\SPXCAB folder and virtually substitute references to "driver.cab" in Oleg II's instructions with "spx.cab".

Last, forget about HFDRV.CMD and HFDRV.CAB. Those are files that HFSLIP was creating a very long time ago.

  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to say thanks for this guide.

I was able to get the NVIDIA forceware 93.71 to install using this method.

I extracted all the files from the exe using 7zip

edited the INF as in the guide

changed all the file extensions to their correct extensions (by looking through the INF)

deleted setup.*

That was it and everything worked.

Thanks again.

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