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Windows XP SP2 updates and hotfixes

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Posted (edited)

General notes

The description of new updates is colored differently.

Updates that are only handled in a test release of HFSLIP are colored differently.

As of version 60129, you can let HFSLIP slipstream a Service Pack into the Windows source you provide in the SOURCE folder. Please read the instructions carefully.

For some components (should you wish to include these), the necessary files are marked.

LegitCheckControl.cab and the new DX9 gaming binaries cabs go in HFCABS; all other updates go in HF.

Note from TommyP

HFSLIP concentrates on critical updates and not optional ones reported by Windows Update.

Windows XP post-SP2 updates and hotfixes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


• removed KB921883 (superseded by KB924270)


• added Windows Internet Explorer 7 and Adobe Flash Player 9 for IE

• added KB920213, KB922760, KB923980 and KB924270

• added KB923789 (use when not slipstreaming Adobe Flash Player)

• added optional updates KB920342 and KB914440-v12

• updated MSXML4 and MSXML6

• removed KB885835, KB890046, KB899589, KB913433, KB918899 and KB924496

• Malicious Software Removal Tool was updated to v1.22

• added KB922819, KB923191, KB923414, KB924191 and KB925486

• updated DX9 link (gaming binaries) for October Redist

• removed KB917159, msxml3.msi, msxmlcab.exe, msxml.msi, msxml4 update and msxml6.msi

Current Windows XP SP2 updates


• Windows Internet Explorer 7: English / localized versions

Adobe Flash Player 9 for IE: swflash.cab (direct link)

• MSXML2: msxml2.msi (multilingual) + msxml2sp6-kb887606-x86-enu.exe (language neutral)

MSXML4: msxml4-KB927978-enu.exe (9 languages)

MSXML6: msxml6-KB927977-enu-x86.exe (13 languages)


• New DX9 gaming binaries from DirectX 9.0c October '06 Redist (55.5MB)

Supported files: *d3dx9*x86.cab, *XACT*x86.cab and *xinput*x86.cab

Windows Media

Windows Media Player 10

• Windows Media 9/10 Codecs from KB891122 (5.91MB) / from KB900325 post-68008-1133836777_thumb.png (29.0MB)

Required file: wmfdist95.exe

KB900325 holds the newest version, but it's a larger source.

HighMAT update for the CD Writing Wizard post-68008-1133836777_thumb.png (non-WGA: EN / FR)


Windows Update Agent 2.0 (Windows Update v6; direct link)

Windows Genuine Advantage (LegitCheckControl.cab; redirect link)

Malicious Software Removal Tool

User Profile Hive Cleanup Service post-68008-1133836777_thumb.png

Current critical Windows XP post-SP2 hotfixes

WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe post-68008-1133836777_thumb.png (Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable)

WindowsMedia-KB911564-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Windows Media Player plug-in)

WindowsXP-KB873339-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in HyperTerminal)

WindowsXP-KB885626-v2-x86-enu.exe (Systems running Intel Prescott C-0 without BIOS support can hang on SP2 installation)

WindowsXP-KB885836-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in WordPad)

WindowsXP-KB886185-x86-enu.exe (Vulnerability in Windows Firewall)

WindowsXP-KB887472-x86-enu.exe (Vulnerability in Windows Messenger)

WindowsXP-KB888302-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Windows)

WindowsXP-KB890859-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerabilities in Windows kernel)

WindowsXP-KB891781-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in DHTML Editing)

WindowsXP-KB893756-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Telephony service)

WindowsXP-KB896358-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in HTML Help)

WindowsXP-KB896423-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Print Spooler service)

WindowsXP-KB896424-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerabilities in graphics rendering engine)

WindowsXP-KB896428-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Telnet Client)

WindowsXP-KB898461-x86-ENU.exe post-68008-1133836777_thumb.png (Package Installer

WindowsXP-KB899587-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerabilities in Kerberos)

WindowsXP-KB899591-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Remote Desktop protocol)

WindowsXP-KB900725-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerabilities in Windows Shell)

WindowsXP-KB901017-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in MS Collaboration Data Objects)

WindowsXP-KB901190-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in the Korean IME)

WindowsXP-KB901214-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in MS Color Management Module)

WindowsXP-KB904706-v2-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in DirectShow)

WindowsXP-KB905414-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Network Connection Manager)

WindowsXP-KB905749-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Plug and Play)

WindowsXP-KB908519-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Embedded Web Fonts)

WindowsXP-KB908531-v2-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Windows Explorer)

WindowsXP-KB910437-x86-ENU.exe (Access Violation error using AU service)

WindowsXP-KB911280-v2-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Routing and Remote Access)

WindowsXP-KB911562-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in MDAC on WinXP)

WindowsXP-KB911567-x86-ENU.exe (Cumulative security update for MSOE)

WindowsXP-KB911927-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in the Web Client service)

WindowsXP-KB912817-v2-x86-ENU.exe (COM+ Hotfix Rollup Package 13)

WindowsXP-KB912919-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in graphics rendering engine)

WindowsXP-KB913580-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in MS DTC)

WindowsXP-KB914388-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in DHCP Client Service)

WindowsXP-KB914389-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Server Message Block)

WindowsXP-KB916595-x86-ENU.exe post-68008-1133836777_thumb.png ("Stop 0x05" and "Stop 0xD1" errors)

WindowsXP-KB917422-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Windows Kernel)

WindowsXP-KB917537-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in MS IIS using ASP)

WindowsXP-KB917953-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in TCP/IP)

WindowsXP-KB918439-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in ART image rendering)

WindowsXP-KB919007-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Pragmatic General Multicast)

