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[How-to] MicrowinX Project

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teqguy, there are a lot of people who will disagree with you on defragging drives. i don't. i stopped years ago when is switched from win9x. with the small amount of active files microwinx has i can't see anyone ever needing to defrag.

Posted (edited)

@everyone if you are looking for support, you can download trillian or AIM and make an account, and add gdoggNAS , this will allow you to talk directly, with me , I will provide support, and patches to any of your requests, as fast as I can.

@teqguy dont bother posting anymore. I will not respond to propiganda posts anymore. Either you make virus' and are upset or your going through your own problems, off the computer, and are tryin to take it out on microwinX.

@everyone else

Once again sorry, teqguy sure likes to says lots of things, without once once of evidence. Everything he has posted, is propiganda trying to discredit microwinX for what it "has" accoplished, and what it will accomplish.

if your are wondering where the proof is for microwinX, you can get it, its microwinX, it is all the proof you need.

I have many users of microwinX, not the ones who have downloaded it, but friends of mine, who all love microwinX. Not just because of the speed, the performance increase, and the virus immunity, but because they havn't had to format in months, when just letting there system sit there with sygate free firewall, would normal cause an unusable windows box over time.

urban dictionary meaning of propiganda

2. propaganda

1.The spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person.

6. propaganda

Lies and fabricated information designed to sway the opinions of people in a desired direction. Specifically designed for the dumb, poorly-educated majority of the targeted population.

Third World countries are highly susceptible to propaganda because most of the people are poor and uneducated.

as you can see from what definition 6 says. You wont be swaying many if anyway microwinX users your way, since they are msfn users, i'd have to assume they arn't gonna fall for your propiganda.

teqguy, if your posts dont stay on topic. Which would be, asking for support, asking for addition feature under microwinX, or giving back to the project, I will have to report you for spaming the thread.

Edited by gdogg
teqguy, there are a lot of people who will disagree with you on defragging drives. i don't. i stopped years ago when is switched from win9x. with the small amount of active files microwinx has i can't see anyone ever needing to defrag.

That's a shame, considering that NTFS still manages to(albeit in fewer occurrences) propagate defragmentation.

Thus, it continues to be important that you defragment your drive regularly.

This comes straight from the horse's mouth:

"...the NTFS is still subject to fragmentation. Unlike memory, if parts of files are stored in different physical locations on the hard disk, it takes longer to read the file. Unfortunately, Microsoft has not provided any defragmentation software for Windows NT, which is available in abundance for Windows 95/98."

Source: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/archive/w...n.mspx?mfr=true

"NTFS Does Get Fragmented

The Windows NTFS File System Driver uses a special file called the Master File Table (MFT) to track all files on that volume. The MFT starts out with some free space to allow new files to be tracked, but on a very busy system it too can run out of space. At this point NTFS extends the MFT itself, creating new stretches of it for new allocations. This situation is precipitated most often by fragmentation in the file system itself, as file system fragments consume entries in the MFT. If these new stretches are not contiguous, the MFT itself becomes fragmented."

Source: http://www.execsoft.com/whats-new/whitepap...p#_Toc463769973

And finally, this last one comes from Raxco, makers of Perfect Disk. While I do believe one of their motives for providing such a writeup is to sell a product, a lot of the information they provide is factual and substantiates my case:

(careful, PDF): http://www.raxco.com/products/perfectdisk2...gmentation'

Now, as far as you're concerned, gdogg, as I stressed wholeheartedly in my first post, I am absolutely not trying to rock the boat here.

However, the fact alone that you have not answered a single one of my questions with a dignified response(which I believe both I and the MSFN community are entitled to), and in addition have gone as far as to say I'm simply trying to spread some persuasion of discontent at either MwinX or you is simply unacceptable for someone of your recent regard.

I would not bother conducting myself in a manner as such if I was simply looking to bash you or your project. I would, instead, insult you, proceed to call you names, and create numerous threads on various forums of how much of a fraud you are and how horrible your project is.

