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Nero Burning ROM v7 installation


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Deleting the AskToolbar from the exe broke the autoit script (exe must have some switches inserted)

Can you try to delete the AskToolbar installer within the script and see what happens?

I'd be willing to try anything. What autoit code do I need to insert to accomplish this? I've only been using autoit for about a week. :unsure:

Try editing the MSI with orca... Im sure there is a way to disable this

I took a look at the MSI with orca...what a mess. :wacko:

I think that for my uses, I'd be better off scripting the install using WPIW.

Edited by mr_smartepants
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I'd be willing to try anything. What autoit code do I need to insert to accomplish this? I've only been using autoit for about a week. :unsure:

I have updated above post to delete toolbar.exe if i's found after extraction.

It's a testrelease because I don't have AksToolbar in my language setupfile. Are you really using the latest setup from ahead? :unsure:

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Hey Guys, I just wanted to let Nero 7 be installed on first boot by the RunOnceEx.cmd, but not silent.

The user should be able to choose which parts of Nero 7 should be installed, like he would start the installation progress by himself, BUT the serial should already be preinserted into the serial text area.

My father and I don't want to search the Box with the serial everytime we reinstall our systems, you know?

We own 5 computers and also my mum and my sisters are using them, so the machines have to be reinstalled often ;)

Thank you all if anyone could help me.

P.S.: I would like to use the compressed .exe instead of the extracted .msi cause it's smaller... possible?

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Hi guys. At first i'm sorry fom my bad english. I hope you can understand me anyway.

There are 3 days that i've try to install nero 7 silently bat i've had always bad results.

I've found this forum recently and, reading a lots of thread now I've a doubt:

When I must import the key? In some post i erad it's the first action bat in other they mak fisrt the installation and after import the key.

Where is the right way?

My final target is import nero 7 installation in a new windowsxp mce dvd.

At the start i do this:

I've maked $1 folder inside $OEM$ folder. In $1 folder i maked Nero7591 folder and inside this last i've insert all nero installation files plus nero75.reg

inside nero75.reg there are these info

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info]






Inside $OEM$ there are 3 files (plus $1\Nero7591 folder):



pulizia75.bat (you can traduce this as like clean75.bat)


"rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection nLite.inf,U"



echo off@

echo Installazione di nero 7...

regedit /s %systemdrive%\Nero7591\nero75.reg

start /wait %systemdrive%\Nero7591\Nero.msi STARTPARAM="CallFromExe" DONOTRUNSETUPX="1" /QB

regedit /s %systemdrive%\Nero7591\NeroScout\Togli.reg


@echo off

cmd /c rd /s /q %systemdrive%\Nero7591\


Togli.reg is the key for remove nero scout from "Risorse del Computer" (My Computer)

The folder structure is more or less so:

>>>>>>>>>|--tutti i file d'installazione

Now i'm wait that windows in his installations execute tue commands wrote in cmdlines.txt and at the end i can view Nero inside programs folder

But isn't so. The installation work correctly but at the end nero there is in no places.

Please tell me what i wrong and i pray you to help me to finalize this installation

Thanxs from now for your patience and your assistance

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@CEoCEo One more registry tweak worth considering if you are downloading the software directly from the Nero Web site: that silly "50 free mp3" offer that appears in StartSmart Favorites.

; Remove free mp3 offer from favorites
RegWrite ( "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Nero StartSmart\Settings", "Favorites2", "REG_SZ", "DataCD,DataDVD,DataHDDVD,DataBluray,DataDisc,CDAudio,VCD,DVDVideo,CopyCD,CopyDVD,CopyBluray,Copy
HDDVD,CopyDisc,VCDSlideshow,OpenProjects" )
RegWrite ( "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Nero StartSmart\Settings", "OEMFavorites", "REG_SZ", "OEMAction_e_trial_oem____Free_MP__offer_click_here" )

Now if I could find a way to remove it permanently from the Audio selections . . .

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@CEoCEo One more registry tweak worth considering if you are downloading the software directly from the Nero Web site: that silly "50 free mp3" offer that appears in StartSmart Favorites.

There's a lot of crap that gets installed in the English distribution of Nero Burning Rom. No wonder why almost all forum users is complaining and use repacked distributions. :)

Thanks for the Start Smart tweak... :thumbup

Rewrote the script above to handle AskToolbar and Scout better, but it need testing.

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@CEoCEo, tried your autoit script it didnt seem to read the config.txt,

all nero components were installed exept the ASK toolbar:( im using english version of nero.

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Hello all,

I've read every post on this topic and gathered quite a few tidbits on my hunt for good command lines.

Here is what works for me...for those of you that are interested. Especially if you're looking to exclude components via command line

C2FF8B816=Nero Home

CBCAFF604=Burning ROM

C57D52359=Nero Vision


C7CE8D626=Cover Designer

CFA3A3F7B=Wave Editor












C79061EB3=Media Streaming


I don't like nero home or backitup or media home or streaming so..............

SERIALNUM_USERVAL="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" AGREETOLICENSE="TRUE"
C2FF8B816="0" CCB9D5429="0" C53BEFA20="0" C79061EB3="0"

I don't actually use /norestart, serialnum_userval nor agreetolicense since I edit msi via orca. However I have tried editing

the CXXXXXXXX in orca, but it never 'takes'. It only works via command line.