WindowsXP-KB920213-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Microsoft Agent)

WindowsXP-KB920214-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Outlook Express)

WindowsXP-KB920670-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerabilities in Hyperlink Object Library)

WindowsXP-KB920683-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in DNS Resolution)

WindowsXP-KB920685-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Indexing Service)

WindowsXP-KB920872-x86-ENU.exe post-68008-1133836777_thumb.png (Errors playing back audio files)

WindowsXP-KB921398-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Windows Explorer)

WindowsXP-KB922582-x86-ENU.exe post-68008-1133836777_thumb.png (Error message "0x80070002")

WindowsXP-KB922616-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in HTML Help)

WindowsXP-KB922819-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerabilities in TCP/IP IPv6)

WindowsXP-KB923191-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Windows Explorer)

WindowsXP-KB923414-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Server Service)

WindowsXP-KB923980-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerabilities in Client Service for NetWare)

WindowsXP-KB924191-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in MSXML3)

WindowsXP-KB924270-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Workstation Service)

Current optional Windows XP post-SP2 hotfixes

Windows-KB909520-v1.000-x86-ENU.exe post-68008-1133836777_thumb.png (MS Base Smart Card...)

WindowsXP-KB896344-v2-x86-ENU.exe post-68008-1133836777_thumb.png (You cannot transfer files from WinXP SP2 32-bit to WinXP 64-bit)

WindowsXP-KB900485-v2-x86-ENU.exe post-68008-1133836777_thumb.png ("Stop 0x7E in aec.sys" error message)

WindowsXP-KB904942-v2-x86-ENU.exe post-68008-1133836777_thumb.png (Issue with MSOE6 when installing MSIE7)

WindowsXP-KB914440-v12-x86-ENU.exe post-68008-1133836777_thumb.png (Network Diagnostic Tool)

WindowsXP-KB920342-x86-ENU.exe (Peer Name Resolution Protocol 2.0)

Critical updates for MSIE7


Critical updates for MSIE6

WindowsXP-KB922760-x86-ENU.exe (Cumulative security update for MSIE6)

WindowsXP-KB925486-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Vector Markup Language)

WindowsXP-Windows2000-Script56-KB917344-x86-enu.exe post-68008-1133836777_thumb.png (Windows Script 5.6)

Critical update for MSIE6 when NOT slipstreaming the latest Windows Script 5.6

WindowsXP-KB917344-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in MS JScript)

Critical update for WMP when NOT slipstreaming WMP10

WindowsMedia9-KB917734-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Windows Media Player 9)

Critical update for WMP when slipstreaming WMP10

WindowsMedia10-KB917734-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerability in Windows Media Player 10)

Critical update for Flash Player 6 when NOT slipstreaming or installing Flash Player 7 or greater

WindowsXP-KB923789-x86-ENU.exe (Vulnerabilities in Flash Player 6)

Dynamic list including KB numbers, MS security bulletin numbers and descriptions

Edited by Tomcat76
  • 4 months later...

Posted (edited)

This is really really nice Tomcat !! :thumbup

Great work - it was nowhere close to this simple when I did this last year

My my, things have truly come a long way with HFSLIP :thumbup

Edited by Outatouch
  • 2 weeks later...



about WindowsXP-KB885626-v2-x86-enu.exe (Systems running Intel Prescott C-0 without BIOS support can hang on SP2 installation)

it lays on critical Post SP1 hotfixes, but not in SP2 hotfixes

it is not right. with error on update.sys SP2 hangs on machines with celeron D C-0 steppings and old bioses, but on this machines also hangs installation of WinXPSP2 without this hotfix.

because KB885626 hotfix needed also in PostSP2 hotfixes


I'm not Tomcat, but one thing:

KB885626 is not requested by Windows Update. It is not a critical or optional update.

Remember, this list is for updates listed on Windows Update, not all hotfixes released for XP. If it was, this list would be VERY hard for him to maintain.

Is this what you're mentioning, or am I wrong?

Posted (edited)

this looks good, but it would look better if the critical updates for pre-sp1 (build 0) were also listed.

Edited by monohouse

These lists are for HFSLIP and HFSLIP doesn't support XP Gold. I don't know about TommyP but I don't support service packs that are no longer supported by Microsoft. In the same vein, I'll stop updating my SP1a list and will stop adding "fixes" for SP1a hotfixes on November 14, 2006 (unless MS extend support for SP1a again).


The number of post-SP1 hotfixes is already exceptionally large. Imagine what the list will look like in one and a half year. It's not so much adding of new hotfixes to the list that's going to take the most time, but rather verifying which hotfixes will have become obsolete.

Posted (edited)

@Super-Magician: I removed your hotfix post as I finally got around to updating the list in the main post; it might've confused people reading this thread in a few months from now.

I've also removed the "taboo posts."

about WindowsXP-KB885626-v2-x86-enu.exe (Systems running Intel Prescott C-0 without BIOS support can hang on SP2 installation)

it lays on critical Post SP1 hotfixes, but not in SP2 hotfixes

it is not right. with error on update.sys SP2 hangs on machines with celeron D C-0 steppings and old bioses, but on this machines also hangs installation of WinXPSP2 without this hotfix.

because KB885626 hotfix needed also in PostSP2 hotfixes

KB885626 is not requested by Windows Update. It is not a critical or optional update.
The thing is... When the SP2 system boots up and gets right up to Windows Update, there's no point anymore in listing it on Windows Update, is there? :D

So the question is... Does it really apply to SP2 when it's slipstreamed, and is "update.sys" updated by a later hotfix?

Edited by Tomcat76

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