Do you see any of that? Are you able to find one Google entry related to such a thing?

Furthermore, I would not have the persistence and the patience to post in the fashion that I do if I did not want to get my opinion across in a manner that would be open for discussion.... rather than having someone, such as yourself, try to discredit me simply on the basis that I do not share your views on particular matters. To go as far as to threaten me for simply speaking my mind is not at all what this or any forum is about... unless of course the forum is that of fascists.

To restate my original point (with hope that you will actually take the time to read it, instead of glossing it over with the simple fact that I'm not in entire agreement with you), I don't disagree that starting from as few system files as possible and adding back as necessary is the right way to go.... because it is. My disagreement lies simply in where you add these files back to. I even went as far as to present my own solution to the security issue, but you must've skipped over that part too.

Posted (edited)

you dont understand, letting windows know where .dll's are kept, allows virus' to use them, along with the rest of the system.

destroying the virus immunity as I stated before, which would be pointless.

if you read that, you wouldn't of continued posting about it.

Your not helping the project, you havnt' spent the time on the project I have, and you havn't done anything but tell me, I should be doing it your way, because you think it will work better.

and yes all your doing is spamming this thread, with your views, and spreading propiganda.

and if you didn't think about this yet, you asking me to post, proof, is an attack on microwinX, since it proves it all on its own, if you tested it, and an attack on me. Calling me a lier, and sayin my word means nothing.

and no I never said, defragmenting isn't needed, I said, that for 1 year, I didn't need to defragment the drive, because the only fragmented files, after the first initial defragment, was firefox cache folder and the pagefile.

and if you cared, how am I supposed to post dignantly, when I am here, suffering from an ear infection, on penisilian, naperson, and perkisets (oxycodone, otherwise known as an oxy-cotton derrivitive), trying to deal with the pain, and at the same time, your posts most of which I dont remember by the time I goto respond from being excessivly drugged and the sheer size of your posts. Honestly, I dont even know what you mean by dignantly, cause I thought my posts were fine and explained to you why it couldn't work, but you kept going on and on about the same things, bringing in new therory's, that if you tested you'd know wern't true about memory usage and so on.

and packing boxes, getting ready to move out, this saturday, my first time away from home (my parents) trying to support microwinX users the best I can, cause I wont have internet access for a week or more, and will be unable to help users for that time.

If you would like to further discuss your thoughs, ignoring the manner in which I am speaking, since I am not aware of if its not a good one right now (I figure in a week or two, I will look at them and see what you mean when im off the medication)

please contact me on aol instant messenger, my user name is gdoggNAS (everyone feel free to message me on AIM)

or send me a PM with any other instant message tool you'd like to use, with your username.

I would like to stop these posts in this thread now, as its just gonna bring lots of confusion to some users.

Edited by gdogg
Posted (edited)

I addressed two topics in my post, one being the fact that multiple identical dlls are being stored on the drive unnecessarily, and two being the fact that, because this is solely your project, you are sole proprietor and thus the only one who's actually making any contribution to it.

As far as the system directory is concerned, I did not declare your method invalid... I simply stated that there are more elegant solutions that don't require the dlls and system executables to be ostracized from the system directory.

Upon writing this, I can think of several ways this can be accomplished:

1) Using the EWF loader to mount those directories as read only, unmounting them whenever changes need to be made.

2) Running Windows in some sort of sandbox(Sandboxie on a larger scale comes to mind).

3) Having a system profile in which the system and user are allowed administrative access to the Windows partition, and a user partition in which the system and user are allowed solely read-only access to the Windows directory, including restricting the user from making registry modifications, etc, etc, etc.

Any of these solutions would reduce the amount of overhead, while adhering to your original guidelines.

