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just got FEAR today. and i would higly suggest gettin 2gigs of ram for this game!!! its using around 840mb!

ive only played for 15min b/c its time for me to go to sleep now, but wow is it scary.... im gunna have some fun dreams...

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i would if my parents liked listening to shooting and killing all night....


hehe, i play whenever i want

fear is a scary game, i like the strong language in game ;) When my mom saw that guy on chair when i played fear, she came over and slapped me so hard in the head and the said to me that i get dumber day by day by playing games like that :thumbup

My video card just can't handle that game well, maybe i'll get 32 pipe nvidia card when it will come out

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I think F.E.A.R is a bit of a highly overated game. I wasn't too impressed by the gameplay though, no offense. The graphics were not to impressive, and my machine couldn't even handle high or ultra quality graphics, it would lag badly, even though I have 1 GIG of RAM and a decent 256MB video card.

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i would have to agree, the demo scared me, but from the get go the full game just wasn't sacary period, and for how bad the graphics look, it runs horribly even on low settings (on a Athlon64 3500+, 1gig RAM, ATI X800) RANT> after playing HL2 if games don't run good im just not happy, i mean HL2 ran with medium settings with decent FPS on a 900MHZ Duron with a 32MB Radeon 7200, and i stilled looked excelent, wereas this game doesn't really look all that great and runs horribly </RANT>

Edited by ender341
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i would if my parents liked listening to shooting and killing all night....


hehe, i play whenever i want

fear is a scary game, i like the strong language in game ;) When my mom saw that guy on chair when i played fear, she came over and slapped me so hard in the head and the said to me that i get dumber day by day by playing games like that :thumbup

My video card just can't handle that game well, maybe i'll get 32 pipe nvidia card when it will come out

thats class, check my new sig :whistle::thumbup

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I thought Doom 3 was better than F.E.A.R. I liked Doom 3 because of its gameplay and graphics. ID Software did a better job on the background. I thought some of the background and character textures looked a bit ugly in F.E.A.R.

I liked the demo, I was a bit disappointed with the retail version though. And one thing I did not like about F.E.A.R was you only get to carry 3 weapons at one time. I got use to playing FPS games that your character gets to carry all weapons available during the game.

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