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HFSLIP, The 2K/XP/2K3 slipstreamer

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Guest xpuser

we can integrate hotfixes with nlite, what does this tool offer more?

Posted (edited)

i second that Camarade Tux! :)

further test releases are done almost on daily basis to address real-time issues ...

nLite would be a very good material though for slimming down the source as ...

HFCLEANUP. The alternative SOURCESS reducer.

This section is UNSUPPORTED and YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY using this. It is geared for people who want to reduce their own SOURCESS. It’s also geared for people who like crafting their own reduction files. Perhaps someone will craft additional reduction files and post them for us all to use.


& from the open source code of HFSLIP :)
ECHO * Reduce your source, an NLITE alternative (Do it at your own risk)
Edited by Kiki Burgh
Posted (edited)
Time will be getting limited to me very soon and as such don't expect major changes. If however, there are improvements to be made to the script, I can edit it as required. I accept inputs from others for script "plug ins". However, please test what you create, and if it works, submit it and I'll incorporate it.
you're not going anywhere TC, are you? :no:

btw, the link (http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=74019) for

* Optionally automate HFSLIP.


Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

The error returned was:

Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken.

Edited by Kiki Burgh
you're not going anywhere TC, are you?
That was TommyP's writing. He's the one that has limited time - that's why Tomcat "took over"!

@Tomcat, there are a few things to update in the main post of this topic. Specifically:

Get HFNetChk from http://hfnetchk.shavlik.com/hfreadme.asp and install it.
If you run into problems, please post a message with your error_report attached.

There might be more, but I'm too lazy to post it :P.

Posted (edited)

he! he!

caught me for the 2nd time there Super-Magician :)

here's to redeem myself ... no slight meant tommyp ;)

you're not going anywhere TP, are you?

oh & yes ...

That was TommyP's writing. He's the one that has limited time - that's why Tomcat "took over"!
my apologies! :whistle: Edited by Kiki Burgh

I updated the intro text a little but TommyP will have to change the broken link because I don't know what he's referring to.


for me, KB916281 doesn't work anymore (slipstreamed it via hfslip, but after installation downloads this update via windows update)


setup complains about missing iuctl.dll

for me, KB916281 doesn't work anymore (slipstreamed it via hfslip, but after installation downloads this update via windows update)

setup complains about missing iuctl.dll

Are you nLiting your source?

hfsliplog didnt say anything

os is win2k

no, I did not nlite the source

anyway, thanks for the latest test release

afair it worked with that version ... I'll test it tomorrow

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