I have also edited msi (through orca) in the Properties tab:






EDIT: MSI command executed from with built-in Administrator account!!!!

Edited by razormoon
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install.au3 example:

I assume you all know what to do with this.

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoIt Version:
Author: CEoCEo
Credits: blinkdt, mr_smartepants, Shark007

Script Function:
'Nero Burning ROM' unattended AutoIT script.
Please edit filename, serial, username and switches to your liking.

Script Version: 1.1

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

$SF = "\Nero-"
$SN = "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"
$UN = "UserName"
$CN = "CompanyName"
$ASK = 0 ; Install AskToolbar
$SCO = 0 ; Install Nero Scout
$NFC = 0 ; Autostart Nero Filter Check
$NAU = 0 ; Enable Automatic Update
$TWS = 1 ; Show temporary writing speed
$EAC = 1 ; Enable all compilations
$TSS = 1 ; Tweak Start Smart

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Script Start!

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Run installer
If FileExists ( @ScriptDir & $SF ) Then
Run ( @ScriptDir & $SF & " /qb! /NORESTART RebootYesNo=No SERIALNUM_USERVAL=" & $SN & " AgreeToLicense=Yes EULA_AGREEMENT=1" )

; Search extraction dir
Sleep ( 2000 )
$search = FileFindFirstFile ( @TempDir & "\NER*.*" )
$dir = FileFindNextFile ( $search )
$path = @TempDir & "\" & $dir

Sleep ( 500 )
Until FileExists ( $path & "\SetupX.exe" )

If FileExists ( $path & "\NeroBar.exe" ) Then
If $ASK = 1 Then
WinWait ( "Nero" )
ControlClick ( "Nero", "", "Button4" )
WinWait ( "Nero" )
ControlClick ( "Nero", "", "Button2" )
ControlClick ( "Nero", "", "Button4" )

ProcessWait ( "SetupX.exe" )

; Overwrite custom user defined configuration file
FileCopy ( @ScriptDir & "\conf.txt", $path & "\Redist\Config\conf.txt", 1 )

; Update DirectX during setup
Run ( $path & "\Redist\DirectX\dxsetup.exe /silent" )

ProcessWaitClose ( "SetupX.exe" )

; Apply username
RegWrite ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info", "User", "REG_SZ", $UN )
RegWrite ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info", "Company", "REG_SZ", $CN )

If $SCO = 0 Then
; Deletes Nero Scout Optionswizard from Autostart
RegDelete ( "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce", "NeroHomeFirstStart" )

; Disable Nero Scout in Explorer
RegDelete ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\{3d6be802-fc0d-4595-a304-e611f97089dc}" )

; Disable Nero Scout
RegWrite ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Nero Home\MediaLibrary", "DisableNeroScout", "REG_DWORD", 1 )

; Rename Nero Scout executable to prevent execution
FileMove ( @CommonFilesDir & "\Ahead\Lib\NeroScoutOptions.exe", @CommonFilesDir & "\Ahead\Lib\NeroScoutOptions.exe.org", 1 )

; Search and delete Nero Scout shortcut
Run ( @ComSpec & " /c " & "del /q /s NEROSC~1.LNK", @ProgramsCommonDir, @SW_HIDE)

; Deletes Nero Filter Check from Autostart
If $NFC = 0 Then RegDelete ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "NeroFilterCheck" )

; Disable Automatic Update
If $NAU = 0 Then RegWrite ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Settings", "AutomaticUpdate", "REG_DWORD", 0 )

; Shows the temporary writing speed
If $TWS = 1 Then RegWrite ( "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\Recorder", "ShowSingleRecorderSpeed", "REG_DWORD", 1 )

; Enable all compilations
If $EAC = 1 Then RegWrite ( "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\General", "bShowAllCompilationTypes", "REG_DWORD", 1 )

If $TSS = 1 Then
; Show left panel in Start Smart
RegWrite ( "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Nero StartSmart\Settings", "DisplayLeftPanel", "REG_DWORD", 1 )

; Remove free mp3 offer from favorites
$FAV1 = "DataCD,DataDVD,DataHDDVD,DataBluray,DataDisc,CDAudio,VCD,DVDVideo,"
$FAV2 = "CopyCD,CopyDVD,CopyBluray,CopyHDDVD,CopyDisc,VCDSlideshow,OpenProjects"
RegWrite ( "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Nero StartSmart\Settings", "Favorites2", "REG_SZ", $FAV1 & $FAV2 )
RegWrite ( "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Nero StartSmart\Settings", "OEMFavorites", "REG_SZ", "OEMAction_e_trial_oem____Free_MP__offer_click_here" )

; Remove temporary files
DirRemove ( $path , 1 )
FileDelete ( @TempDir & "\*.tmp" )

Leave original installation package, AutoIT-script and custom conf.txt in the same dir and you are set to go.

Updated script to version 1.1 to handle AskToolbar if it's found and the BBcode split problem. :)

Just installed via this script (as .exe) and everything installed perfectly! :thumbup

Thank you VERY much CEoCEo! :thumbup

Separate issue:

Has anyone had success installing the "help files" .exe silently? I've used the /s switch but it still asks if you want to overwrite the existing (older) .chm files (user must click "yes to all".)

Edited by mr_smartepants
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