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the riaa shut's down all the p2p networks


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i just recently discovered that the riaa is shuting down all the p2p networks. they are to greedy for there money i say. they are going around and searching for all p2p networks too that inclues chat rooms for some reason :no: . this was on the news last night for those who watched the news :} there are over 1000 users on these p2p networks ppl are so saded becasue of this. i am to :realmad:

Edited by kurt476
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WinMX has shutdown completely it seems after receiving one of the letters.

i had been using it since napster was taken offline and made a pay p2p over 3 yrs ago. the worst part is that i was a big part of the Chat Rooms on there and it being taken offline suddenly means that many of my friends from there are no longer able to get in contact with me.

DEATH TO THE RIAA !!! They cant win but only force users to either develop or find other p2p programs.

Edited by ScubaSteve
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I read that they've even infultrated the Internet2 networks on college campuses. I sure hope that somehow, someway... someone finds out a way to make a program that is completely and truely peer-to-peer. That way there will be no central location of business. There will be no 'business' to shut down. C'mon all you code freaks! Get to it!

Edited by ringfinger
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The RIAA and MPAA can do as they please and over time they will likely win all the P2P cases but in the end it means very little. The old bastions will remain for awhile. IRC, FTP sites and USENET have been around far far longer. Cases will be won and everything will just go back to being more underground. Piracy will still exist but it won't accessible to the complete moron.


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The RIAA and MPAA can do as they please and over time they will likely win all the P2P cases but in the end it means very little. The old bastions will remain for awhile. IRC, FTP sites and USENET have been around far far longer. Cases will be won and everything will just go back to being more underground. Piracy will still exist but it won't accessible to the complete moron.


i second that! well said rotjong :thumbup

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Gnutella is decentralized.

Oh well, the only use for p2p is downloading a single song.

I still buy CD's and DVD's and download series episodes via torrent.

I just hope the day never comes when it's digital-buy-only and they shut down torrent.

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I sure hope that somehow, someway... someone finds out a  way to make a program that is completely and truely peer-to-peer.  That way there will be no central location of business.

Hamachi anyone? :whistle:

I suppose that they could close the Hamachi servers, but the connections are directly from one computer to the next. You don't get the speed advantage of BT, but it's direct and file listings are decentralized.

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