Now, as far as my second statement is concerned...... I believe that projects get more accomplished when the average user is either able to contribute to it and/or allowed to tailor it to their specific needs. Currently, MicrowinX does not satisfy this idealistic approach, because users come to you for help instead of fixing problems on their own. Granted, I know that not everyone is as knowledegable as we'd all like them to be, but at the same time, if other users were able to make customizations more easily, they would be able to help out those who are still in the dark. Look at how far nLite has progressed on this model. And if you notice, nuhi still retains control over the project... he's just given users the building blocks to make the application their own.

This suggestion comes from the observation that this project appears to be weighing you down, and is one that I believe would be in your best interest to consider.

Edited by teqguy
Posted (edited)

yes beta 3.0, was the release that planned to bring more to microwinX, better guides, more explainitory website, and so on.

beta 2.5 was released, to give users, a head start, in what is in store for them.

Beta 3.0 will bring more choice too, and I am not the sole developer of microwinX, i do have help, spazmire11, he made the addon pack, and the UI you see in as default in microwinX now.

pretty much, hes got a secret in store for users. which will be in beta 3.0.

hes a great asset, and if others gain my trust like he has, they can help develop alongside with us.

If you would like to further discuss your idea, AIM will work better. Thanks.

----------------------------------edited the 26th -------------------------------

tommarrow I move out, I dont know when I will have internet access again.

two week should be the most amount of time it would take.

but knowing me, I will have internet again right after the weekend.

The 29th.

Well inet is great. Beta 3.0 will be out this month some time. any support requests will be answered in beta 3.0 in the majority of cases.

Edited by gdogg
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

then see you when you come back. week ago i graduated so i have A LOT of free time so, when everything will be ready with the 3.0 beta version i gladly help. and it can be that i'll have some new computer which is good news for me :) something says me that i'll take today my fathers notebook, delete my personal nlited xp system on it (2 systems are there - ME(father's) and XP(mine)) simply to keep trying mX everywhere.. and maybe my brother brings another notebook home too.. :) did i say that i like doing installs? :D

edit: hey, and i GLADLY help.. if there's something.. just say :) i am in a helping mood ;)

Edited by vampiriq

sure, if you think you can contibute in any way to beta 3.0 ill let any user do that.

from making software patches to anything this will help it become an easier effort for everyone.

im contributing what I showed. if users can add to that for beta 3, it will be more easy for everyone.

If you have an idea, it can be explored, I will be adding explorer support can for all users who prefer the windows classic and themed ui's.

thanks everyone

Posted (edited)

yes it is possible. the volume does not matter.

as long as

Documents and Settings


Program Files

are on the system drive and those names.

windows directory can be renamed.

Edited by gdogg


I've a problem adding an Harddisk

I've installed microwinx in the hdd0.

Now, I want to add another hard disk (where I have all my games installed).

The problems is that I see the disk in the "Device Manager", but not in the explorer/mypc/filemanager.

I think that the "hardware" step is ok... and the only problem is how to assign a Drive letter to the disk.

I tried to make this with the "Disk Management" service, but doen't exists in microwinx

Any idea?



try getting the disk managment file from another computer, but it may still not work b/c i dont think the plugins for it are there. one way of solving this issue would be to just reinstall microwinx. another way would be that if u had a partition manager like partionexpert or partionmagic.

Posted (edited)

@gczobel if your in shrinkdown mode, your gonna have to go back to normal mode, by restoring everything in \lastgood\ to \windows\ of that microwinX install

this will allow you to shrinkdown again and get back to that mode, with the drives working.

even exfs drives work in microwinX mode, when using the exfs win32 driver.

ill give you back floppy in beta 3.0 too, you could try leaving it in nlite, that might just do the trick.


thanks for helping him out with that :D

Edited by gdogg


Install a new hard disk is possible (I used Acronis Disk Director).

But, for Dynamic disk, I need to use the Diskpart.exe

I tried with several tools but no one can mount a foreign disk set.

Is possible to add/import Diskpart to microwinx?


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