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[How-to] MicrowinX Project


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Notebook hardware control = what one?

Counter Strike = done but working on a way, since username is different per user.

fifa 2006 = beta 3.0 or sooner

pro evolution soccer 5 = same

football manager 2006 = same

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i think amd laptop also is supported.its named as centrino hardware control before but now it's also have support for amd processor that is why notebook hardware control..

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ok cool, ill look into it then.

oh and good news for those who want to use nlite under microwinX.

with the release of rc8, I tested, nlite with the alternative runtimes again, and they work, so a patch to make nlite work under microwinX will be built into beta 3.0

beta 3.0. Is currently going to be released, mid-june

Edited by gdogg
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try entering the password, 5 times for winrar or more.

7zip doesn't have this issue, some winrar doesn't either.

if that fails, try different mirror,

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I made the image without problem (97Mb) but I receive an error (blue screen) in the Windows installation


I make the image several times but it's the same.

I use Vmware 5.5....

Any help???


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AD support?


I am not sure what caused this, was this made with nlite rc8 or rc7?

try remaking the cd, from a clean source too.

if none of this helps, please let me know.

also, if the bluescreen, appeared in vmware, after running shrinkdown.exe , that is perfectly normal, due to the fact, that actually video drivers being installed, would fix that error.

also, if you can attach, your last_session.ini , dont include the last_session_u.ini.

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yes, under the start menu. for under shrink mode.

there is directories where you get to select patches, one of these is winamp

if you dont see this, let me know, and I'll update the patch section, with every patch that was supposed to appear in beta 2.5 so users who get errors, will be able to use currently supported programs anyway.

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